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Posts posted by prez

  1. Question:

    Can a Lantern only hold one loyalty to a ring at a time, or can certain types of compatible rings make someone a dual-wielder?

    Also, if, for whatever reason, someone was switched from one ring to the other really quickly, would it have any detrimental effects on their person?

    Those are things that haven't been revealed yet.

  2. Looking at that chin and those lips, I really don't think it's Dick. He just... doesn't have that cut to his jaw. Granted, it's one picture.

    Plus, all Quietly's faces look like giant blobs of clay in profile, so...

    Easy mister, you've already insulted Bob the HYDRA Agent and Quitely in one day...mind your tongue! :laugh:

    Sorry, sorry.

  3. Secret Warriors #2 - I'm not sure if this needs spoiler tagged or what, but

    SHIELD WAS A SECRET BRANCH OF HYDRA!?!!!!? It was cool to see all the Hydra head honchos, and Strucker was his usual badass self. (Though how many times has he died now? Damn.)

    It's a cool book, with both new heroes and Nick Fury's usual kickassness. Still, I'm hesitant about

    the resurrection of The Gorgon. It always seemed to me that the Wolvie guys wrote themselves into a corner with him, having created a guy who was unbeatable except by bullshit stolen from Greek myth.

    Deadpool #8 - I love Deadpool but I always hated Bob the HYDRA agent. Dumb character to me. Deadpool vs. The Thunderbolts? I thought they were the Dark Avengers now? Deadpool should totally be an Avenger.

  4. Did anyone read Vertigo's "American Virgin"? It ended about a year ago. I blew through the whole series pretty quickly and was really impressed. I knew that it was canceled early, but I wasn't prepared for the total shit pile of an ending. If your book is cancelled early, be mad; but don't blow it off in a way that will totally destroy your faithful readers.

  5. No hate post, but I'm comfortable with the fact that I'll never have to read your opinion again. Thanks!

    ..........Your welcome.

    Seriously, it's just my opinion about on this graphic novel, and I know I must be in the minority on this(Where the hell are you Toland!) but I just didn't enjoy the Dark Knight returns.

    I was only kidding. I'd hate for Dubs to go all goth on me. Hi Dubs!

  6. Tekik: It. Is. An. Honor. To. Carry. Your. Ring.

    Sinestro: Yes. I know.

    Sinestro: Look at that, Jordan. Another broken promise.

    Seriously, besides Darkseid, who's a bigger badass in the DCU than Sinestro?

    Yeah, I'll go with that. Sinestro is fucking awesome. You know what? He's Ben on "Lost."

  7. The problem is that any casual fan has precisely ZERO CHANCE of understanding how this all fits together and what it means. This is the single LEAST marketable big event in comics history. Secret Invasion isn't perfect but I didn't need to know the entire history of the Marvel Universe and 37 alternate ones to understand it. Heroes vs Aliens! Its fucking simple, that's why they ran mainstream media spots to highlight it! Final Crisis does NOTHING to grow the industry, in fact it dramatically affects the affection that many neophyte DC fans may have had for the product. "Oh look, a DC comic, I like the films so maybe I'll like this" picks up the book "I can't understand a single bit of what is going on here" puts comic down.


  8. Whether it makes sense or not though I think we can all agree

    Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew showing up at the end

    was awesome.

    Really? Honestly? You didn't think that was the most random thing that could've ever happened?

    I'm kinda with Stavros on this one. I'm just not getting how this was a good series. At all. I guess I obviously have different taste than you guys.

    How is it random when there was a tie in issue with those characters?

    Yeah, but what if you didn't read that issue? I didn't and I thought it was insane to have them there.

  9. I don't understand how "Final Crisis" leaving us with more questions than answers is a good thing, but I won't complain about it here. "Final Crisis: Revelations #5" was a flaming piece of shit. And I'm tired of Renee as the Question because she's been shoe-horned into this weird character that is nothing like her established character.

    Of all the stuff I've read lately, the best thing is the recent "Green Lantern" arc. #37 was, indeed, fucking awesome.

    Anyone else staying up with "Wolverine Origins"?

  10. Whether it makes sense or not though I think we can all agree

    Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew showing up at the end

    was awesome.

    Really? Honestly? You didn't think that was the most random thing that could've ever happened?

    I'm kinda with Stavros on this one. I'm just not getting how this was a good series. At all. I guess I obviously have different taste than you guys.

  11. I forgot about the Thing's death. And Iron Man. And I wasn't thinking of Thor as 'dead' - just away somewhere.

    So maybe forget what I said about the deaths part.



    Shut up, Preston!

  12. As for the deaths, it is true that Marvel is the king of killing people and bringing them back. But it seems to me that until this year, with Cap, they've mostly stayed away from the iconic characters. Meanwhile, DC has killed every one of their major characters now.

    No, but they clone them. What's the point? Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, there's hardly an X-Man who hasn't died and other than Spidey, there aren't any bigger guns than the X-Men. The whole team died at one point.

    As far as death goes in the Marvel U, they prefer their deaths to affect their heroes rather than have their heroes die. They like the girl in the fridge theory.

    I wasn't really counting the X-Men. Honestly, that book is so screwed up I can't even fathom it. Maybe I'm old school, but to me the Marvel big guns are the original Avengers, the FF and Spidey. FF killed Reed forever ago, and the Avengers killed B-listers (and I'm counting Jan in that), but other than that the big guys are usually let alone.

  13. Maybe I worded that badly.

    It's certainly true that Marvel is the one that hop-scotches from big event to big event. What bothers me about the DC events is that you can't understand what's going on unless you read every related book. DC hasn't had an event since Infinite Crisis? Dude, seriously? "Countdown," "One Year Later" and "52" weren't events? "Death of the New Gods"? "Salvation Run"? All DC is these days is inter-locking events and endless plotlines.

    The difference with Marvel is that their big events can (usually) be contained in one series and you can read other books if you choose. I read only "Secret Invasion" yet I never felt lost in the story. "Civil War" was a bit worse, but I still followed the plot easily. Maybe that's just my reading.

    As for the deaths, it is true that Marvel is the king of killing people and bringing them back. But it seems to me that until this year, with Cap, they've mostly stayed away from the iconic characters. Meanwhile, DC has killed every one of their major characters now.

  14. As someone who reads all comics long after publishing date now, I have been trying very hard to keep up with Final Crisis and Secret Invasion.

    I thought Secret Invasion was dope, although leaving open-ended plotlines after a huge event pisses me off to no end. Final Crisis, though... I just don't get it. I've made no secret on other boards of my Morrison hate, but I just can't fathom everything that's going on with this event. So everything is changed... until the next event?

    I can't keep up with DC's crossovers and LIFE-CHANGING FOREVER events. What used to be my favorite company is now really tiresome to keep up with. Do I like some of the Final Crisis things? Hell yes. Do I fucking hate some of the Final Crisis things? Hell yes.

    I just dislike when writers feel the need to kill a long-standing character with a huge fanbase in order to move the story along. Is death the only plot anymore? That's creatively the best we can do? So now we've lost Beetle, J'onn, Bats and how many other people? And then fan demand will make the company bring them back in a year and a half.

    Notice how little the mainstream media paid attention to this huge 'death.' They've given up on DC deaths, because they don't mean anything. Meanwhile, Marvel rules the box office and gets big layouts in USA Today for comics events.

  15. Alan Moore is probably my favorite writer of all time, but he doesn't measure up to Dark Knight Returns. Killing Joke felt like just another Batman story, just with a little more permanent of a repercussion. TDKR was a phenomenon and shaped the entire comic scene for the rest of the 80s and most of the 90s.


    I agree with that 100%. DKR gets my vote easy.