Fat DJ

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Posts posted by Fat DJ

  1. Ok, so I was reading Ultimate X Men, and Juggernaut and Sabretooth were working together, and Sabretooth said something along the lines of "Tell me what to do again, and I'll have your ears on my victory necklace". To that, I went "What the hell?"

    I don't think that in a straight up, single unarmed fight, Sabretooth could take Juggernaut. Really, I would see Juggernaut sending Sabretooth into orbit, and having Sabretooth suffocate before he burns up on re-entry. But tell me what you think. Juggy's wearing his skull cap, and Sabretooth has his adamantium claws. (All 4 of them, of course he isn't a Wolverine ripoff! :P )

  2. Didn't Galactus' skull land in the middle of NYC in an issue of FF about two years ago?  If so, doesn't that mean he's dead (or, at the very least, can die)?  Then again, he's coming back and is looking for a new herald, so maybe it wasn't his skull after all.

    DJ said in his Quiver review, and will continue to repeat it until everyone understands:

    Comic book characters never die. Well, scratch that, they constantly die. It's staying dead that's always tricky for these characters. Whether science enables one to reanimate themselves; or by divine actions; or by the actions of an incredible, superpowered being, comic book characters almost always find a way to cheat the Reaper of his raison d'etre.

  3. Not only will come nowhere near the $100 million budget, but it's still shy of the $35 million it cost to market this heap. I truly hope Warner Bros. has learned something from this, and scraps Constantine before its February release, and asks that another, better studio make the film.


  4. With all of the killing that will go on in this movie, I fail to see how this could be bad. Unless they don't show the killing, like when Anakin went apeshit on the sand people in the last movie. I thought it maight be on the DVD as bonus content, but no.

    In closing, Lucas won't show any of the actual killing. I hate you, Lucas, you fat idiot.

  5. We'll pretend it's the same thing as from the Daredevil movie. Daredevil is chasing after Bullseye, who is sent to kill (for whatever reason, you make one up) Mary Jane. Peter Parker and Mary Jane are enjoying a ride in a limosine, after some swanky party. Bullseye kills the driver, and an explosion ensues. Daredevil falls, and Bullseye uses Daredevils baton to impale Mary Jane, and then runs away. Parker never sees Bullseye, and only sees Dardevil lying on the ground, with his baton lodged in MJ's chest.

    Daredevil manages to escape the immediate fight, because Parker stays with Mary Jane, to get her to hospital. She lives, but she's in the ICU for a while. Spiderman then takes to the rooftops of New York, looking for Daredevil, to exact his revenge.

  6. Ok, so Nick Fury and the boys at SHIELD are up to some zany nonsense again. This time, they're actively trying to get the Super Soldier formula out of the Cat-presumably to make more Super Soldiers. The Cat somehow manages to escape from SHIELD headquarters, and runs into the Punisher. While cordial with him, he manages to steal something from him, which pisses the Punisher off. So the Punisher kills the Cat.

    Enraged, Nick Fury descends to Earth to take on the Punisher, but for some reason, looks to go it alone. Both are superb hand to hand fighters, and both have access to an incredible arsenal of weaponry-and know how to use it.

    Who lives?

  7. Alrighty, so Galactus is supposedly older than time itself, and the single most powerful being in the universe. But Spectre is the Angel of Death. I don't really think it matters where they are and why they are angry enough at eachother to fight. I also don't think it matters which Spectre you use.

    Now, Spectre can almost certainly kill anyone he wants, but can Galactus be killed?

  8. Good point. I think I'm actually going to put all five (home, forums, archive, wallpaper, and contact) at the top and none at the bottom.

    I don't think contact is nescassary at the top. I mean, you've got the blurb on the news thing.

    You could also make it so that the names on the articles are links to a profile of each of the writers. Nothing complicated, say, their favorite comic, contact info, and what they contribute to the site. Then you could add a little "staff" section, just so a reader could learn about the writers, and whether they should hold their opinion in high regard. (Like, if James were to write something about how Green Lantern sucks (I'm just using James as an example) then we could look at it and go "Oh, he likes Batman and Manga, we obviously have different tastes")