Fat DJ

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Posts posted by Fat DJ

  1. They didn't have the Daredevil book you said, and I didn't want to risk getting into any of the other Daredevil books, as I know there's a lot of love storylines and stuff that would be hard to understand. The guy at my comics shop is a dick, so I didn't want to bug him.

    I picked up Tower of Babel and Origins for Wolverine, though. I'll probably order the Daredevil books off of Amazon next week. Or go get Hush and another Batman book I saw, I forget the name, but Batman, Green Arrow and Lantern are figuring prominently in it, so it could only be good.

  2. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (Frank Miller, John Romita, Jr.), all of the Brian Michael Bendis Daredevil TPBs, and Powers.

    Ok, there's Daredevil and Legends of Daredevil, both are supposedly 5-star books. Would one be better than the other to get into the swing of things as far as Daredevil goes? (Price is no issue, one's $14 and one's $17.)

  3. Well, it's too late now, but I can fill you in now. The Justice Leaguers will often take potshots at Batman and eachother that had me laughing a couple times. Like, Flash was talking about how Batman uses too many big words, and there's a couple dirty jokes that Oliver Queen fires off.

    Give it a look, Yoda. It's really good, well, it's the title that got me back in comics.

  4. Mainpage for you lazy kids.

    Anyway, I know Things are usually slow going on Earth-2's mainpage normally, but we're trying to update often. Anyway, I've been reviewing a lot of stuff, and expect to have daily updates (or maybe every 2 days, depending on how work goes) up for at least a little while.

    What I'd like is for this thread is sort of a "quick reply" or to reply in general to something. If you want to comment on a certain article, feel free to start a new thread, but if you want to tell someone something about their writing style, or are just too damn lazy to start your own thread, do it here.

    Also, I think (if it's OK with Yoda) I'll post in this thread when someone puts a new article up on the mainpage. I'll show you what I mean.

    DJ has reviewed the Death and Life of Superman, check it out

    DJ reviewed Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver Surfer, go have a look

    Anyway, if Yoda says it's OK, I'll do the same for everyone who posts on the mainpage, and post alerts as to when there is new content on the mainpage in this thread.

  5. I've got about $20-$50 to buy some comics tommorow (and probably next thursday, too). Anyway, I like comics that are all in one book-you know, like when they release six (or however many) issues into one magazine, so I can read the whole story.

    So I haven't read a lot of comics for a while, but I'm getting back into them in a hurry. I want to stick with DC and Marvel comics for now. I like most of the JLA characters (together and seperate), X Men (I want to pick up the alternate reality story arc eventually. where professor X is killed, and also the arc that involves Onslaught. Can someone name those?) , and Spiderman. (Especially stories about the symbiotes.)

    As far as stories go, so far Kevin Smith has proven to be one of my favorite writers. (Chasing Amy still sucks, though). Artists are really a non-issue, as I have no real preferences. If you guys could suggest some more modern stories, that someone who isn't really familiar with all of the obscure comic history could read and enjoy, I'd be very appreciative. (I know a fair bit about the famous characters, but not tons.)

  6. I think he uses a mixture of pencils and computer. I've seen some of his earlier work, and it was clearly computer models. So that might explain his speed. Another thing to keep in mind is that this is a mini, so Marvel might have given him enough lead time get it done before solicitation.

    Either way, $10 says the inkers and colorers want to kill him.

  7. Catwoman wasn't that good of a character to begin with-possibly the weakest Batman villain. Like Venom, turning her into a hero(ine) was a terrible, terrible idea.

    Pfeifer did a good job of making her stand out in the old movie, but Halle Berry won't be able to do the same job Pfeifer did. Furthermore, it looks like even the stuido didn't put much effort into the film, judging by the terrible CG scenes. (In the previews. And really, previews schowcase the best parts of the film, and if those are the best...ugh)

  8. chipmunks.jpg

    Simon is sleeping with Alvin's Chipmunkette girlfriend, and used Theodore's peanut butter in some sort of terrible sexual related act. Dave thinks that Alvin used Theodore's peanut butter, and tells him so.

    Theodore, spurned forward by the loss of his peanut butter goes forth to avenge his loss. Alvin seeks reperations, payable in blood, for the loss of his girlfriend. Simon looks only to survive.

    Of course, this is a fight to the death.


    Seriously, if they did something like the old "Maximum Carnage" where you could play as Spiderman or Venom, and Venom could kill the streetpeople, it would easily be the best game of all time ever.

  10. My buddy and I were talking, and we just wrote Spiderman 3-5 rather masterfully.

    #3-you have Hobgoblin Harry as the villain. Spiderman stops him, Harry goes to jail. Kill MJ too, as Kirsten Dunst doesn't want to do past movie #3. Hobgoblin killing her would work nicely, as Harry is bitter and pissed at Parker and Spiderman. Introduce Eddie Brock, make it clear he hates Spiderman. Have John Jameson go to the moon, and crash land on Earth (with symbiote) at the end of the movie.

    #4. Have Spiderman start wearing the symbiote suit. Doc Connors decides to heal himself, and becomes the Lizard. (Mysterio and Shocker are lame). Introduce Felicia Hardy as Parker AND Spiderman's love interest, and have her unaware they are the same person. Then have Parker AND Spiderman fall in love with the Black Cat, to complicate things to a comical extent. Maybe do Morbius, too. Depends on whether or not you want to make the Lizard a cakewalk or a bad ass villain. At the end of #4, Spidey loses the symbiote.


    This one is pretty easy. You have Spiderman/Black Cat vs. Venom, and Venom whoops the fuck out of them both. Have both good guy superheroes (Black Cat and Spiderman) somehow reveal their secret identities to eachother, complete love story, defeat Venom, and everyone goes home happy.

    Fire Sam Raimi and his cheesy movie shit, too. I hated that. "Spiderman can't shoot webs because his love life is in dissarray!" Fuck you, Sam Raimi. Other than that, Spiderman 2 was awesome, and I've been ranting about how awesome it was to anyone who will listen.