James D.

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Posts posted by James D.

  1. Okay, so Kotaku posted leaked screenshots of potentially the entire roster (minus DLC characters) for the next game. Among the characters shown that have not been revealed yet:

    • Shulk from Xenoblade
    • Bowser, Jr.
    • Ness
    • R.O.B.


    None of this has been confirmed by Nintendo, but it's pretty clear there. Also, this is Kotaku and the author of this particular article didn't run the story until he saw video evidence of it.

  2. Some random thoughts and questions:

    Are the Infinity Stones all more or less the same? The purple Infinity stone and the (assumedly) blue stone (Tesseract) did basically the same thing--caused massive destruction and vaporized almost anyone who touched them. The red "stone" from Thor 2 took control of minds, but it was basically an object of destruction. I do hope this universe's Infinity Stones/Gems have more depth to them than just OMG EXPLOSION YOU'RE ANNIHILATED. I want them to all have a unique purpose--mind, soul, power, space, reality and time.

    Speaking of the red stone, what happened to it now that the Collector's pad was destroyed? (Though I will admit I'd mark the fuck out if Howard the Duck got a hold of it...)

    Also, does Loki now possess the Tesseract since he assumedly killed Odin?

  3. Holy shit, what an awesome movie!

    I'll be honest--I think the thing I liked the most about it (and this is going to sound incredibly weird considering the characters involved) is that all of it felt totally natural and not contrived. The dialogue flowed perfectly and sounded exactly how a group of friends who bust each other's balls (or ovaries?) would talk. Whoever the scriptwriter was gets an A+ from me.

    Yeah, I'd readily see it again.