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Posts posted by tglancy

  1. As was announced by special panel guest Kevin Smith himself at today’s DC Nation panel at San Diego Comic-Con, the filmmaker and occasional comic book writer will be coming to DC Comics starting in November.

    The three issue miniseries will re-introduce the unique villain (and flashback to English class), Onomatopoeia, who first saw life in a two-part story in Smith’s Green Arrow run (issues #12-#13). The character is largely a mystery, and has had only very minor appearances since Smith’s original story. What is known about Onomatopoeia could fill a thimble – he can perfectly imitate the sounds around him, may have some super-human abilities, rarely, if ever speaks, and is deadly with many kinds of weapons. He nearly killed Connor Hawke during his first appearance.

    As for the character’s origins, Smith related the idea behind the character in a 2007 interview, saying: “When I did Green Arrow, I went with Onomatopoeia for a villain, just because I loved that word, and it kind of formed the character inasmuch as he would say sounds out loud. It only kind of works – I think – on a comic book page because if you have a gun going off, they usually write BLAM! and then you can have, you know, the character saying “BLAM!” in a word balloon, but like if you tried to do that cinematically you can’t really rock it. A gun in a film sounds completely different. It doesn’t read as BLAM! and so to have a dude say BLAM! after a true gunshot, all these people would be like ‘he’s just retarded’. I think it works great in print and on a comic book page. I don’t think that character would translate very well outside of that.”

    While the announcement of the three issue miniseries due to start in November may have caused some in attendance to roll their eyes, given the notorious lateness (and unfinished nature) of some of Smith’s previous comic work, Didio told Newsarama: “The best part of it all - we have scripts in hand! The story’s already being drawn by Kevin’s feature collaborator, Walter.

    “We never really used the character after Green Arrow, because we felt it was so unique to Kevin,” DiDio continued. “So when he called and said he wanted to do a story that featured Batman and Onomatopoeia, we couldn’t resist but to go ahead with this. It’s a really good Batman story, and will be coming out at a time when people’s attention will really be focused on the character.”

    Can't wait for the first issue to come out and for 2 and 3 to NEVER come out. Should be good.

  2. I hate Anime. Despise it.

    But I fucking love Cowboy Bebop. One of the best western stories of modern times. It's about redemption, loyalty, love, revenge, it has everything a good western should, it just so happens to be set in space! Just fucking amazing. A movie that manages to stay true to the roots would be EPIC.

  3. Wait a minute. We are talking about a game series that involves people ripping the head and spine off of other people, throwing ice at someone to freeze them, turning opponents into babies, ninjas, lightning gods, four armed creatures, shape shifters, half horse half human creatures, skeleton faced ninjas, and Baraka, but for some reason Superman being in the game is to much for you to wrap your head around?

    Only on the internet.

  4. Yeah. There haven't even been any other RIP tie ins released yet. If you can, logically, explain what the fuck is going on in part 3 here, you are a better person than I. There were a ton of things in part 2 not followed up on in part 3, and the story just jumps all over the place. I've been high on DC lately, and I really enjoyed The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul, but this plain sucks.

  5. This is irrational, and will never happen, but there are three characters that I think need to be in the next movie. They are the three characters that got me to break my ASM embargo a few weeks ago. Three of the longest tenured Spidey Villains out there, and three guys that would translate GREAT to film if done right.



    Fancy Dan

    That's right, the Enforcers. I have always loved these guys. Fancy Dan is this great fighter, Ox is crazy strong, and Montana is sadistic and a great leader. You could tweak it a little and give Ox super strength, or even turn Montana into Shocker like the cartoon, and make Dan Scorpion and Ox could be made into Rhino, or they could just be three bad ass criminals. Or, you bring Kingpin in and they are his muscle.


  6. Going to the comic book store and not seeing all his tremendous covers is going to be a really hard thing the first time it hits me. I've never gone out of my way to buy a certain cover over another, but I would always make sure to grab the Mike Turner cover if one was available.

    And I fucking hate that no one can find a cure to cancer. Every year way to many great people die due to this fucking disease, yet we spend billions of dollars on war, and energy, and all this other shit that is fucking pointless.

    Irrational rant, I know, but I am so fucking tired of hearing about people I love, like my aunt, or people I respect in their fields, like Turner, dying of fucking cancer. Enough is enough.

  7. Well tell the rest of the world they can fuck off if they can't separate a fictional movie based on characters that have been around for 24 years from the real world. And fuck

    Snake Eyes being French.

    Fuck it in the ass.

    I never understood why people can't separate fact from fiction. And it might not be a big deal for you, but speaking as someone who is a die hard G.I. Joe fan, it's a big fucking deal to me.

  8. Lock Scarecrow away. And Two Face. And Joker. And whoever is in the next two. And then you make the fifth one Knightfall, with them all breaking out and Bane being behind it all. That's the only way I would really care about these Bat movies.

    Why the fuck do so many people love Knightfall and Bane so much ?

    I don't get it. Is it just a nostalgia thing?

    Because Batman lost. It's great that Batman is this super duper detective and is a great hero, but it gets REALLY old when he wins no matter what, every single time. DC has written themselves into a corner with Batman because he seemingly beats everyone and everything in front of him. In Knightfall, he got the shit kicked out of him, and when it looked like he might pull through, he got his back broken. That was some huge shit, especially for Batman.

  9. Not on topic of the movie, but I loved the end of issue three.

    I mean, honestly, I don't think there's ever been a line like "Okay you cunts, let's see what you can do." Especially considering who said it.

  10. Aside from Ra's, Riddler is the villain I would actually have the least interest in. At all. Oh look, it's a guy that leaves clues. Meh.

    Black Mask, a proper Bane, Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, the Penguin, Clayface, Catwoman, those are all characters I would have interest in. Let's do some of that.

  11. You know, the more I think about it, the more I get offended that someone picked this as an employee pick no matter what the reason. Someone is going to buy that and get turned off of comics forever.

  12. 100 Bullets Collections 1-3: Awesome stuff. Just a great, gritty as fuck book. The third book was tremendous.

    Walking Dead Vol 1: Pretty good, but the ending was a real "HOLY SHIT!" for me.

    And Summer and I hated Fables. HATED!

    USM 122 Greatness. If you don't like USM, I officially give up on you. As a person.