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Posts posted by elnino14

  1. X-factor vol. 6: Secret Invasion - Ah, now I see, this is where things turn to shit. I think almost everything tied into the secret invasion was really bad (except for Nick Fury gathering the Secret Warriors in the Mighty Avengers book, I really liked that), X-factor was no different. Here we get a three issue crossover with She-Hulk about the aforementioned Secret Invasion. The plot is basically a case of mistaken identity, and mistaken motivations. It's no fun and hardly memorable. The second half is a little bit better with David picking back up on old threads and basically taking a very sub-par story and making it work. One of the issues is that the story is based around a new character, Darwin, who we have absolutely no attachment to and given no reason to care about, David goes out of his way to develop that character in this story, but it still a hard sell that we're really not invested in. Meanwhile the story of Siryn's pregnancy, Rictor dealing with more loss, and Madrox dealing with the new status quo is what we're really interested in, and David sprinkles enough of that to make it worth a read. David also introduces another new character to the team Longshot, and he's mainly here for comedic effect, again not really worth the replacement but a better acquisition than Darwin I believe. Probably the main thing getting in the way is the absolutely terrible art from Larry Stroman plaguing this book, everything looks ugly, action scenes are hard to keep up with and nonsensical, characters don't look like they should, body frames are always changing, it's just UGLY and really dampens this book. He's gone after this volume, but seriously the damage may have already been done.

    X-factor vol. 7: Time and a Half - This volume redeems the book somewhat, Peter David's plotting and writing is back to form and the earlier issues in this volume are absolutely great work, the book drags a bit as it goes along but the first three issues are totally worth it. If you've been following the X-factor story, Peter David is really hitting the notes of his meta story in this book. Like I said the latter half of this volume isn't as good as the first half, but the first half really is worth it and the latter half starts a new saga for Peter David's team. I really like this volume...sure it's not as good overall as the earlier volumes, but the best work in this volume matches the best work in those volumes. Also we get an artist that's serviceable again to the story. I'm definitely going to give this a re-read in a week or so.

    Comic Books: 1

    TPBS: 5

    X-factor vol. 4, X-men: Messiah Complex, X-factor vol. 5-7, X-factor: Layla Miller

  2. He gave us two good movies and two over-grossing pieces of tripe.

    More like four good movies: Aliens, Terminator, Terminator 2, and True Lies. And though I've never seen all of it, a lot of people would toss The Abyss in there, too.

    Oh, I would toss The Abyss in there. It's my favorite Cameron movie.

    Haven't seen True Lies, though.

    And I liked Titanic. :*

    Don't be ashamed, I thought the second half of Titanic is absolutely awesome. Of course that's the part where almost everybody dies, but still. :evil:

  3. Yes DC has had better productions but not much better.

    Each one has had one hit, Wonder Woman and Hulk Vs.

    Yes, DC has had better than average productions, but not much better. Gotham Knight was a mixed bag, Green Lantern was uninspired. Public Enemies was blah. And I didn't like the old school one as much as others did.

    Marvel is the same way. Iron Man sucked, Dr. Strange was not that great. The two Ultimate Avengers movies were ok but had shitty villains and was afraid to pull out all the stops. And Next Avengers was basically a kids film.

    Both Planet Hulk and the newest DC one could be good. But you never know.

    I'm honestly surprised Marvel isn't doing another Iron Man feature considering the movie is coming out pretty soon. I definitely expect a Deadpool feature down the line to match up with the film, considering he stole the Hulk vs. Feature and that had Hulk, Wolverine, and Thor in it, and he outshined everybody.

  4. He gave us two good movies and two over-grossing pieces of tripe.

    More like four good movies: Aliens, Terminator, Terminator 2, and True Lies. And though I've never seen all of it, a lot of people would toss The Abyss in there, too.

    I wouldn't even toss True Lies in that list, stupid, fun movie, yes. But good, no way.

    In all honesty, I saw Avatar like the Abyss...I didn't like the Abyss, I though it was slow and boring but you could see he was playing the special effects, he took everything he learned and made one of the greatest action movies of all time. I think Avatar is going to be similar, it's going to have a split opinion, but his next film is going to take everything he learned from Avatar in terms of special effects and produce something even better. I liked Avatar, I didn't love it, but I did like it. It was a technical innovation and a fun, slightly hackneyed story.

    The Guy has made two of the greatest sequels of all time... I mean come on.

  5. I've been watching:

    Sam and Max the complete animated series - completely off the wall, very ADD-like, reminds me of Ren and Stimpy. I'm on episode 7 of 13, the charm is starting to wear off and the laughs are coming fewer and far between.


    A Better Tomorrow - John Woo's and Chow Yun Fat's first team up. I think I'm going to do a John Woo retrospective. But seriously, this is where the magic started. Fuck CGI-riddled action sequences! Very good movie...through and through.

    Should get back on the Dollhouse soon to finish out Season 1.

  6. Still catching up with X-factor...

    X-factor vol. 5: I heard a lot of things about how bad the series got after the Complex, and that's not a problem here in this volume, not at all. In fact, I think Peter David turns in some of his best work in this volume, specifically the first issue and the Quicksilver one-shot. I really liked this volume, David really puts the fact that the loss of team members, the team falling apart, and the losing of a sense of purpose as a low point in the teams history, plus they have to deal with Arcade, who represents hate just for the sake of it, it's a big cherry on top of everything, really. Excellent volume.

    X-factor: Layla Miller: Really great issue that puts a bit of a conclusion on Layla storyline. Some things are outlandish, yet we accept them because it's Layla Miller and she knows stuff. It's great to see Miller having an emotional moment/breakdown in this issue because generally we recognize her as the stone-faced individual. Excellent issue and I hope she comes back eventually but her departure is well worth it for the stories it brought in the main book during the Only Game in Town arc.

    Comic Books: 1

    TPBS: 3

    X-factor vol. 4, X-men: Messiah Complex, X-factor vol. 5, X-factor: Layla Miller

  7. Because 200 million dollars is about 180 million dollars too much to let someone do whatever they want to do in Hollywood.

    Personally, this is good news. Anything's better than another SM3

    I'm still of the opinion that the reason Spider-man 3 sucked was because Sony forced Raimi's hand to do Venom in the movie and it was something he really didn't want to do. I think Raimi could have done good work, his first 2 movies were pretty focused. Sony just doesn't like the classic characters.

    The only way this is going to be good if they follow the precedent set up in Ultimate Spider-man, but even so, does anybody REALLY want to see another origin story for Spider-man, I thought the origin Raimi had was quite excellent. I can't sit through another origin, especially when it's not necessary at all.

  8. The plan was to make one more, and then reboot the series.

    According to studio insiders, Sony was working on both Raimi’s Spider-Man 4 and the new origin story from James Vanderbilt, who wrote Zodiac. The original plan was to keep the Spider-Man gang together for one last film in 2011 before rebooting the series in 2012. When it became clear that Raimi would not be able to make the summer 2011 release date planned for Spider-Man 4, the studio opted to scrap Spider-Man 4 altogether, and focus solely on the series reboot.


    What gets me is that if they were going to reboot anyway, why not just let Raimi do whatever the fuck he wants? I mean why put all these restrictions on him or input stupid ideas (like a young female vulture, I have a feeling that's Sony and not Raimi). I mean I don't get it. You get one more Raimi Spidey, make lots of money, and then reboot and make lots of more money.

  9. Yes the Ultimate Spider-man trades are awesome and consistently good. Although you wouldn't want to pick it up at MSRP price considering there are 21 volumes. I would say read the first volume and if you like it, than pick up a lot from e-bay. You could get a good 15 tpbs of Ultimate Spider-man for around 60 bucks.

    I echo Koete's recomendation of vol. 7 and vol. 12, I never made it to too far beyond that though. I also particularly like the Carnage arc. But seriously if you can, read it from the beginning. It's very consistent and even the bad issues are better than anything in Amazing Spider-man, including the J. Michael Stracinsyki stuff, yeah I said it. His stuff was overrated. (Mind you, I did like his first arc or two but after that, blegh).

  10. First of, I'd suggest instocktrades.com...unless you have gift cards. I've never seen cheaper prices for new trades anywhere else. The only deals I've gotten better were from e-bay.

    Now onto the books that you're looking at:


    JLA: Tower of Babel - heard lots of good things about this one, not a bad choice

    Marvels - LOVE IT, it's awesome.

    Superman Red Son - I personally thought this was good but not great, but everybody else usually loves it, so you might too


    Batman Under the Hood (Both volumes)- never read it

    Green Arrow: Quiver - hated this, really hated this...thought it was long and boring, and I didn't really understand what was going on (I'm not very knowledgeable about the DC Universe though)


    Captain America: Winter Soldier Volume 2 - Maybe you should start with volume 1?

    Daredevil: Return of the King - Again, not sure why you picked this volume?, it's my favorite of the Brubaker run, but it's also a very transitiony volume, I'd say it's a pretty good place to start if you were going to continue forward from here, since it's the latest volume and sets up a new status quo, but it's a terrible place especially when you realize how awesome the stuff that Bendis wrote that came before it. I'd say pick up volume 4: Underboss, it's much better. If you're looking for just a one-off Daredevil story you should pick up Daredevil: Redemption, it's highly underrated and not steeped in a whole bunch of continuity.

    No, just no:

    Batman: the Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul - heard lots of terrible things, probably shouldn't keep it

  11. Trying to decide whether or not to pick up the Avengers/X-men: Utopia trade. On one hand I've been following the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers and generally like the X-men universe (really like X-factor, Whedon's and Morrison's X-men, the rest I leave it except for crossovers Messiah Complex and House of M), but on the other hand, I haven't heard good things about Fraction's work on Uncanny X-men and it's mainly written by him, I haven't been following the X-men team at all, also I heard Dark Avengers essentially take a back seat in the whole issue. Right now I'm leaning towards no.

  12. Continuing my read of David's X-factor...

    X-factor vol. 4: Heart of Ice - I really like this series, this volume takes a decidedly superhero team turn, it seems at this point David has fully made the transition from noir mystery book to more urban superhero book. Doesn't mean it's bad, it's still very solid and David juggles his characters and his meta-plot very well, never losing sight of either.

    Messiah Complex - This really didn't go over well with me on this re-read. It's still a big action blockbuster, but it's definitely less exciting than the last time I read it, I like the portrayal of Cyclops in this book, I like the formation of X-force (pissed that Rahne's going there though), I like anything to do with Layla Miller and Madrox's quest for information, but the art gets terrible at times with the cartoony manga style really not meshing well, it's also very hard to tell what going on at times especially near the end. The book is very much not new reader friendly, the characters really get lost in the big battles, and it's really dumb fun. The writers are all on the same page so the plot doesn't really feel all disjointed but didn't the X-factor volumes establish or bring about the theory that mutants born at birth aren't really mutants but a third species, yes it was dropped soon after, but that's the weirdest thing about it for me and the weirdest disjointment.

    Next up: The Layla Miller one shot that I had been looking for for a long time along with X-factor post Complex, vols. 5-7

    TPBS: 2

    X-factor vol. 4, X-men: Messiah Complex

  13. I didn't get a chance to do this in the other thread before it was locked. But man, I read a lot of stuff last year, a lot of high quality stuff too. Planetary 1-26 (mostly in trade), Miller's Bednis' and Brubaker's Daredevil, Ellis' Thunderbolts, JOKER, and Walking Dead. Mind you not all of it was the for the first time. But my absolute favorite has to be Y: The Last Man. But I found out that Daredevil is probably my favorite of the mainstream characters.

    What do I see in 2010, well probably a little less comic reading, we'll see. I've missed reading novels, to be honest, but comics are so much fun especially when I need something quick in between reading research articles all day for school, 1 issue here and there works very well. I'm hoping to read 100 Bullets in 2010 and generally more Vertigo overall, I really enjoyed the two series I read from that line (Preacher and Y: the Last Man). I'm also looking at reading more Brubaker stuff (I've got Criminal, Sleeper, Incognito, waiting for me, and am interested in a read of Iron Fist Omnibus, along with a re-read of his Captain America as I only got up to the death and never read past it, also I think I didn't really take my time with that Omnibus) along with Bendis' Alias' series waiting for me. As for rereads, I'm probably going to give Millar's Ultimates a re-read this year. We'll see. But first things first is finishing up David's X-factor.


    Total 2009 Tally.


    Comic books: 32

    Trade paperbacks: 115

    Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1, 2, and 3; The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power); Batman: Year One; Batman: The Long Halloween; Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories), vol. 2 (The Fourth Man), and vol. 3 (Leaving the 20th Century), Planetary Crossing Worlds (The Crossover specials); Planetary 19-26; Batman: The Man Who Laughs; Frank Miller's Daredevil: The Man Without Fear; RONIN; JOKER; Deadpool #1; Punisher Max vol. 1-4; Penance: Relentless; Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis vol 1-2; Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion, Astonishing X-men Hardcovers volume 1 and 2, Daredevil: Born Again, Y: The Last Man vol. 1-10, The incredible Hulk: Tempest Fugit, Marvels, Daredevil: Redemption, Daredevil: Yellow, Hard-boiled, Hulk: Dogs of War, Spider-man: India, R.I.P.D., Daredevil: Love Labors Lost, District X vol. 1, Walking Dead vol. 1-8, Deadpool vol. 1: Secret Invasion, Superman: Red Son, Batman and Son, Justice League International vol. 1, Bullseye's Greatest Hits, Marvel 1985, X-men Children of the Atom, The Dark Phoenix Saga, Batman: Hush vol 1-2, Batman: Nine Lives, Walking Dead vol. 9, 52 vol. 1-4, Batman: Gothic, X-men: God Loves Man Kills, Daredevil by Bendis vol 4-7 and vol 9-13, X-men: Mutant Genesis, Transmetropolitan vol. 1 (Back on the Street), Starman vol. 1-3, JLA vol. 1, Hunter Killer vol. 1, Starman vol. 4: Times Past, Daredevil by Brubaker Devil Inside and Out vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker Hell To Pay vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker: Cruel and Unusual and Lady Bullseye, Hulk by Bruce Jones HC vol. 1 and 2, District X vol. 2, X-factor Visionaries by Peter David vol. 1-4, Ultimate Iron Man vol. 1, Ultimate Human, Daredevil by Brubaker: Return of the King, Noir: A collection of crime comics, Last Hero Standing #1-5, Ultimate Nightmare #1-4, She-Hulk #1-12, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1-2, Sam and Twitch: Brian Michael Bendis Collection vol. 1, Thunderbolts: Bringing Down the House, Deapool/Thunderbolts: Dark Reign, Dark Avengers: Assemble, Ultimate Iron Man vol. II, Freakangels vol. 1-2, Madrox, X-factor vol. 1-3

  14. Ultimate Iron Man vol. II - At first glance, I liked this book, it had all the themes of the first book, the corporate intrigue, fleshing out of Tony's biogenetic background, and was just a continuation of the fun and unique take on the character. While this book was more of that, it just fell flat with me about half-way through. I stopped caring for some reason and the confrontation on the plane seemed like an eternity. I don't know what it was, maybe it's the "Twist!" or maybe it's just that I liked the origin story stuff cooped up in volume 1. But overall volume 2 just didn't do it for me.

    Freakangels vol. 1-2 - This is a compilation of Warren Ellis web-comic, since I absolutely despise reading comics online (I feel a lot is lost in the translation from page to screen and I feel this way about movies, tv shows, and any media really on the computer). So I picked these up. My goodness it's a interesting high-concept, it's just that it's painfully fucking slow paced. Two trades, and only 24 hours have passed. It feels like a lot of it is just nothing really happening and really nothing does happen, nothing much anyway, it's just building characters. The dialogue and the characters are fun and each one is unique in voice and tone, even though they all look alike, but it's just plot...like there is none and what is there is just not getting there fast enough. I like Warren Ellis more and more but this story isn't working for me.

    Madrox, X-factor vol. 1 - I'm rereading these books because I haven't kept up to speed with the events/ tpbs after the Messiah Complex. I absolutely gushed over these books before, and I do that now. I absolutely love this series, it's serious when it wants to be, it's funny when it wants to be, and it's got all the themes about identity that is absolutely great to relate to. I gushed over this in full length review in my blog. Probably my second favorite Marvel series after Daredevil (mainly Bendis, but Brubaker's run was good too).

    Next up: More X-factor!


    Comic books: 32

    Trade paperbacks: 113

    Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1, 2, and 3; The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power); Batman: Year One; Batman: The Long Halloween; Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories), vol. 2 (The Fourth Man), and vol. 3 (Leaving the 20th Century), Planetary Crossing Worlds (The Crossover specials); Planetary 19-26; Batman: The Man Who Laughs; Frank Miller's Daredevil: The Man Without Fear; RONIN; JOKER; Deadpool #1; Punisher Max vol. 1-4; Penance: Relentless; Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis vol 1-2; Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion, Astonishing X-men Hardcovers volume 1 and 2, Daredevil: Born Again, Y: The Last Man vol. 1-10, The incredible Hulk: Tempest Fugit, Marvels, Daredevil: Redemption, Daredevil: Yellow, Hard-boiled, Hulk: Dogs of War, Spider-man: India, R.I.P.D., Daredevil: Love Labors Lost, District X vol. 1, Walking Dead vol. 1-8, Deadpool vol. 1: Secret Invasion, Superman: Red Son, Batman and Son, Justice League International vol. 1, Bullseye's Greatest Hits, Marvel 1985, X-men Children of the Atom, The Dark Phoenix Saga, Batman: Hush vol 1-2, Batman: Nine Lives, Walking Dead vol. 9, 52 vol. 1-4, Batman: Gothic, X-men: God Loves Man Kills, Daredevil by Bendis vol 4-7 and vol 9-13, X-men: Mutant Genesis, Transmetropolitan vol. 1 (Back on the Street), Starman vol. 1-3, JLA vol. 1, Hunter Killer vol. 1, Starman vol. 4: Times Past, Daredevil by Brubaker Devil Inside and Out vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker Hell To Pay vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker: Cruel and Unusual and Lady Bullseye, Hulk by Bruce Jones HC vol. 1 and 2, District X vol. 2, X-factor Visionaries by Peter David vol. 1-4, Ultimate Iron Man vol. 1, Ultimate Human, Daredevil by Brubaker: Return of the King, Noir: A collection of crime comics, Last Hero Standing #1-5, Ultimate Nightmare #1-4, She-Hulk #1-12, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1-2, Sam and Twitch: Brian Michael Bendis Collection vol. 1, Thunderbolts: Bringing Down the House, Deapool/Thunderbolts: Dark Reign, Dark Avengers: Assemble, Ultimate Iron Man vol. II, Freakangels vol. 1-2, Madrox, X-factor vol. 1

  15. Just beat my first game on the PS3 - Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. I really enjoyed this series and every new edition is better than the last, they really improved that Clank sequences in this one, they added more RPG-lite elements with the upgrading of weapons, and the pacing of the game was never off or slow. I always enjoy these games.

  16. The seller used parcel post, no delivery confirmation, and there was no offer of shipping insurance. If there was shipping insurance I would have picked it up. The seller has to offer it before it is bought and honestly I didn't think of it because this has never happened to me before. But alas there wasn't.

    The seller thinks that he might have shipped it to somebody else and if that was the case than it's his fault, although all evidence leads me to believe that the Postal Service opened the package to check what was inside and kept a few of the items for themselves. Or somebody opened it in front of my house and was nice enough to clean up any styrofoam popcorns they might have dropped.

    If it was a theft, it's not the sellers fault and I don't want to penalize him for it. He's already offered half my money back and I think that's acceptable, but it's still such a shame because it was such a good deal and it's going to cost me more in the end to pick up the missing books. I got 10 100 bullets tpbs, plus 3 The Authority Tpbs for $52 plus shipping.

  17. Hey, so I recently bid on an e-bay auction containing 10 of the trades from the 100 bullets series. I received a box today, a staples box, in shoddy condition, with a tear near the top and with all the popcorn packaging seemingly taken out, and 5 of the books missing.

    What do I do? I immediately contacted the e-bay seller and am waiting for a response. My guess is somebody broke into the box and stole them, but why leave the rest of the package, why not take the whole thing once they found out what it was.

    Also could this have anything to do with my neighbor who we currently are arguing with about the fence. Would they really stoop so low?

    This fucking sucks.

  18. Dark Avengers Assemble - This is basically the continuation of the Thunderbolts story that Ellis told, with many of the same characters and the same artist being transferred over. Albeit, it's a different story as the sympathetic characters (Songbird and Radioactive Man) are gone and it's truly a team of villains (and Ares, and the whiny crybaby Sentry). While Ellis Thunderbolts could be read with just passing knowledge of whats going on in the greater Marvel U, I felt on Dark Avengers that you need to have a stronger connection to the Marvel U (this is an Avengers book after all). Anyways, Normie is absolutely awesome in this book and Bendis has him down just as well as Ellis did. The rest of the characters are done okay but barely get any screen time, and Bendis has trouble balancing all the characters out. Also the Doom story seems completely unrelated to the story that Bendis is telling, Bendis is trying to tell a story about villains being truly glorified as heroes as the mantle-pieces of society. Keeping up an image. Then they go off an adventure to help Dr. fucking Doom. How does that keep up images of heroes. Anyways, I liked the book and I'm interested to see where Bendis takes it. He just needs to find a bit more balance with his team.

    Also reading Ultimate Iron Man II, I haven't finished it yet, but it's good. It's got all the themes of the first book, this one is less biotech and more corporate conspiracy. Also it's so freaking genius yet so simple that the cover-up idea for Iron Man is actually a robot, I don't remember them doing that in the marvel U.

  19. I played through Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, and started up 3 (about 3 hours into it). Man did the difficulty ramp up exponentially on this one. It's just unbelievably fucking hard at points. Maybe it's the fact I don't have the excellent radar system. But man, I had such a hard time with this game that I put it on easy and restarted. I have yet to pull off a CQC move because the soldiers are so fucking alert, like 1000 times more than before. Anyways, I'm chugging through it, I think I'm just starting to get the hang of it (moving a lot slower, taking my time with it), but it's such a different game from the first and second.

    Also been playing a ton of PS3 demos that I d/led from the PSN.

  20. Thunderbolts: Bringing Down the House - I absolutely loved Warren Ellis work on the new Thunderbolts and this here is Andy Diggle's follow up. The wrap-up that Diggle does is fun and feels like Ellis' work. But that only lasts for two issues while those characters take off to Dark Avengers. Later, the Thunderbolts become Osborn's black-ops team, doing the evil biddings of Normie, first thing that's different, the concept. It's not that this is a bad concept, it's kind of fun seeing Norman being his dastardly self, but it's just not the Thunderbolts that Ellis put together in a post-Civil War world, it's the Thunderbolts of the post-secret invasion world and there's a huge differentiation between the two. My main issue is the new team, if Ellis' Thunderbolts were C or D-list stars, than this team is comprised of Z-list stars, which Normie actually says at one point. The whole team is obscure characters from the Marvel U, at least Ellis got to use Venom and Bullseye. This team is full of characters I've never heard of (outside of Normie obviously, and Kirkman's Ant-man). It's just no connection, and there's no real quiet moments to make me connected and get to know these characters (and see how devilish and how at each other's throats they are) at least not until the final issue of the trade. From the first issue they're introduced we're running head-first into a mission, no background, no nothing, here's headsman, ant-man, Black Widow II, and Ghost, and some guy I can't remember. It's good, it's just not nearly as good as Ellis' Thunderbolts. If it doesn't get better, I'll be dropping after the next trade.

    Deapool/Thunderbolts: Dark Reign - Now this was a crossover, but don't let that fool you, this is basically a Deadpool book with Thunderbolts cameos, the book is entirely in the style of Deadpool, the story is more about Deadpool than anybody else, and it's just a very nonconsequential action romp. Nonconsequential and generally non-funny. It's funny, it's just not lol funny. And if I'm being a book that's basically Deadpool, I expect to be humored a bit more than I was. Just very disappointing and doesn't really have much of an affect on anything, it could exist in its own little bubble and really didn't need to bleed into the main deadpool and thunderbolts books.


    Comic books: 32

    Trade paperbacks: 107

    Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1, 2, and 3; The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power); Batman: Year One; Batman: The Long Halloween; Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories), vol. 2 (The Fourth Man), and vol. 3 (Leaving the 20th Century), Planetary Crossing Worlds (The Crossover specials); Planetary 19-26; Batman: The Man Who Laughs; Frank Miller's Daredevil: The Man Without Fear; RONIN; JOKER; Deadpool #1; Punisher Max vol. 1-4; Penance: Relentless; Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis vol 1-2; Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion, Astonishing X-men Hardcovers volume 1 and 2, Daredevil: Born Again, Y: The Last Man vol. 1-10, The incredible Hulk: Tempest Fugit, Marvels, Daredevil: Redemption, Daredevil: Yellow, Hard-boiled, Hulk: Dogs of War, Spider-man: India, R.I.P.D., Daredevil: Love Labors Lost, District X vol. 1, Walking Dead vol. 1-8, Deadpool vol. 1: Secret Invasion, Superman: Red Son, Batman and Son, Justice League International vol. 1, Bullseye's Greatest Hits, Marvel 1985, X-men Children of the Atom, The Dark Phoenix Saga, Batman: Hush vol 1-2, Batman: Nine Lives, Walking Dead vol. 9, 52 vol. 1-4, Batman: Gothic, X-men: God Loves Man Kills, Daredevil by Bendis vol 4-7 and vol 9-13, X-men: Mutant Genesis, Transmetropolitan vol. 1 (Back on the Street), Starman vol. 1-3, JLA vol. 1, Hunter Killer vol. 1, Starman vol. 4: Times Past, Daredevil by Brubaker Devil Inside and Out vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker Hell To Pay vol. 1-2, Daredevil by Brubaker: Cruel and Unusual and Lady Bullseye, Hulk by Bruce Jones HC vol. 1 and 2, District X vol. 2, X-factor Visionaries by Peter David vol. 1-4, Ultimate Iron Man vol. 1, Ultimate Human, Daredevil by Brubaker: Return of the King, Noir: A collection of crime comics, Last Hero Standing #1-5, Ultimate Nightmare #1-4, She-Hulk #1-12, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1-2, Sam and Twitch: Brian Michael Bendis Collection vol. 1, Thunderbolts: Bringing Down the House, Deapool/Thunderbolts: Dark Reign

  21. Today is a bitter-sweet day...

    The Sweet: today my PS3 (with Ratchet and CLank Future Crack in Time and Little Big Planer GOTY edition) arrived at my house after the purchase a week and a day ago.

    The Bitter: I have a comprehensive exam tomorrow morning for my Master's program that I have to and will pass or I don't graduate. So my PS3 is staying locked up tight.