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Posts posted by NightAngle04

  1. Half-Blood Prince? Awful? What?

    Did you watch the movie? Nothing happens in 2 hours until a "heel turn" that is so obviously not a heel turn you can't take it seriously.

    EDIT: In fact here's what I said after I saw it

    Let me preface this by saying I do not read the books, and I will never read the books that said here it goes:

    I saw this last night and got rather annoyed by it, it seemed from the movie that yea Harry's the chosen one and all but lets concentrate on the love story between him and Ron's sister and Harmoine and Ron.

    The Dark Lord isn't even in this movie. Now I'm getting mad just thinking about this film. Nothing happens until the last 5 minutes of this movie.

  2. What does the writers strike have to do with all the gay, penis, and racist jokes in the second movie?? And the characters in one scene but then missing in the very next one?? Perhaps Bay should take ALL the criticism of the 2nd piece of shit.

  3. I'm still trying to get my head around it, Desmond Ben and Hurley are all on the island but die.... at some undetermined date....... and KATE motherfuckin Kate gets to kill Smokey, save Claire, save Jack and get off the island?? FUCK OFF .

  4. This was pure setup which I guess was fine, but off the heels of what was quite possibly the worst ep of the show, an all setup episode does nothing for me.

    This season has prepared me for disappointment, aside from the Richard ep and the Desmond ep, and I think there was an ep centered around Locke early, I've hated this season. So the Sunday will end this season, which I'm happy for but it will also end the series which will be a bummer.

    And then for the next 5 years every new drama will be "mysterious".

  5. I was annoyed that Zod forget that they all had super hearing and that was the cause of them turning on him, but what are you going to do, at least we got a fight this season.

    I thought for sure Chloe would kick the bucket, but was pleasantly surprised to see that not the case. And I'm a bit unclear on how blue kryptonite stops making you a Kryptonian but again whatever.