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Posts posted by Koete

  1. That's less a clarification and more "yeah, I know I told a screenwriter to kill himself and that his wife could move in with me, but trust me, I'm one of the good guys."

    And trust me, there's a lot of things fans do that annoy me, but the recent hashtag campaigns and negative reaction to the Cap twist (death threats in a separate category of course) aren't coming from the same place as a bunch of nerds buying a billboard to whine that the Star Wars Expanded Universe is gone. 

  2. Really conflicted about this finale. Whereas the first season finale was low key and really put a focus on Barry, this is really going for SUPERHERO FINALE and he's sidelined for a chunk of it by the dumb as hell plan by the rest of the crew to take on Zoom by themselves. Part of Harry's character has been rolling in to say "this plan is stupid," but this one sounds like a good idea? Also, their plan doesn't make sense. They're going to send Zoom through the breach and seal the breaches...but Zoom can create breaches himself now, so...? There should've been some scenes between some of the team and Barry in the pipeline. Barry should've told Harry to his face that his daughter was probably going to die because they locked him up, frankly. They've been building all season to Barry being on the razor's edge of descending into darkness, and they barely do anything with it.  And then there are the Time Remnants. I'm glad they explained the deal to Wally (ie us) at the end, because I was trying to remember the previous explanation during the episode. But it seems like a bullshit contrivance, and a further cheapening of time travel after this year's crossover. Plus, Barry sacrificing himself for his friends or not, Barry used a tactic of Zoom's; nothing's made of it. Also, while it was cool to see the Crisis on Infinite Earths imagery with the red sky and Barry disintegrating...they took a universe spanning event and reduced it to just The Flash. Hell, it's a "remnant" of Barry that makes the sacrifice. After that, the Time Wraiths take the decision of what to do with Zoom out of Barry's hands. It works in a "tempted the wrath of the gods" way, but after all the build-up of the season, there's a bit of cop-out in there too. Which brings us to the ending. Now, I think it's completely believable that after everything Barry's been through, he'd be rash enough to go back in time to reverse everything. And it's a season ending cliffhanger, so we don't know what the new status quo will be and how much has changed (or if they reverse it in the first episode back). But, man...it feels like the capstone to how much they've run roughshod over the gravity of time travel this season.

    Wow, that was way more negative than I thought I felt. 

  3. Interesting bit from a great article about the current TV industry.

    One Hollywood insider points to Greg Berlanti, who this season produced a half-dozen prime-time series for three networks, as an example of how the profit outlook for top showrunners has changed. “Greg’s doing fine,” this insider says. And yet, as recently as 2000 or so, “If you were a guy who had six series on the air, you'd be talking about making hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. Greg would be Dick Wolf,” our source says. “But he's not.”

  4. A 30 second recap of the finale.

    Martin Stein: I've been against murder all season, but FUCK IT, let's kill THREE Vandal Savages!

    Rip Hunter: I'm going to sacrifice myself by taking a bomb into the sun so I can be reunited with my dead wife and son, which would actually be a fitting resolution to my selfish ass character. ...Wait, shit, I want to live!

    Some Jackass With a Hood: I'm Rex Tyler...I'm a member of the Justice Society of America. Did you hear that, nerds? The Justice Society of America. After you're done creaming your pants, don't forget to watch the next season of this garbage show just because we mentioned the Justice Society of America!

    The last time I watched a show this poorly put together and written, it was Smallville Season 10.