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Posts posted by Koete

  1. The first trailer was Cap heavy, so it makes sense that this one would be Iron Man heavy, with the versus aspect of it. Spider-Man showing up didn't do too much for me either. I find it really amusing that we're getting a repeat of Death of Captain America/Batman R.I.P./Captain America Reborn/Return of Bruce Wayne.

  2. I thought it was embarrassingly, insultingly bad. The script was atrocious, which I put on Phil Klemmer, since the last episode that was this pop culture reference heavy had his fingerprints on it. "To quote every Star Wars, I've got a bad feeling about this." "Now, let's do Kirk vs. Picard!" Nerd stuff makes billions of dollars, you don't need to mug like that anymore. Rip Hunter is a selfish piece of shit, but instead of rolling into that for some nuance, it's all "no, he's really a good guy." This show has stripped Arthur Darvill of the talent he had in Doctor Who, they could have anybody playing this part. They already ripped off the Time Lords for the Time Masters, but now they're committing to the Jedi as well. Why? Because the people writing this show don't give a shit and don't think the audience will either. Last episode: Kendra's not in a place for a relationship. This episode: nah, she can hook up with Ray, she's here for whatever random plot point we think of rather than to be a character. Stein didn't sound like Stein in this. Not that him being into 50s sci-fi is surprising, but the writing of it was off. And you'll find no bigger fan of Cold (well, you probably can, people love that guy), but even Wentworth Miller didn't seem into it. The shift in his relationship with Heat Wave should've hit, but while they've been able to weather whatever else may have been in the episodes, they're dragged down into the dirt with everything else. It's always been a show that's about parts rather than a satisfying whole, but the show's too weighed down by problems by this point for even those parts to work. 

  3. So, the second season wasn't as strong as the first, but I still enjoyed it. It's probably my second favorite superhero show, and, like my favorite, The Flash, a lot of that is due to the cast. It also has a distinct rhythm to it, which you really notice when the weakest episodes (five and the finale) throw it off, usually with heightened comedy. Ken Marino's gangster also seemed out of place, but man, he was a blast every time he showed up. Considering how lucky Agent Carter was to get a second season, it's kinda cheap that they ended the season with an unresolved plot thread and a cliffhanger. With Hayley Atwell already attached to a pilot, unless they already made a deal for some kind of closure, it's going to be one of those shows people look back on with a slight lingering frustration. 

  4. Man, I've had it with self-righteous comic fans and their "Supergirl is Superman done right as opposed to Man of Steel" narrative. In "Truth, Justice, and The American Way," Supergirl has to learn that it's wrong to hold Maxwell Lord without due process. Now, it doesn't bother me, because she's thinking with anger and still learning to become a hero. But the comic fans who act like Supergirl always does the right thing and has never made mistakes are just willfully ignoring what's happening in front of them.