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Posts posted by SuaveStar

  1. This will either be really good, and a solid remake, taking what worked from the original and expanding on it.

    Or it could be really bad and just fuck everything up.

    Fingers crossed for the robot ninjas!(And the noose in my room is crossed as well just in case)

    seriously though, i really do wonder how they are going to make a remake of a movie that was made in the eighties prime of cinema(The eighties ruled for movies, with the soundtracks, the robocop theme being especially fantastic. and of course the out of place last lines that opened the room for sequels)

    plus the death of Alex Murphy would be CGI which would kill the illusion of the original which was really scary to watch and was realistic, i was five when i first saw it.

    and what about the ed-209 i mean he would be CGI!

    I love stop motion as it is really creepy when used properly, like with this and IT(The Stephen king horror with Tim curry with the scene in the shower) but think CGI would come across as fake, but in this day and age, CGI would really hurt that.

    On second thoughts bring on the Robot ninjas!

    P.S Yoda as you said on earth-2 the show the guy from the crow and commando and the warriors(He was the bad guy in that as well) would make a great Clarance boddicker, though my first choice would be Kurtwood smith as he was fantastic then and would still be fantastic, if a bit old, perhaps he could play the corrupt CEO whose name i forgot just now!

    oh well

  2. (My grammar is really bad, i forgot to do a spell check!)

    I hate my fucking college they have completely screwed me over, i wont know if i passed my course until well into July which means i wont know if i got into next year at that time.

    Most of my lecturers seem to have a grudge against me as they seem to enjoy not checking my work until the last second then forgetting to tell me.

    now i have a place on a journalism course that says i have to pass my current course to get in, which means i will be f-d financially and i cant seem to get a job.

    I am so fucking tired of this shit.

    Just three more days.


    Doug7172-Sorry to hear about your grandad.

  3. I have to disagree with you guys on Jokers millions as when i bought the set a couple of months ago, it was the first episode on the set that i really enjoyed, to be honest the episodes before that bored the shit out of me. you didn't mention my favourite moments (Or if you did delete this post) Mr Jo. Ker and when he reads the letter "King Barlow has died...oh good i always hated him" i mean that was my favourite moment.

    you also mention how everything is a joke to the Joker, well when he says "i don't want to save it, i want to go with it!" his crying is almost like he is looking for a laugh from batman, as if to say come on this is funny i want to risk my life and die with this money.

    Just a thought.

    so it was my personal favourite episode of the fourth set of BTAS even though you do mention it has a lot, and i mean a lot of flaws, i find it fun. And i never noticed the money flaw before you guys mentioned it, it's one of those things i guess you have to be told to see, it's that obvious.

    Anyway great show, I'll give my view of the other episodes later just wanted to mention what i thought of that episode right now.(It's funny how you said ages ago, their is always someone to defend the jokers appearances on the forums no matter how shitty the episode. Never thought I'd do that as before i always found except for Mark Hamill's always fantastic performances the joker episodes have been nothing special)

    P.S Sorry for the bad grammar!

  4. I have the finished article for a sunday magazine on gaming and how it has became more mainstream, i dropped in quotes from a person i interviewed, but i feel like the article is just by the numbers, and dull and not going to pass, i have to hand it in before friday, i just want advice in what you think and what you feel i did wrong.

    Thanks for any help.


    Sad, pathetic, sweaty and if they go out in sunlight chances are they will probably turn to dust, these are just a few of the things the characteristics people think of when they hear about video gamers. Back in the decade of the nineteen eighty’s three things were huge and they were Adam Ant, Culture Club and the Nintendo Entertainment System or N.E.S for short, the first console from Nintendo. Fast forward to the year 2008 and what do you have-Adam Ant is a recluse who had been out of the public eye for years, Culture Club have broken up and to pay the rent Boy George is now selling clothes in a London market. Games on the other hand have changed, instead of being a pass time of adolescent boys Nintendo have not only survived the dark days of the gaming industry, but are not a multibillion dollar company with one of the fastest selling consoles in history, but why now, why did gaming not go out of fashion like culture club? One word- Wii.

    If you were to go out into the street on any day of the week ten years ago and take a survey of one hundred adults over the age of twenty four and asked them if they had ever played games? The answer you would get from most of the public would be “when I was younger” or “No their for kids”. However take the same survey to one hundred adults aged twenty four and over today and they would tell you that they either owned a games console or knew someone who owned one. Graeme Turnbull an upper level employee at game for the past several years had his own belief to why gaming has become more mainstream. “Well, it’s all because of the Wii. The Wii is the console that says-Forget graphics let’s just make this game fun.” And simplicity would be the basis for the Wii with the game bundled with the console Wii sports, a game all you need to know about the game before you play it is how to hold the Wii-mote.

    Gamers had always been seen as the type who would take the time to learn the controls of the game, but normal people would not have as much time or would not care Graeme feels that the Wii is a great help for gaming “It’s a lot easier to say to someone who’s never played a game before “point the remote at the screen, and press A” that’s a lot simpler than telling them to “Hold in R1, then press X, and hold down the d-pad in the direction you want to go in.” And you so they can actually play the game without having to spend hours getting to grips with the controller.”

    Graeme informs “Our usual customers are usually male and range from teens to late twenty’s” this being the average market for games, it’s easy to see games like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4 selling in their millions within weeks of being released. So Nintendo decided to go out and bet everything on getting the casual market, and the results were better than anyone could have hoped. Weeks before the Wii was set to launch Nintendo sends out “Wii pods” to shopping centres up and down the country for anyone who walked by be able to try the console and the Wii-mote out for free. The results were that all over the country in offices in classrooms people were no longer talking about what was on TV the night before or the latest football game, most were now talking about the Wii and more importantly, they were talking about gaming in a positive way. Nintendo had done it, they had brought out a games console that appealed to people who’ve never played games before and also for the most professional of gamers who spend all day and night playing games were all interested in the Wii.

    Saying that the Wii is the only games console out at the moment is an insult to the Wii’s competition-The XBOX 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony. If the Wii is the chosen console for the casual gamer, then Sony and the PlayStation console set the ground work for them. Sony started out in the gaming industry around 1995, and the console was designed to go up against Nintendo’s N64 and the Sega Saturn. Sony would only be finding their footing when bringing out this console; it wasn’t till they brought out the upgrade the PlayStation 2 were the able to become the best selling games console manufacturer ever. The PlayStation 2 sold the audience on not just being twice as powerful as the PlayStation one, or PSX as it was known now, the console was sold on being a games console and also a DVD player right out of the box. DVD was just taking off at the time of the PlayStation 2 so the fact that Sony put that into his console as standard was a fine piece of marketing by Sony, consumers could buy a PlayStation 2 and use the money they saved on buying a separate DVD player on buying more games for your PS2. The PS3 is the current gen console from Sony and like with the PS2 the console has a built in DVD player, however Sony are now telling consumers the console now works as a Blu-Ray DVD player, Blu-ray being the new innovation to take over from DVD and being the brainchild of Sony as well.

    The XBOX 360 is the other main console on the market it is manufactured by Microsoft who also make the windows programmes for PC. Microsoft’s first console was the XBOX, that console came out a few years after the PS2 and with the same graphical power as the PS2, and like the PS2 it had the ability to play DVD’s, with the exception of the Wii, all home games consoles from this point would have a built in DVD player. The XBOX 360 is the graphical supergiant not because of its graphics, which some say are inferior to the PS3’s, the XBOX 360 has the help of having the definitive inline service XBOX Live.

    XBOX live is the online server from Microsoft for the XBOX console as the name suggest and cost around £40 per year, like World of Warcraft you can interact with other people, or you can play by yourself. Xbox live is an online server that when purchased means that you can speak to people from all around the world, you can speak to these people through your headset, or have a text conversation with them, the option is up to you. Gamers can also play multiplayer games such as Halo 3 online with others around the globe at any time of the day, and you can have a very fun and social experience, although the service is not all good. XBOX live is like most online servers is not moderated, one minute you could be playing a fun friendly game of Halo with people in America who are there to have fun, the next you are speaking to a vulgar trash talker from who knows where you to “Get the f**k out of their way” not the way most people like to say they spent their Friday nights. Story’s like that on XBOX live are few and far between and with the reputation system being that of if you have a good game with someone you give them positive feedback in the form of ticking a box saying “I would like to play with this person again” and you may get to play a game with them again, or add them to your XBOX live friends list. If you had a bad experience you can leave negative feedback saying you would like to avoid them and you can mute the person so you will never hear their voice again.

    Gamer have become more and more acceptable thanks to the Wii and the PlayStation consoles, and is Graeme gives his thoughts on the belief that gamers are all losers “Well you can’t make any statement without their being some truth behind it. I Fell that the Wii becoming successful as it has with such games a Wii sports and Wii fit, people are starting to look at games differently” Games have become more mainstream with the Wii and the PlayStation leading the pack, but with all this great success more people will play games and so the stereotype that all gamers are sad pathetic losers will hopefully disappear along with the collections of Culture Clubs greatest hits CD’s and the Adam Ant wigs.

  5. hey i just bought batman the killing joke collector's set which has a copy of the killing joke, a batman figure and a joker in an holiday outfit.

    it cost me £25, do you think i got value for money?

    I'm planning on putting them in a bat-mobile i got a couple weeks ago(for my DC shelf which has comics and the dc cartoons on it)

  6. Just thought I'd say thank you to-James D. and D.W for helping me with my grammar questions earlier this week.

    i would also like to say that is one of the best sites i visited(i mean it, some sites are run by absolute tossers) and you guys are all very helpful and i would just like to say thank you to you two guys for your help.

    and also to anyone who answered any of my other post questions!


  7. well it's meant to be like a proffesional article, so thats the s**t hit the fan there.

    it was meant to be gaming getting into the mainstream with people who've never actually played games before, now actually playing them for the first time in there lives. and then i have to talk about how things have changed and it's not just the stereotype of boys playing games in there bedrooms anymore.

    does that make more sense?(i'm not meaning in an insulting tone, or a "if you dont get it, you dont know what i'm talking about tone" i mean it like does it make sense why it's layed out like that? or does that just make it even worse?)

    i'm all for constructive criticism as long as the outcome is a positive and not just someone being a dick for the sake of being a dic, then i'm all for it.

    thanks for your help, i know this is taking up your time from doing something a lot better than reading this piece of crap work.(my work, not what your writing)

  8. Yeah, my grammar and sentence structure is terrible, i'll be the first to admit it.

    is there anything you'd recommend to fix sentence structure?

    like books or anything?

    i bet this is bloody horrible to read, i say my work is like a car breaking down it just stops and starts repeatedly, getting nowhere.

  9. i have to write an article about gaming going into the mainstream by friday and so far i have written this coinjoined piece of crap, i need help with things like knowing if it make sense and what needs to be expanded, like the title says i need to pass this article to pass my journalism class as college finishes in two weeks, god i hate my college(But thats another story) could someone please read this and say what they think makes sense, what doesnt work and what i should expnad, the article has quotes that i made up and aswell, because for some reason i meant to do an interview but the person fell through.

    thanks for any help


    It had been years, it had been years since I had actually heard anything on gaming going mainstream, the last time was when people were talking about Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat movies, which were terrible and did nothing but to say gaming was a teenage boys thing and all it was, was mindless violence, but now something had changed, something had been changed, but what was it, it was the introduction of a new console, that being the Nintendo Wii. Though the Wii wasn’t the first console to break into the mainstream, it was the most successful, the other two are the PlayStation and the Nintendo DS.

    Gaming was known as little as five years ago, as the stereotypical boys toy, it was the type of thing you would do when you were young and a boy, of course when you got older, the belief was you’d grow out of it, and if you didn’t people thought less of you. “It has been weird the past few years for gaming, it’s really gone into mainstream with people more willing to play games now than ever before” Says Graeme Turnbull, assistant manager of gaming superstore GAME. So what changed, what changed people’s perception of gaming, I guess you could put it down to one very weird word-Wii.

    The Nintendo Wii debuted in the UK in November of 2006, and started and is one of the fastest selling consoles in gaming history, why is this? Because it doesn’t advertise itself as a gaming console, in the words of Nintendo CEO Saturo Iwata “We’re not thinking about fighting Sony, but how many people we can get to play games” many were angry at Nintendo, believing they were trying to attach themselves to a market that does not exist, would this be the final nail in the Nintendo coffin? Many believed so, were they right, not in the slightest.

    At E-3-a gaming conference for journalists to try out new games and consoles Nintendo showed off their new console codenamed the “Revolution” people were sceptical as to what Nintendo meant by “Attempting to reach the masses” what followed was the biggest turnaround in gaming history. The console was now known as the Wii now and it had motion controls, in the same way that Nintendo had revolutionised handhelds a few years before by introducing touch screens, Nintendo now had a new idea, motion controls. What followed was a serious of terrible jokes, and then the biggest launch in gaming history. Graeme remembers when he first heard about the Wii and the E-3 incident “Well everyone had heard of the name the Wii, and laughed at it. I mean we all made jokes like, you wait here I’ll go get my Wii, or where’s your Wii. People got over the name when they saw the console and what it was like, and how fun it could be” How fun it could be was right, now it was the talk of all journalists all across the country and the world, the Nintendo had done something revolutionary they had brought a past time that was meant to be fifteen year old boys in their bedroom, now it was ok to admit that you played games, it now was ok to say you owned a games console and you were some spotty fifteen year old boy, it now was ok to say I have a Wii.

    The Wii came out and sold out almost instantaneously worldwide, it was the best selling toy at Christmas,but it wasn’t just kids playing the Wii, it was parents, aunts and uncles, even the grandparents were getting in on the act, people aged 85 were playing games for the first time and enjoying it, and it was all thanks to the Wii. Graeme laughs “We still get people coming into the shop and asking if we have Wii’s in stock, and usually we have to say they need to order one, or try a different shop as we are sold out, and it’s not because we don’t order enough, it’s because people are buying up as soon as they come in, it’s not out of the ordinary for the sign saying “Wii in stock” to go up and come down within a few days” Graeme is not joking, there are still signs up advertising that the console is stil only in short amounts of stock in major retailers. However the Wii is not the first console to make it into the mainstream, though it is the most successful in getting people who have never touched a game in their lives to play games, it is not the best seeling console, yet it is on course to be, that honour is Sony’s, and the console that did break into mainstream first was the PlayStation 2.

    “The PlayStation 2 was the first console to be, a gaming console but at the same time, it was the first console to be multi-functional, it played DVD’s which was big as DVD’s were only just coming out and being the next big thing in entertainment” The PlayStation 2 was as close to mainstream as gaming would get as you would have a machine that would take two different things, that being a DVD player and a gaming console, so in essence the consumer was getting two different entertainments, only taking up the space of one, the only problem with this was you could not say you played games like “Okami, ”

  10. well seeing as this is the vent thread-here i go!

    my f**king college is not telling me what i passed or failed for six months at a time, sonow at the end of the course i'm finding out that stuff that i thought i had passed months ago, was not only failed, but now i missed the re-sit cut off, and now have to pay!

    next they don't get back to me about a place for the course for next year, even though i posted my letter of wanting to get to the next year in febuary! and they sent me a letter saying they got the letter-febuary 13th!


    next my course lecturers are just using me as a sort of ball to be kicked boy!


    so now i have no course and three weeks to pass six months of work!

    god i wish i was Jesus.........then i could make water into wine and drink my troubles away!

    my spelling and grammar were awful in that post, i should have proof read it, also i do a media course so.......damn!

  11. well seeing as this is the vent thread-here i go!

    my f**king college is not telling me what i passed or failed for six months at a time, sonow at the end of the course i'm finding out that stuff that i thought i had passed months ago, was not only failed, but now i missed the re-sit cut off, and now have to pay!

    next they don't get back to me about a place for the course for next year, even though i posted my letter of wanting to get to the next year in febuary! and they sent me a letter saying they got the letter-febuary 13th!


    next my course lecturers are just using me as a sort of ball to be kicked boy!


    so now i have no course and three weeks to pass six months of work!

    god i wish i was jesus.........then i could make water into wine and drink my troubles away!

  12. well if i can join in-

    for me i have to-

    1. rewrite my film script

    2. Write seven essays on why my script has changed

    3. Write a theatre story

    4. Watch Superman the animated series(it just got delivered! yay!!)

    5. Except a place on a journalism course.

    6. Write course notes on a presntation.

    7. read a book on scriptwriting.

    8. finish my graded unit work.

    9. Film some footage for a promo.

    10. Drink a lot of caffeine!

    if only i could do one a week!

    ah well.

    start with superman!

  13. hi guys.

    if this is totally not for on here feel free to take it down.

    ok so i'm handing in my graded unit on next friday and i need to give a short essay explaining why it's shorter than it should be and why a scripst is missing(i'm writing a script, instead of what was meant to be three!) well i wrote this tonight and need to know if this sounds like a good reason not to do the script.

    The radio script was dropped as when I looked at my plan in greater detail, it was the weakest of the projects and had no real way of being redone to be successful, the scripting process was not going along well and everything seemed to not be working, when I looked at the plan and noticed what was working in the other scripts, and what was not working in the radio script I was advised to drop the script as what I had planned on doing, which was going to a local late night radio DJ and interviewing them, would not really leave me enough time to develop the characters into functional beings who would succeed in the world that I was trying to create.

    The scenario being a late night DJ who hosts a late night talk show, unconcerned with the people who phoned into his show and what their problems were, the turning point was meant to be that he has a caller who he truly feels he could help and in the end the caller calls themselves, leaving him disillusioned with himself and wondering what he could have done, the script would have ran over around twenty seven pages which in the right format would have came in around the usual time for a radio programme.

    The dialogue was the real problem as I had to try and get the DJ to get across as soon as possible that he did not care for any of the callers particularly quickly for the script to have a plausible and half decent ending, but while writing the dialogue, the character just came across as an unlikely and supremely arrogant man(as is the case in Dear Diane where the character from the radio show makes an appearance) who has no redeeming qualities, and if he has no redeeming qualities why should we as the audience care about him or what he is doing or his sudden change of heart with a caller and why did he have this change of heart and get to know a bit on the background of him and why he was a radio show host and what caused him to become so disillusioned, these things alone would have taken up a good ten minutes which would have caused nothing but problems which would have meant that the main story of the caller would just be rushed with the listener feeling no compassion for the caller and not really concern with the person who was going to die in the end.

    It is for this reason I decided to cancel the radio script and focus the time on the other scripts which would mean they would have time to be developed and not just rushed and half hearted with the reader not interested in what is going on with the characters and their struggles within the script. I tried to integrate this script into the Dear Diane story as to show how things would have played out, but as shown with the scene in Dear Diane the characters needed a lot more time to develop than I could give them. Also with the time I saved not interviewing people from radio shows I was able to put more time into working out the themes of dear diane and seeing other places I could gain influences for that script and make it better.

    really sorry about the length and if it's wasting your time!

  14. hey guys!

    i was listening to worlds finest and it was great but it got me wondering about the whole dcau:

    in what order will you review things after the new batman adventures and superman finish?

    i mean i haven't seen static or zeta :shakehead (cause static was on at odd times and zeta was never on over here!) so i don't know where they fit in and such?

    so how do things work out?

    in what order will you be reviewing the shows?


    and also on a sad note as you said in one of the last shows their is a definitive end to worlds finest, but would you guys be working on another podcast together after that on a different subject?(like the 90's spider-man cartoon and x-men) just wondering i know it's years off, but it'll just answer a question i wondered.

    thanks again for doing the greatest podcast EVER!


  15. If you're trying to follow along with the episodes as we cover them on WFP, here's the order I'd get them in:

    Superman: The Animated Series, Vol. 1-3

    Justice League: Season One

    Justice League: Season Two

    Teen Titans: The Complete First Season

    Teen Titans: The Complete Second Season

    Teen Titans: The Complete Third Season

    Teen Titans: The Complete Fourth Season

    Teen Titans: The Complete Fifth Season (coming 22 July)

    Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm/Batman and Mr. Freeze

    Be aware that "A Little Piece of Home" is on the first STAS DVD, so you'll have doubles there.

    The ones listed below are from The Batman. They're not BTAS, Gotham Knights or part of the DCAU. So while they're good, if you're trying to follow along with WFP, I'd get them last because they won't be covered on the show.

    Batman: The Complete Second Season

    Batman: The Complete Third Season

    Batman: The Complete Fourth Season

    Batman: The Complete Fifth Season (coming soon)

    Do already have the first season of The Batman?

    yeah, the first season was released over here, and i got it right away!

    a little piece of home, i dont mind having a doubler their as i have a friend who i told i'd give him the doublers i get(like if i get justice league-starcrossed then the whole series )i'd give it to him or my nephew.

    anyway thanks for your help, i think i'm going to get the superman set and the batman season 2 as it has the debut of the riddler and robert englund gives a great creepy performance, if i remember rightly.

    thanks for your help yoda!


  16. Ah, you assume James has the money to fly to Chicago, or I to Atlanta. Sadly... no. :shakehead:

    Trust me, we would if we could.

    this is why i should have invented that dam teleporter!

    what about (i really know nothing about technology) shit, this is hard.

    why not, yeah, i haven't got a clue i'm going to just....sit in the corner for a while.......and take a sandwich...........

    what time is it the new episodes upload as i almost sitting about wedensdays waiting for them!

  17. if you guys have never actually met. hows about this for the fiftieth episode of worlds finest podcast.

    you two meet each other face to face and on or worlds finest, or youtube, play the episode as well as having it as an mp3?

    just a thought.

    anyway another great episode!

  18. I am huge fan of Worlds finest Podcast and listen to all the episodes the days they come out. I usually listen to old episodes just to make it through the wait for the next episode.


    What i'm asking is here in the uk(Scotland) i was only able to get up to batman-harley and ivy on dvd!

    that was ages ago!

    so i imported the rest of the batman volumes(3 and 4) and picked up superman a little piece of home and really liked it, so i went onto an import site, and i have the following options for dc dvds:

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm/Batman and Mr. Freeze - Sub Zero £4.37 2/12/2008

    Batman: The Complete Fourth Season [2 Discs] £6.89 11/20/2007

    Batman: The Complete Second Season [2 Discs] £6.89 9/12/2006

    Batman: The Complete Third Season [2 Discs] £6.89 4/10/2007

    Justice League: Season One [4 Discs] £15.72 3/21/2006

    Justice League: Season Two [4 Discs] £15.72 6/20/2006

    Superman: The Animated Series, Vol. 1-3 [6 Discs] £27.59 6/20/2006

    Teen Titans: The Complete First Season [2 Discs] £4.37 2/7/2006

    Teen Titans: The Complete Fourth Season [2 Discs] £6.89 11/20/2007

    Teen Titans: The Complete Second Season [2 Discs] £6.89 9/12/2006

    Teen Titans: The Complete Third Season [2 Discs] £6.89 4/10/2007

    Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo

    could someone look at the list and tell me what the best to import would be?

    i havent included new frontiers or jlu as i have already ordered them(or seen the new frontier, it was fantastic!) so i need to go through the rest and pick the best.

    could you post them in order of your preference? like what would you get first, second, third and not at all.

    if you think this is a waste of time let me know.

    thanks for reading this and hopefully you'll take the time to answer.

    p.s can i just say out of all btas episodes jokers millions is the best in my opinion, anyone else agree or disagree?