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Posts posted by SuaveStar

  1. Also Nolan is an English major at university (I'm pretty sure of this) so if anyone can make character development work and seem like its flowing and not being forced, the two face is in good hands.

    Whoa there! I know a shit-ton of English Majors at uni who have little to no understanding of character or story.

    true sometimes people who go to uni, and become graduates and yet can be the biggest dumb asses ever!

    i think i may have went too wide with what i was saying, but if you read any interviews with Nolan about Batman or his other films like insomnia or memento(both great movies) and he talks about creating characters and establishing them and getting them across to the audience. Which is the basis for Harvey dent that batman forever missed. You were right dread i was a bit broad saying that all English majors are able to create sympathetic realistic characters.

  2. I'd be shocked if Dent was turned 3/14ths of the way through the film, given the fact that Dent has been singled out as the significant guy of the film, moreso than The Joker, by Nolan. Thusly I doubt all character development would be spunked out in the first 40 mintes of the film. Could happen, but I seriously doubt it.

    I'd just like to say that I have to wait an extra week for this film because I'm British, so the week that this comes out, I'm going to be away from the internet and watching other Batman films instead just so that I get a partial fix...

    yeah Nolan says that dent is the main story and his downfall into madness while be what drives the story,,with the joker just f-ing about for no apparent reason in the background. This is a fantastic idea, as we don't need to know why the joker is a nut job like in batman, we just need to know what he's doing when he's on screen and that line from the trailer "its all part of the plan" makes it seem like his story will not be obvious till the end when you probably find out he's been in control of everything from his arrest to dents downfall to what coffee Gordon drinks. But that's just what i think. A good solid third act with Two face and then him escaping like scarecrow did in the first, BTW i hope scarecrow is killed or committed permanently to arkham in this, as you do not need him in another film, no matter how good cillian is.

    Also Nolan is an English major at university (I'm pretty sure of this) so if anyone can make character development work and seem like its flowing and not being forced, the two face is in good hands.

  3. Reaper in my opinion was good, but nothing changed.

    The show was the exact same, week in and week out. this got tedious after a while and stopped being fun, oh and the cliffhanger was OK, but it wasn't an oh my god i cant wait for the next series cliffhanger, it was a well that was fun, guess i best fine something else to fill my wednesday nights now.

  4. The soundtrack listing might answer your question NightAngle, assuming they go the same order as the movie.

    1. Why So Serious? 09:14

    2. I'm Not A Hero 06:34

    3. Harvey Two-Face 06:16

    4. Aggressive Expansion 04:35

    5. Always A Catch 01:39

    6. Blood On My Hands 02:16

    7. A Little Push 02:42

    8. Like A Dog Chasing Cars 05:02

    9. I Am The Batman 01:59

    10. And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad 02:28

    11. Agent Of Chaos 06:55

    12. Introduce A Little Anarchy 03:42

    13. Watch The World Burn 03:47

    14. A Dark Knight 16:15

    I don't think that any soundtrack in recent history has gone in order.

    While I admit I don't listen to too many soundtracks, the ones I have listened to have been in order. A lot of the ones I'm seeing online are in order also like Iron Man, Enchanted, and both Narnia's seem to be in order.

    OK, this looks interesting, two face will be a villain really quickly into the movie, that will either make things more interesting, or spider man 3 it.

    I swear if two face shows up and dies in fifteen minutes like another villain in another movie then i will be pretty annoyed, as villains who are as sympathetic as two face can be don't come along too often.

    p.s do you know if the soundtrack is music or quotes or both?

  5. There's Superman: Speeding Bullets, with Kal-El crash landing in Gotham. He's adopted by the Waynes, who name him Bruce. The alley scene happens as in the original origin, except this time with a Superman twist and just as in the comics, "Bruce" becomes Batman later. I'm not going to spoil it, but's it's definately worth checking out.

    I'll check that out as soon as i can

  6. right OK, that was nice.

    it also proves two things!

    One. this movie will be freaking awesome!!

    two. the voice i heard from a you tube page of someone saying "that's why i have my name" was false!

    Now all i need is David Hyde Pierce saying "Hey diddle diddle, time for a riddle" and i can die a happy man!

    No i will not let the riddler go!

    p.s the penguin is not one of my favourite villains either, yet Danny De Vito was great as him, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman can play taht part and make me intersted, word is that the penguin may be a british arms dealer.

  7. This looks painful.

    Did this become a caption contest thread?

    I can honestly say when they said Lego and Batman together in the same sentence as-the video game, i had a tear in my eye, and a very long screaming sound from my wallet.

    This game will be awesome, hopefully it wont be as puzzle orientated as Lego Indiana Jones which is good, but the puzzles just grate on my nerves.

    also for the caption contest-Ahem!

    For the last time i am not from pokemon!

  8. I was assuming that Dent was for 3, and whoever's next would be 4.

    Also I just found a torrent that claimed to have the Dark Knight and it took all my strength not to download it.......that i didn't have a bloody clue how to download it properly!

    A.) It's probably fake.

    B.) It's likely got a trojan in it.

    C.) You need a program like AnotherBitTorrentClient (ABC) to download torrents and a program like PowerArchiver to open them anyway.

    A) yeah probably, it was weird their was like sixty downloads and it had only been up for like an hour.

    B) wouldn't suprise me.

    C) I have utorrent...........ah screw it, I'm just going to wait for the movie to come out so's that the only thing I'll have to worry about is sitting next to someone talking through the movie! i hate those people, though it's always nice to know how Barrys work job at the post office is going....

  9. I just need to scream!

    i am trying to find a job and two weeks ago i went to four interviews and two said they'd get back to me the next day as that was their policy, one called me like five days later and sayed i was under qualified to work at a call centre! and the other still never got back to me!

    dammit all i am trying to find is a f**king job over the summer so i don't become well and truly broke!!

    and on top of this my mum keeps asking me when I'm getting a job, claiming that i am not looking and i don't care!

    Jesus Christ!

  10. I was assuming that Dent was for 3, and whoever's next would be 4.

    Well remember in begins they had the Scarecrow as a sort of side villain as he was working for Ras Al Ghul (On a side note, in Batman Beyond Talia says that Ra's is Said Raich not Ras) and he worked out well, so they could have another villain working with or for Two Face.

    Also I just found a torrent that claimed to have the Dark Knight and it took all my strength not to download it.......that i didn't have a bloody clue how to download it properly!

  11. You prob already know this, but you'll wanna get Dark Victory, the sequel.

    Thanks, I have heard there was a sequel, but kept forgetting the name. In your opinion how is Dark Victory?

    This was months ago and you probably have alread red Dark Victory but if you haven't in my opinion it was just the exact same as the long halloween, just nowhere near as good.

    a lot of people said that when i got it, and to sound like im following the crowd they were right, its pretty much the same story, just nowhere near as good.

  12. Off the top of my head, there was an in-continuity story in Superman/Batman (Batman/Superman? They just need to call it World's Finest!) where Batman killed the mugger before the mugger had a chance to kill the Waynes, and Batman never existed. Superman then recruited Bruce Wayne to take down Ra's Al Ghul and fix the time line.

    But I have a question. If Batman prevented Joe Chill from killing the Waynes, then Batman would never have existed, so in the future there would be no Batman to go back in time, so history reverts to normal. Then Joe Chill kills the Waynes, prompting Bruce Wayne to become Batman and go back in time and prevent Joe Chill from killing the Waynes.

    But then Batman would never have existed, so in the future there would be no Batman to go back in time, so history reverts to normal. Then Joe Chill kills the Waynes, prompting Batman to go back in time and prevent Joe Chill from killing the Waynes. But then Batman would never have existed, so in the future there would be no Batman to go back in time, so history reverts to normal...

    My head hurts.

    What issue was this story?

    And what if Batman got there and the Wayne's were meant to die, so their could have been a second mugger maybe Chill had a partner( hey spider-man 3 did this!) and if Chill got killed by Batman and the second person caught up with the Wayne's moments later and shot them anyway, causing Bruce to become Batman.

    But batman would have known about this and would have stopped the second guy as well.


  13. I was just wondering, has their ever been a story were Bruce Wayne's dad stopped the man from shooting him and his wife?

    I was watching for the man who has everything and wondered how that story would play out with Gotham and Dick Grayson and the Justice League and would the rogues gallery still exist, as some people claim(Like in BTAS the trial were the DA says it's Batmans fault) they wouldn't.

    just wondering, and if it exists could someone tell me were you could find it?

    P.S i read the nail and thought it was good, and dark like what the Joker does but I personally did not like the twists at the end.

  14. i bought an external hard drive for my PC so it would run faster, well i put like ten movies on the thing and a back up of all my work. it took about an hour, and when i looked it said it had not actually copied the stuff, like it said it did, but rather copied the fucking folders!

    so now I've lost all these good movies and that hard drive cost me £70!

    also i bought a graphics card, and i cant even tell if its made a difference to anything but stopping me from seeing you tube full screen!


  15. Honestly, Riddler's origin isn't important to me. What is, however, is how his extreme OCD is portrayed. If they're to keep these films set in the real world, that aspect, more than anything else, needs to be on display.

    and that's why David Hyde Pierce is the best person to play him. I mean I'm a Frasier fan but even if i only ever saw one episode of that show, i could see he could get the extreme OCO of the riddler across with ease. plus he's that talented.

  16. David Hyde Pierce would be great in the role, he can't take on batman as a physical threat, but as a mental one, i hope they go down the psychological path with the Riddler.

    And their was talk of a newspaper article from the Gotham times being written by Edward nashton(i don't know much about the history, I've only got back into the comics in the past year)

    Yoda what about this-that was my dream scenario for the Riddle this is a genuine one

    What if the Riddler is a man pushed to the edge(Like in btas and The batman) who kills someone but cant actually tell anyone so they go insane, or they think they killed someone like two face in Btas who thought he'd hurt a boy when he was younger and let the anger dwell inside of himself.

    The Riddler then slowly comes out and he goes over the edge and feels he has to be caught so he sets up crimes where the clues of who he is and where he is are easy for him at see but are complicated for everyone else.

    what do you think?

    i got the Nashton thing from wikipedia, it is not my personal view.

  17. i just talked to a friend who is slightly interested in the dark knight and wants to see it, and i said the greatest thing ever to him.

    wouldn't it be great if right at the end of the film, you see a man on top of a building holding a stick that had a question mark on it, and then the camera reveals David Hyde Pierce who then says "hey diddle diddle, time for a riddle..." i would seriously jump up in the cinema grab some dark knight pompoms and scream "Oh my god, oh my f**king god!" repeatedly.

    i know its not real dark knight news, or if that even makes sense, but tell me that does not sound like the most awesome thing ever!

    also i read empire and they said that if they picked someone to play the Riddler it would be Casey Affleck.

    also i cannot wait for this, it will be awesome, i wrecked the bank robbery as scene as i saw it on you tube, anyone wants to see it just PM me.

  18. Also, I have found that most of the vulgar trash talkers on X-Box Live are from America. Don't put that distinction in there. It's jingoistic and unreasonable to say that all of the nice people are from America and all of the meanies, well who knows where! Maybe they're Ay-rabs!

    thanks for your help dread.

    i have made some changes including taking out that first line, like you said and got right into the eighties thing.

    here's how it looks now.

    Back in the eighties, three things were huge: Adam Ant, Culture Club and the Nintendo Entertainment System. Fast forward to the year 2008 and what do you have? Adam Ant is a recluse who has been out of the public eye for years, Culture Club has broken up and Boy George is now selling clothes in a London market to pay the rent. Games, on the other hand, have changed; instead of being a pass time of adolescent boys, Nintendo have not only survived the dark days of the gaming industry, but are a multi-billion dollar company with one of the fastest selling consoles in history. But why now? Why did gaming not go out of fashion like Culture Club? One word: Wii.

    If you were to go out into the street on any day of the week ten years ago and take a survey of one hundred adults over the age of twenty four and asked them if they had ever played games? The answer you would get from most of the public would be “When I was younger” or “No they’re for kids”. However take the same survey to one hundred adults aged twenty four and over today and they would tell you that they either owned a games console or knew someone who owned one. Graeme Turnbull, employee at Game for the past several years has his own belief as to why gaming has become more mainstream. “Well, it’s all because of the Wii. The Wii is the console that says-Forget graphics let’s just make this game fun.” Simple fun would be the basis for the Wii and the game that comes bundled with the console Wii sports, a game were all you need to know is how to hold the game controller called the Wii-mote.

    Graeme feels that the Wii is a great help for gaming “It’s a lot easier to say to someone who’s never played a game before “OK, you point the remote at the screen, and press A” that’s a lot simpler than saying “Right, hold in R1, then press X, and hold down the d-pad in the direction you want to go in.” And you so they can actually play the game without having to spend hours getting to grips with the controller.”

    But the average gamer is thirteen to twenty four, and male as Graeme informs “Our usual customers are male and range from teens to late twenty’s” with this it’s easy to see why games like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4 selling in their millions within weeks of being released. So Nintendo decided to go out and bet everything on getting the casual market. Weeks before the Wii was set to launch Nintendo sent out “Wii pods” to shopping centres up and down the country for anyone who to be able to try out the console and the Wii-mote for free. Now all over the country in offices and classrooms people were no longer talking about what was on TV the night before or the latest football game, most were now talking about the Wii and more importantly, they were talking about gaming in a positive light. Nintendo had done it, they had brought out a games console that appealed to people who’ve never played games before and also for the most professional of gamers who spend all day and night playing games were all interested in the Wii.

    Saying that the Wii is the only games console out at the moment is an insult to the Wii’s competition-The XBOX 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony. If the Wii is the chosen console for the casual gamer, then Sony and the PlayStation console set the ground work for them. Sony started out in the gaming industry around 1995, and the console was designed to go up against Nintendo’s N64 and the Sega Saturn. Sony would only be finding their footing when bringing out this console; it wasn’t till they brought out the upgrade the PlayStation 2 were the able to become the best selling games console manufacturer ever. The PlayStation 2 sold the audience on not just being twice as powerful as the PlayStation one, or PSX as it was now called, the console was sold on being a games console and also a DVD player right out of the box. DVD was just taking off at the time of the debut of the PlayStation 2, the fact that Sony put that into his console as standard was a fine piece of marketing. Having a DVD player as standard meant that consumers could buy a PlayStation 2 and use the money they saved on buying a separate DVD player and use that to buy more games for their PS2’s. The PS3 is the next generation console from Sony and like with the PS2 the console has a built in DVD player, however Sony are now telling consumers the console now works as a Blu-Ray DVD player, Blu-ray being the new innovation to take over from DVD and being the brainchild of Sony as well.

    The XBOX 360 is the other main console on the market it is manufactured by Microsoft who also make the windows programmes for PC. Microsoft’s first console was the original XBOX, that console came out a few years after the PS2 and with the same graphical power as the PS2, and like the PS2 it had the ability to play DVDs which now came as standard for all home games consoles, with the exception of the Wii. The XBOX 360 is the graphical super giant not because of its graphics, which some say are inferior to the PS3’s, the XBOX 360 is preferred by gamers because of its superior online service called XBOX live.

    XBOX live is the online server from Microsoft for the XBOX console as the name suggest and cost around £40 per year, with XBOX Live you can interact with other gamers. Xbox live is an online server that when a subscription is purchased you can speak to people from all around the world; you can speak to these people through your headset. Games like Halo 3 can be played online at any time of the day and you can have a very fun and social experience, although the service is not always a good thing. XBOX live is like most online servers is not moderated, one minute you could be playing a fun friendly game of Halo with people in Miami, Florida, the next you could be speaking to someone from Austin Texas who screams at you to “Get the f**k out of my way” not the way most people like to say they spent their Friday nights. Story’s like that on XBOX live are few and far between and with the reputation system being that of if you have a good game with someone you give them positive feedback in the form of ticking a box saying “I would like to play with this person again” and you may get to play a game with them again. If you had a bad experience you can leave negative feedback saying you would like to avoid them and you can mute that person so if you do by chance meet them again, you will not have to hear them.

    Gaming has become more and more acceptable thanks to the Wii and the PlayStation consoles, and is Graeme gives his thoughts on the stereotype that all gamers are sad, pathetic losers “Well you can’t make any statement without there being some truth behind it. I Fell that the Wii becoming successful as it has with such games a Wii sports and Wii fit, people are starting to look at games differently” Games have become more mainstream with the Wii and the PlayStation leading the pack, but with all this great success more people will play games and so the stereotype that all gamers are sad pathetic losers will hopefully disappear along with the collections of Culture Clubs greatest hits CD’s and the Adam Ant wigs.

    also i just made the reference more specific for xbox live, so i said the first two American city's i thought of.