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Posts posted by Molly

  1. Not until Sin City was there a more accurate comic book adaptation than Roger Corman's Fantastic Four.

    Lol, now I have that film and are you telling me in the comics, Mr Fantastic got with the little girl who had a crush on him?

    Essentially, yes.

    Reed Richards: Pimp.

  2. It's not that. It's that I feel like having a circular argument with you has degenerated into:

    Me: They're not that bad.

    You: Yes, they are.

    Me: You're nit picking.

    You: They should follow the comic to the letter!

    Me: Somethings just don't work in film.

    You: Nuh-uh!

    Me: Uh-huh!


  3. Because Spider-Man comics from the sixties and seventies reflect what makes a succesfull movie in 2008.

    If Captain America doesn't punch Hitler in the face in his movie, the movie is awful, because you know:


    EDIT: And Ultimate Spider-Man is one of the most universally well reviewed comics in a long, long time! Christ!

    DOUBLE EDIT: And the entire POINT of the Ultimates line is to go a different route! *head asplode*