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Posts posted by Venneh

  1. They still have a release date on it, which I very much appreciate.

    I'm kind of surprised at the slight spoilers that are in here, especially w/r/t Adrian. But then, I think that they're assuming that it's people who have already read the whole of Watchmen that are watching this.

    Also, JDM as the Comedian? FUCK. YES.

  2. The general consensus is that most people loved 300, so adding stuff didn't hurt it.

    Most people I knew thought that the cuts back to Sparta (the stuff Snyder added in to pad the film) were the weakest parts of the entire movie, myself included. But those were still halfway decent, so who knows.

  3. *shrugs*

    The only real spoiler I've heard is that

    the squid monster won't be in it

    . And to some degree with adaptations, I've just learned to lower my expectations, because there's no way they're going to get it perfect, ever.

    Just so long as he doesn't start adding things like he did in 300, I think he'll do a decent job.

    Besides, compared to the previous drafts I've seen of this, this isn't so horrible.

    I understand what you're saying, though.

  4. Best Video Game: FFXII (yes, I only finished it this year, and I didn't play a lot period this year)

    Best Movie: Three-way between Wall-E and The Dark Knight and Iron Man

    Best TV Show: Battlestar Galactica

    Best Song: "O... Saya", AR Rahman and MIA (Slumdog Millionaire theme)

    Best Internet Find: Three-way between That Guy With the Glasses and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and "How Rorschach Stole Christmas"

    Best Comic (Collected): Tie between Kingdom Come and Watchmen (yes, I'm probably going to be quite behind compared to the rest of you, just really got into comics this last year)

    Best Comic (Single Issue): Death: The High Cost of Living (see above)

    Best Manga: Tie between Emma and Mushishi

    Best Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena

  5. My friend has compared this to Rocky Horror. I kind of have to see this now. :P

    Excerpted from her review of the movie:

    I am also convinced the Octopus has a Theme Hat. It is made of a quilt of every type of fabric conceivable, and bears upon it a plaque reading: Theme Hat. In this hat are tiny scraps of paper. Every day upon waking (or any time of day when he gets bored) Octopus reaches into his Theme Hat and redoes his entire wardrobe and hideout in this theme. He has at least 3-4 completely random theme changes through the course of the movie, each more ridiculous than the last. I was really surprised that his teardrop eyeliner stayed the same the entire time.
  6. Here's the kicker about the whole thing; the primary argument is between my grandmother and my father, and they're involving us only to make the other feel guilty about what they're doing.

    I'm just more trying to make it so that they don't involve us in this.

  7. Mkay. The last 24 hours have been... interesting.

    Remember the friend of my mom's that had fallen into a coma? Well, it turns out she died sometime in the last few days, and the funeral is tomorrow. I can only hope that the death was quick, because I can only imagine how horrible it must have been for her family to be in the hospital over Christmas.

    As if that wasn't bad enough, at the family gathering last night, Grandma, through an uncle I thought was near and dear to my heart, attacked our family for switching churches, moving from the bugfuck nuts WELS to a more mainstream church. This has been a source of contention in the family for a while, but last night it utterly erupted, with my grandma, among other things, telling my father that he was leading us and my sisters to hell, and blaming my mother for all of it, claiming that she was at fault for "always looking for something different, something better". This resulted in a huge fight that ended up taking the better part of two hours.

    Now, as if this wasn't enough, my dad and I get a letter from the same uncle who started it all. Posted in full as follows:


    Upon evaluating your reasons for switching churches I am going to decline your invitation to visit your new church. I've seen these "feel good" religions before and I can see why this one in particular would appeal to high powered politicians. Everyday they are faced with tough decisions and it's comforting to know that the decision was guided by God. However all too often it is used as justification for bad decisions or behavior. The means never justifies the end. Back handed dealing, bending laws and rules is never right in achieving a desired outcome. I don't know your church body's intentions and they may be noble and right. But in one case we caught a pastor from one of these types of churches stealing and he justified it saying it was the Lord's way of providing for his family. He couldn't just work harder or accept the burden, no he used God as a way of justifying his bad behavior. I'm pretty sure the Holy Ghost had nothing to do with it. Bernie Ebbers from Enron did the same thing. He used to hold a prayer service before all the board meetings and even when the company was being investigated he said they had to pray harder and step up because it was a challange from God, meanwhile he was stealing the shareholders blind.

    Examine the doctorine closely and make sure you are not being lulled into this trap. Wrong is wrong. The liberals always have some excuse for justifying their abberant behaviors. Don't get caught up in using religion to justify doing something to promote your career or make and keep new friends. Stand up for what you were taught no matter how tough it becomes. I wouldn't want to be caught sacrificing eternal life for better conditons in human life.

    You asked me to be a godparent and commit to the spiritual needs of your children. I can't be swayed from that committment because you feel you are making a better decision for your family now. Mom and Dad as parents and grandparents have also made this comittment and you can't ask us to turn our backs on it now because you didn't see this day coming.

    Hannah, if you are looking for a Lutheran church to join Mount Olive on the north side is the one I joined when I lived in Appleton.

    Take care,



    So. Yeah.

    I'm really debating responding to this.

    If so, how do you people suggest I kindly put "Keep me the fuck out of this"?

    Merry Fucking Christmas.

  8. I guess what irritates me most about this whole thing is that it comes down to greed and laziness on Fox's part.

    Yes, they had the rights to make it. However, for as long as they've had it, they've done dick all with it. So now WB goes and makes it, and they realized it's going to be a pretty damn big success. By doing this, they're probably going to get the movie (I really doubt there's much WB can do at this point legally in the next two months or so, but here's hoping there's something somewhere that they can) without having put any work into it, and they're going to get a pretty good deal of the profits.

    As such, fuck you, Fox.

  9. Had interesting day out at Grandma's.

    Got from the extended family:

    -The Dark Knight

    -A nice watch from my cousin (who has surprisingly good taste!)

    -Shea butter and fuzzy socks

    -A pair of earrings

    -Some socks

    -$45 worth of gift cards to Target

    Also got:

    -A huge fight between my grandmother and father and mother, which we got drawn into, over religion

    -Ensuing stress and fun times.

  10. Have a great [insert holiday of choice here]!

    The family got a Wii, which was pretty damn awesome. And in addition (they didn't need to!), got a nice sweater, decent pair of PJ pants, a watch, and some cooking things.

    Off to Grandma's tomorrow. Whoo. Gimme alcohol?

  11. So, yeah. Got a Wii for Christmas, and we have WiiSports and WiiFit to our name.

    For all the Wii owners on here, please give me some recs as to games I should get at some point? The only thing I have to stay away from are M rated games, as the family's going to be using the system at home.

    Also, the Wii is connected to our wireless intarnet, so I can get access to the WiiShop and such.