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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. Yeah, Barbara was so adamant on going after Jason, and they're sharing a kiss by the story's end. Johns has completely lost the plot with this. Batman's also barely in this thing.I think he's trying but this ain't it, chief.
  2. Too Short a Season was soooooo a TOS episode, I gotta figure it was a leftover from the 60s.
  3. The art is so good but this is ground well covered in better books when it comes to Joker trauma. Jason is also written badly. He's never blamed Batman for making him Robin or his death.
  4. Her voice tho...I never got past it tbh. I've seen Chasing Amy from start to finish twice in my early twenties, and both times I really enjoyed it. But that was almost ten years ago, and just thinking about it now really throws me in a painful headspace. But it would make for a terrific discussion from the right voices. Maybe I'll thinking of something with it for QnoA...
  5. I'm sure there's more that can be done with Flash, but they wasted never getting around to a Rogue War season, and they also wasted both Jessie Quick and Wally West. TBH Flash has ran out (rimshot) its goodwill with me since the fourth season. Once they really locked in trying to tell the audiences to care about the core STAR Labs crew and falling into the same series tropes again and again, it was just a chore. Season 4 was awful, and aside from the crossover eps I've not looked back since.
  6. Color me surprised. How much has Peacemaker even been in comics to warrant his own show?
  7. I haven't seen Clerks II in easily ten, maybe fifteen years. I don't remember much of it to be honest, but the LOTR rant, homophobic as it was, did have me in stitches because it was so extreme and mean-spirited and beyond the pale. And I like LOTR, but I remember Randall just bagging on it to be funny. Doubting that's aged well. I also was confused by the whole "porch monkey" hill. I'm wondering which holds up the least well: this or Chasing Amy?
  8. I think I'll always love Clerks. My brother and I first saw it years after we'd both entered the workforce, and it was such a seminal film for us.
  9. No reason's been given yet, but I'm sure a non-insignificant factor is that the star is pregnant. Adding that to the show's famously slipping ratings and it's not a huge surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. I wonder if Benoist is walking away from it, that being the catalyst. I always figured Flash would end before Supergirl. Still, six seasons is a very respectable run.
  10. I think Smith was flexing off a real Indie Comic Dan Clowes kind of vibe where he didn't see a problem with having a strictly unimpeachable character. He also didn't think there was much of a deal with Veronica walloping Dante at the end. IDK, I take your points but Smitch was 24/25 and this was such a different time back then. Rewatching it a few months back, it did strike me for the first time how whiny and self-centered Dante was. Before then, I always figured him for the overall mature one and Randall's rant at the end to not be meaningless but un-accentuated by Dante's own behavior. He was way less likable when I last watched. I still like him okay, but just barely.
  11. Marvel Snapshots: X-Men: Written by Jay Edidin of Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men fame (a much vaunted podcast I should pick up), this is a point-of-view story of a pre-Xavier Scott Summers, and his feelings as an outsider just before his powers start to develop. With sublime art by Tom Reilly and a really soft but felt touch in the writing, Jay explained why Cyclops is my favorite X-Man perfectly. Recommended for sure.
  12. I love his Batman stuff, but I can attest to this. It really does feel like Morrison is writing from another planet with his disjointed writing at times, and you don't know when he's going to write realistic dialogue and when he going to remind the audience that they're reading a comic book. Much of the emotions are often severely underplayed too. Like when Bruce Wayne returns to save Dick and Damian, I don't think they express much joy or even surprise that he was back, after insisting to Tim that he was really gone. I think his pre-Batman Rebirth/RIP stuff is the sanest/easiest to read. It gets clippy by Batman RIP, but the first Black Glove trade during One Year Later is solid and easy to take in. But still, different appreciation but I agree with you Mike.
  13. Shit, that's tricky. Blade has way more style, which lately has been used as a negative in describing films. But it's style used to maximum effect. It's dark and moody but juuust superhero genre enough that it's fun. Snipes infuses Blade with tons of personality, even if he's often stoic and taciturn. Leaving us with great lines and moments. Stephen Dorff's best performance..? A film with black leads in both male and female but it doesn't contrive to the genre expectations of romance like, say, Aquaman for instance. Top tier action. I would say that...Blade is a better movie because of the time it came out. Comic Books movies were not only mostly not good, they were rarely that good. Having re-watched Blade a couple months back, you have to both squint and be in a bad mood to find something truly, objectively wrong with it as a film. Winter Solider's one of the best MCU films, and one of the best CBMs as well, but Blade's style puts it over IMO. It tells a more layered story, but Blade's simplicity gives it more efficacy.
  14. Yeah I’ll never watch “Arachnids in the UK”. I woulda thought they had their fill with that Capaldi moon was episode, but the joke was on me.
  15. I'm really, really, REALLY mad at myself for not recommending The Mack. Pryor's a supporting character in it, but it's a blaxploitation classic, and a generally serious film. With mind control.
  16. Believe we've got that at the store, so I'll definitely be checking it out.
  17. Jungle Action #6-#24: "Panther's Rage": I bought this Marvel Masterwork in the lead-up to the Black Panther movie and never got around to reading it, finally reading it today of all days as I didn't know what to do with myself. Imagine the "If This Be My Destiny" machinery lifting scene from Amazing Spider-Man #33. Now imagine that, with T'Challa, for over a dozen issues, every issue. This is every bit as good as people say it is. Don McGregor uses this book to write poetry, not comic book scripts. It's often over-written and purple prose-y, but the story content is Shakespearian, so it only feels right, never out of place. Black Panther returns to Wakanda which in the time he's been dicking around with the Avengers has been conquered by Killmonger. For the next two years of (bi-monthly) storytelling, the Black Panther runs a gauntlet of vicious new enemies and combats distrust and betrayal of his own people due to his negligence. Panther questioning his right to be king of Wakanda is as natural to him as guilt is to Spider-Man and manwhoring is to Daredevil, but this has to be the theme's finest workout for the character. He gets thrown through the absolute ringer, battling terrifying new villains and on multiple occasions fighting for his life against Wakandan wildlife such as rhinos, aligators, cobras, gorillas and even dinosaurs. He's brutalized, slashed open, and often nearly drowned again and again, and the miracle of him being Black Panther - thus having a healing factor to recover from his injuries - turns into an unending hell for him to continue battling again and again, his faith in himself constantly questioned. The art starts off on a great foot with pros like Rich Buckler and Gil Kane, but when things really ramp up, Billy Graham comes onto the scene and brings the exact amount of frenzied, deranged energy that the escalating stakes require. This book is like a living being clawing their way from underneath the ground with clenched teeth and gnarled fingers. Once the Panther's Rage arc ends, the follow-up story sees T'Challa in Georgia battling the Klan. This is less successful, mainly due to the fact that it was never finished. Jungle Action got cancelled, and Jack Kirby revamped the character with his own name-led title. It's a shame because you're just dying to see the Panther brutalize these fuckers, but Graham still brings some of the most gorgeous artwork of T'challa descending upon a gaggle of hooded thugs in the dead of midnight. This run is definitive. It stands in stark contrast to the Priest run, who depicted the Panther far more capably against overhwelming odds, which serves the basis for modern Panther. He never liked how easily his ceremonial costume got shredded for instance, hence it being bulletproof. But as anachronistic as it may be today, it's still an absolute HELL of a comic series to read.
  18. I keep going back and forth on it. The artwork is awesome, and I love the references to older history like the way the Batcave is designed, and the acknowledgement that Batman's worn different costumes over the years (they don't make that official enough). On the other hand, this really isn't telling us anything new. Both Barbara and Jason have had their thoughts on the Joker more than explored past their trauma, and while the scheme is interesting, you just get the feeling that this is going to fall down to more misery porn. Also - like Doomsday Clock - this would've been far more relevant five years ago when it was first teased. Chu #1-#2: John Layman is back with the "Better Call Saul" of the Chew series. I had no idea this was out, but it's two issues deep and I am here for it. I miss Rob Guillory on art, but Dan Boultwood has a unique style of his own, and I feel I'll grow to love him before long.
  19. Soon available on my Onlyfans.
  20. Either way I'm still wiping my face off