Richard Paterson

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Posts posted by Richard Paterson

  1. Probably it was because of my low expectations for this - Steve Thompson has not impressed me on Who so far - but I ended really enjoying this one. I didn't see the twists coming, at least not completely, and the whole thing walked the line between fun and dark very deftly. The bits with the squishy heads in particular were quite shocking I thought.

    The only thing I didn't think really worked was the sequence of goodbye scenes - they just didn't seem to gel together with each other or the rest of the episode. Still, I've enjoyed the whole series so far, and i think there's lots of good things to come.

  2. Hook is awesome, but I wouldn't say it really stretches Williams' acting chops, nor does Jumanji, classic that it is. As much as it pains me to mention it, but Bicentennial Man shows off his range more. Of course, I think at least one of his 'grim trilogy' of Insomnia, One Hour Photo and Smoochie is a must. OHP is my favourite.

  3. Ok, I've signed up for this - I'm richpaterson001 and my top film so far appears to be Groundhog Day, and my bottom, fairly blasphemously, is The Godfather. Got a long way to go though, because The Mummy is second to last, and I have a lot of time for that film.

    Just had to choose between 2 car crashes - Die Another Day and Batman & Robin. Batman won!

  4. Ah, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. When listening to your intro clip, I actually got sucked into thinking that this might have been a gripping story after all - I honestly think that the setup is perfect for a story. But there is just so much wrong with it - and these are my main problems:

    1) The reset button, obviously, and the questions you raised about how it works. If you guys hate reset buttons, I'm looking forward to hearing The Edge of Forever covering Voyager...

    2) The History of the Time War - who wrote it, exactly? The Doctor? If so, why does he write his name - which is supposed to be an awesomely powerful secret - in it? And I thought he didn't like to remember being in the Time War anyway, with the whole War Doctor situation going on, which is addressed just 2 episodes down the line. And in any case, what is it that Clara recognises about his name? 'So that's who...' - well, who could it possibly be???

    3) The brothers are all acted horribly. The mystery of why Ashley Walters keeps getting acting work is as baffling to me as why Steve Thompson keeps getting writing gigs.

    4) So.... one of the brothers thinks he's a robot. And somehow they manage to convince him that robots go to the bathroom sometimes to take a robot dump. As the Doctor Who Magazine reviewer said at the time, the writer clearly never gave this 'hilarious' concept a moment of thought.

    The only thing I can say in defence of your criticisms is that I think there was a point made about getting a second chance to be a better brother, and far from resetting the 'robot's' memories, when time got reset I think the point was that they never played that joke on him in the first place. I don't remember exactly, I haven't seen this since it went out, and I think it might be the only one I don't mind that about. Ridiculous.

  5. I like Bells of Saint John, but being a "techno thriller" it is going to date so badly, with all it's iPads and wifi and social media references. Anyone remember WOTAN? And the Shard was a big deal in the UK at least, being the tallest building in London and having only just opened quite soon before this episode aired, so that all adds into the firmly contemporary feel they were going for.

    Rings of Akhaten frustrated me on first watch, mainly because I was waiting for the plot to really kick in, which it never felt it did. The second watch I found it much more enjoyable, though, probably because I knew where it was going - namely nowhere near the Indiana Jones vibe the movie poster gave.

  6. Can't repress the giggling while listening to this in public. Braddles should appear more often, even if he's not in the film.

    I really do love this cast, but if you are going to do tv to film breakouts, and you are going to do Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad, Ian, do yourself a favour and watch it all first - we just finished it and I can't imagine it would be better seeing only some episodes out of the whole, particularly if you're ever going to watch it properly.

  7. The likes of Spare Parts and Chimes of Midnight are rightly often mentioned in lists of the great Big Finishes, but there are also some really solid and brilliant stories from slightly more recent times too. I'm quite behind on lots of Big Finish, but from the main range I really rate:

    5th Doctor - The Kingmaker, Singularity, Circular Time, Son of the Dragon, The Haunting of Thomas Brewster

    6th Doctor - Davros, Arrangements for War, The Nowhere Place, and the arc where he travels with Charley are all very good

    7th Doctor - The Harvest, Master, LIVE 34, Red, The Magic Mousetrap

    8th Doctor - Terror Firma, Memory Lane. I've also just finished listening to the four series of Eighth Doctor Adventures, which then lead into Dark Eyes, and they are by and large excellent, particularly the fourth series which really went epic.

  8. Wow, I thought this one was going to get ripped to shreds by both you guys. I haven't seen it since broadcast, but I mainly remember it being a quite light on plot and brimming over with schmaltz. Definitely Smith's weakest Christmas special, though there are good bits scattered throughout. I also like Rory's line "So you're not dead then?"

  9. Just watched Time of the Doctor for the second time, and I liked it a lot more. On the day, it didn't really seem to fit together very well, but this time I just lapped it up. Maybe it was knowing where it was going that helped?

    As much as I'm looking forward to Capaldi, I am totally going to miss Matt Smith. He nailed the part from day one for me, and was absolutely superb in this, particularly in his relationships with Handles and Barnable.

    Only thing I didn't really like was Tasha Lem - she seemed like she was meant to be River, but wasn't, and it seemed odd to me that she would still be around for the whole of the Doctor's stay on Christmas.

  10. Got to say these are 2 for 2 for me, and a big part of why I regard the back half of Series Six as the strongest run since the show came back (the back half of series 4 comes a close second though). The plot of TGWW may be slight, and there may indeed be tonal issues with TGP, but by God these episodes have such atmosphere.

    Another great episode guys - looking forward to celebrating with you next time!

  11. Had to wait quite a few hours before I got to see this, but boy was it worth it! McGann looked awesome, and I can completely buy that he's been having all the off-TV adventures in the meantime. It's amazing that just under 7 minutes' worth of material can completely marry the old series to the current run.

    Can't believe I'm going to be out for the 50th....

  12. I'd heard Nightmare in Silver was a bit of an opinion-splitter, but I just don't see how. Ok, it wasn't quite as good as The Doctor's Wife, whic I largely put down to having Tamsin Outhwaite in it, but otherwise I thought it was tremendous. People seem to be criticising Matt Smith's acting too, which I don't get. And the kids weren't that bad and were conveniently "inactive" for most of the episode. Loved the new Cybers too.

    This half-series has been patchy, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. I loved Bells, was very cold on Akhaten (there wasn't really a plot, and I hate watching Dr Who and thinking about why the science doesn't work), Cold War took a second viewing for me to really like (and I wasn't keen on the resolution), really liked Hide, enjoyed Journey for what it was (except for the android brother thing - as IF - and the Big Friendly Button), and I loved the last 2 eps for completely different reasons. I have every confidence in Moffat to deliver in the finale, so I'm hoping the back end of the series will make up for a slightly lacklustre first half.

  13. Oh, also wanted to say that if they go down another romantic route, i can buy Smith falling for someone a lot more than Eccleston or Tennant, for some reason.

    Also, I don't find the "Doctor who?" gag annoying, but as that is apparently The Question, which leads right up to the anniversary special, I don't see it going away anytime soon.

    Merry Christmas to all at Earth-2!

  14. Probably the best Christmas special they've ever done (at least tied with A Christmas Carol, and leagues ahead of the nice-but-dull schmaltzfest that was last year's story). Loving all the new - titles, TARDIS (that shot!), Clara... all spot on.

    Have to echo the praise for Strax, though thought Vastra and Jenny were a bit underused. Richard E Grant does withering very well, and I liked his look of childishness towards the end when Ian McKellen's voice disappeared for a bit.

    So excited for the rest of the series - bring on the fiftieth!

  15. I also lead to chris chibnall to go on TV and bitch about lazy, poor writing in the show on JNTs watch. The same guy would later work with RTD and give use Hungry earth, 42 and the Torchwood episode Cyberwoman.

    Well, and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Power of Three and the Torchwood episodes Countrycide, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Adrift and Fragments, all of which kick a lot of ass in my books.