Discuss new WWE game for GC


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I'm quite used to THQ letting me down when it comes to the WM series for the Gamecube, after No Mercy was the epitome of the N64 Wrestling game (argue all you want, but at the end of the day, it's true). WMX8, to put it simply, sucked - it was a step back from No Mercy in almost every way, save match types and entrances. Then THQ hyped up WMX9, and, after scrutinously reading through reviews, decided not to buy it (or even play it) when I heard about the storyline mode.

So am I, and all other Nintendo wrestling game fans, following a similar route with WWE: Day of Reckoning? Certainly there's a lot to dissuade such fears: Strong & Weak grapples are back, a la No Mercy, hopefully allowing more moves per wrestler, whilst having a submission system that focuses on body areas and a better reversal system.

The storyline system sounds like a cross between that of the Smackdown series and WM2000 on N64, and anything that features Velocity & Heat can't be bad!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that THQ have got it right this time. What do you all think?

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I'm not a big fan of the WM games, but No Mercy was great. (As a SmackDown! fan even I have to admit that.) But my hopes aren't high for this new franchise. The characters look like all glossy -- like Barbie dolls. And how's this any different than what they did in the last SD game where you had one year to work your way through the ranks and make it to the top? In the end, it doesn't seem like they're adding anything new to the genre -- unless you start in OVW.

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But to someone like me who, on principle, will NEVER buy a PS2, it's something to be optimistic about at least! As for the pics, they do look a bit like action figures, but then most of this is promotinal material - I doubt most of it will look quite like that in the finished game.

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I know a couple people who'll probably buy this before me so I won't have to worry, I'll just play it when I can steal it from them and judge it from there. But I will say one thing, I sure as hell ain't buy this game until I try it.

Although I will admit the story mode sounds really cool. :rockon:

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I think it's too soon to really judge the game so I'll give it a while before I get to excited (or pissed off, if neccesary). I also think they need a better name, but I guess if it rules then no one will care about the name. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be Smackdown Lite.

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Is it wrong to be turned on by a videogame character pulling off the pants of another videogame character?

Not according to the THQ marketing department. I know that I'd be uncomfortable if caught playing such a match - heck, women's matches on their own made me feel ashamed if my parents walked in. <_<

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It looks pretty and all, and I like the concept of having to start from the very bottom with your own custimized guy.

If it's good, then maybe I'll sell out and buy a Cube. Not likely, because I've got to get a new PS2.

I was like that with SD: HCTP, but I stuck to my principles. Good on you if you choose not to, but I'll be more than happy to welcome you to the Nintendo family if you do! :)

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If it's good, then maybe I'll sell out and buy a Cube. Not likely, because I've got to get a new PS2.

Better yet, how bout if you sell out anyway and buy great games like Eternal Darkness*20 bucks*, SSBM or Metroid Prime*30 bucks* and Viewtilful Joe*40 bucks, but it's worth it*. Than if the new WWE game turns out to actually be good, buy that too if you want. :rockon:

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