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Recently on Word Balloon I heard an interview with writer Ivan Brandon, and he tried to claim that Viking was somehow akin to sci-fi. His explanation made zero sense, and that's when I decided not to try the book. If the writer can't sell me on it, if he can't wrap his own head around its premise, then I can't be bothered.

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Recently on Word Balloon I heard an interview with writer Ivan Brandon, and he tried to claim that Viking was somehow akin to sci-fi. His explanation made zero sense, and that's when I decided not to try the book. If the writer can't sell me on it, if he can't wrap his own head around its premise, then I can't be bothered.

Ha! I listened to the same thing and at the end I was like, "so what is Viking about?" Same reason for me.

Fantastic Force was great in the Millar/Hitch FF run but I'm waiting for the trade on their mini. There was a moment between our Wolverine and the Hooded Man that sold the character for me in FF. Plus, you're right. The costume is dope.

Makes me wonder how this ties in to Millar's Wolverine run...

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Hooded Man was a disappointment when I realized "Oh, great, it's Wolverine again," but that was the only disappointment. The character was written better than I could have imagined, and was actually pretty cool.

And this is coming from Wolverine's number one hater.

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