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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. Oh. My. God. This NEEDS to be true. I don't care if its a one-off.
  2. Being better than the first isn't exactly hard...
  3. out of interest, what is the url for the episode review twitter feed?
  4. All Hail the Internet Fairy. Some comments: First, Claudia Black rocked Cheetah something fierce. Second: Nathan Fillion as GL. Why does he only get to voice the animated version? He'd do a better job than Ryan Reynolds! I liked it. A lot. The Bat is just totally awesome as always. He just doesn't know the meaning of the word 'Quit.'
  5. Is that a trick question?
  6. What makes that all the more awesome is - naturally - the way RDJ says it
  7. Eleven will drive Picard utterly bonkers. And I'm calling up my comic shop and adding this to my order first thing tomorrow...
  8. Huh. I was looking forward to this but now I'm losing hope.
  9. You mean it's still going? I'm going to have to go hunt out the rest of season 1 now...
  10. If Simonson went back to writing Thor, I would buy the book again.
  11. I wasn't as fond of the second episode of season 1 as I was the first and third. Definitely weaker. Hope that doesn't continue with this season, what with it being Hound of the Baskervilles...
  12. All down to the generally awesome acting ability of Andy Serkis as Caesar..
  13. "I'm going to make you beg for mercy. Twice." "I. Don't. Beg." "Twice."
  14. I didn't know where to post it to be honest. I figured the movie section of the forums would be more appropriate. I didn't really think about a synopsis because that wasn't the point of what I wrote. I was just putting down my first thoughts on the movie and I tried to make it as coherent as possible, rather than the stream of conciousness that came out at first. After I'd posted it, I thought of some other things I would have liked to have said. I didn't go into the details on the changes because unless you have read the books or seen the original movies, they won't mean anything to you. And if the reader has seen them or read the books, I didn't want to spoil it. My advice on trying to watch the swedish movies? Go read the books first. I tried and failed to watch them, went and read the books, then went back and watched them without any trouble.
  15. Just got back from seeing THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. It is almost faithful to the book, with one small change (which isn't really necessary anyway) and one large one, in the matter of Harriet's identity. I will forgive the change however because it was filmed and made by Americans. I will say no more on the subject as that would count as a spoiler. I cannot compare Lizbeth's rape in the US and Swedish versions because I watched the swedish one on Blu-Ray and was therefore able to fastforward through it. Fincher does not avoid it, although there is one moment when the screen goes black and I thought that we would come back when it was all done. But that was not the case. It was not made titillating in any way, at least in my opinion. The film itself is set in sweden like the books and everyone - with the exception of Daniel Craig, who sticks to his normal british one - has a little accent. Rooney Mara's Lizbeth is considerably closer to the literary Lizbeth than Noomi Rapace's was. Don't get me wrong, Rapace's Lizbeth is still incredible, but I have seen a review that described her as 'cast in iron', which I would agree with. Mara's Lizbeth is not, but does still manage to stand next to Rapace by projecting a shell that makes her look tough and capable, while still being emotionally fragile - much as Lizbeth was in the books. The relationship between Lizbeth and Mikael is very slightly flavoured with the faintest hint of romance once it gets started, again no doubt for a US audience. It does not get in the way or change their attitudes toward each other but it is there. All in all, I would recommend this without hesitation.
  16. JasonC

    Season One

    Having read that blurb... me too.
  17. I watched it live with some relatives. The effects were crap, the acting was horrible and the script - if you can call it that - was just awful. I stopped trying to defend it halfway through.
  18. Kate Beckinsale in tight leather again? Sign me up...
  19. Me too. That was just an awesome moment. Also, my fears have been assuaged - Gollum and The Ring are in the trailer, which can only mean The Riddle Game will be there too. But what was Galadriel doing in the movie? Fiddling seductively with Gandalf's hair no less?
  20. Thank you kind sir Thank you, kind sir. I will listen to it as soon as I can get a new mp3 player. The one I listen to podcasts has problems when it comes to turning it on and off. My other one has a great volume for music, but for some reason, when it comes to podcasts I can barely hear people. In this one for example, I could hardly hear Dan at all.
  21. Was it that bad? Not exactly bad. Weird. Like 'dropped at least two tabs of acid' weird. Well written.... but seriously out-there weird. Even for DW. I just couldn't stick with it.
  22. Out of interest, you mention that you reviewed BLINK on an episode of the Earth-2.Net podcast. Which number was that and is it still in the archive?
  23. Ebola is better than anything in Batman & Robin...
  24. I have just attempted to read the Michael Moorcock Doctor Who tie in novel. I made it through three chapters before giving up.