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Everything posted by teenalphabro

  1. I know, right? He has a damn fine face.
  2. Well, to be fair, it is Ryan Gosling. I mean, look at him.
  3. Also, finished my first playthrough of Borderlands 1 and started 2 and man. The difference between the two of them, tonally, is night and day.
  4. I will always stand by the fact that 3 is just as good as 2, and it might even be better than it.
  5. Drive Angry and Season of the Witch, because I'm a raging asshole.
  6. Ant-Man: Surprisingly good. Is it the best MCU movie so far? Hell no. But its still pretty good. Movies Watched: 85 Repeats: 1
  7. *insert celebratory greeting here*
  8. The question doesn't need to be asked. 8, 9 times out of 10, Halloween will win.
  9. Jodorowsky's Dune: This is a really good documentary, and it puts a lot of things into perspective. Would Jodorowsky's version of Dune have been better than Lynch's version? Who knows? But all I can really say is that this documentary was outstanding. Films Watched: 84 Repeats: 1
  10. Twelve Angry Men: This is one of the best movies ever made. Films Watched: 83 Repeats: 1
  11. The Dark Knight: As good as Batman Begins was, there's no way it could compare to this movie. Films Watched: 82 Repeats: 1
  12. Yes, Mike. Exactly that Chesterton. Batman Begins: Unlike Hellboy, Batman Begins has aged very well. Films Watched: 81 Repeats: 1
  13. The Last Starfighter: Hot damn, that was good! Films Watched: 80 Repeats: 1
  14. I'd call you all nerds, but I know what website I'm on.
  15. Late Phases: It's an middling werewolf flick, and thats all I've really got. Films Watched: 79 Repeats: 1
  16. John Carter: Actually found it to be highly entertaining. Is it a masterpiece? Good god, no. But it was very fun. Films Watched: 78 Repeats: 1
  17. Kingsman: The Secret Service: Goddamn, that was a good fucking film. Films Watched: 77 Repeats: 1
  18. That's the Alzheimer's one, right? I have been meaning to check that out. That's exactly the one. Her: Really, really interesting. It was good, but certainly really weird. Films Watched: 76 Repeats: 1
  19. The Taking of Deborah Logan: A nice little Found Footage horror movie. Des, I recommend you cover this on Dread Media if you haven't already. Films Watched: 75 Repeats: 1
  20. I misread that and was insanely worried for you.
  21. David Lynch's film/tv career?
  22. Star Wars Episode 4: It has been at least a good ten years since I've seen this movie in full, and oh my god, I have missed it so. It's been said countless times before, but Star Wars is such a good series, and this movie is, without a doubt, the perfect example of that. Films Watched: 74 Repeats: 1