Mr. Keith

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Everything posted by Mr. Keith

  1. For whatever reason, I was playing War Craft 3 recently and have actually been playing that off & on quite a bit. It's weird because I'm really not that big of a PC game fan really, and last time I gave that game a try I was getting beaten down in it. Bad. Really, really, REALLY badly.
  2. I know it'll probably be the same game, but I am so pumped for Animal Crossing DS it's not even funny. I absolutely loved the one for the GC and now that they've added an Online mode so I can go over to a friend of mines town and mess around in his town is just awesome. It's also one of the few DS games I've ever really been pumped for, and it'll be out within just a couple more months now! Boo yah!(Don't you dare delay this game, Nintendo) So what's everyone else looking forward to gaming wise before the year is out?
  3. Rented Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 yesterday, though I certainly wish I had DSL so I could actually go online with it.
  4. After a long hiatus, I'm back to playing and still trying to beat Super Ghouls & Ghosts for the first time on GBA. And so help me god, I will fucking beat this game one day.
  5. Funny, I've always considered the SNES Harvest Moon the greatest one of them all followed closely by the PS1 Back to Nature. The GC one was alright, but the lack of events really hurt the game for me. Plus, the characters were just so plain in the game, none of them interested me in the slightest bit and the women you were able to marry sucked. I don't care how much longer the game goes, there no point in going through the full ten years if your bored to death after the first year. Now that I think about it, I really didn't like that game.
  6. Doesn't surprise me, it's suppose to be exactly like the last GC version. Which really wasn't all that fun for a Harvest Moon game.
  7. Wish I could say the same, but neither of those titles really excite me in the slightest bit. I might try out the baseball game, but ddr excites me just as much as the Konga games did. And believe me, I didn't give a crap about them. On topic: this delay really depresses me.
  8. I put the for a reason.
  9. I'm amazed you were willing to give the DS a try Just kidding. Anyway, I think it's a damn good game. Not on par with some of the Cubes greatest games like Resident Evil 4 and (Your personal favorite)Super Smash Brothers Melee, but I don't regret purchasing it in the slightest bit. It's just obviously not a game that everyone will enjoy.
  10. Well, least they aren't blaming video games for creating killers. Actually, the Wedding Crashers was surprisingly a really funny movie. The rest I'm not even gonna argue with.
  11. Wow, so the only big name title coming out for the Game Cube this year was Resident Evil 4...... and they release it at the very beginning of the year?!?!
  12. Do you play with the PS2 version, cause I've never had an issue with the loading time in the game. Sure, there's some, but not enough for it to take up most of my play time. As for the controls, I still don't think they're all that bad. Sure, it's rough getting use to them at first since they're so much more different from how controls work. But I wouldn't go out of my way and call them crappy.
  13. I actually really enjoy this game, so I'm curious to hear you elaborate more on this. Do you just hate the way the controls are for the game?
  14. I actually would like to hear a colmn about the DS and PSP on which hand held is better at the moment. Whether it be from Yoda when he has the time or someone else whose had time to try out a good amount from both librarys, I just figured it'd be an interesting column now that the PSP isn't so new.
  15. How did I let this news escape me? Gah, guess I'm going to have to give in and just focus on the PS2 since the GC is pretty much dead under water. Should be a fun game. I had a lot of fun playing the original Final Fight and even had liked playing that Eidos game that which was similar to it. Can't wait to give this one a try.
  16. Got Killer 7 a couple weeks ago, and I've actually really enjoyed the game. The controls seem a bit odd when you first try them out, but I've adapted to them pretty well.
  17. Just rewatched the film, and apparently the line I was thinking of was used, but wasn't really as important as I thought it was. Meh, oh well.
  18. What? An article that doesn't involve violence in video games or something along those lines?? Wow. :twitch: Good read.
  19. Even though I really wasn't fond of the second one, I still enjoy the Advanced Wars game and due to my lack of DS titles, might give this one a shot. But I might just hold out on it and hope they make another version of it with an Online mode. Now that would rock.
  20. Didn't even notice you mentioned this before, but how is that game like? I've been debating upon getting either that or Meteo's for awhile, so I'm wondering if you'd reccomend it.
  21. Yeah, I know I haven't been very much help in contributing to the forums these days. I've always loved the video game forums and it's nice to have a place to talk about all the things I usually can't talk about with all my friends, it's just that I haven't really playing many games lately and from what I have played, none of them except Resident Evil 4 have been all that good. But yeah, anyone whose up to making this board more lively is okay in my book.
  22. Just got my hands on Sonic Mega Collection for the Game Cube, and good god, I never realized just how much Sonic 3D Blast sucked.
  23. I'd place my top ten, but most of the games I've played were from last year or I played very briefly. So yeah, my list would pretty much be a one game list.
  24. I second what he just said. Have a great time at the show, you lucky little bastard you.
  25. Just got Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within(GC version, of course) today and will start on it later tonight.