Kenny Evil

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Everything posted by Kenny Evil

  1. I've just started a subscription to The Phoenix for my godson, so I hope he'll like it. One story that I definitely want to read more about just because of the teaser poster alone is this one.
  2. Dammit, I've got to stop letting my hopes get raised. Managed expectations, managed expectation-- oh fuck it, i'm really looking forward to this.
  3. It's been confirmed. The Dandy's last printed issue will be in December to coincide with the 75th anniversary.
  4. I always read this part after the Battleship Potemkin, as it was originally intended. It reads a lit better that way. I'm surprised they didn't fix it for the collected edition.
  5. The Beano's circulation is 38,000 so it's in no real danger at the moment. The Dandy was my first comic as a kid. My older brother got the Beano but eventually everyone gave up the pretense and acknowledged that they were both actually for me. That said, I think they both informed my sense of humour quite a bit, especially strips like Cuddles and Dimples, which featured two anarchic toddlers and never did anything to suggest that they were anything other than completely evil. In the last couple of years it relaunched itself as a full on comic after an attempt at being a fortnightly mix of comic and entertainment magazine. It was headed by Jamie Smart who created the utterly brilliant Bear and just set out to be as fun as possible. I don't know, I guess I feel like Principal Skinner finding the broken down remnants of the 4H club "Am I so out of touch? No... no, it's the children who are wrong."
  6. Yeah, 75 years is a pretty good run but it's just so maddening to see the old excuses of "kids have more things to spend their money on these days" when the real damage was done 30 or 40 years ago by editors and publishers who became complacent with their sales and never bothered to evolve the industry until it was too late. Basically there's now only one title left standing that produces original material for kids. There's nothing to bridge the gap between humour titles and 2000ad or the American titles.
  7. In other sad news Britain's longest running comic the dandy is facing cancellation after its circulation fell below 8000.
  8. simultaneously shocked and not shocked by dc only managing that shitty press release.
  9. Rifftrax! The last one was a work of art, especially when Bill and Kevin laid into Mike for failing to understand how venom worked.
  10. That's actually about a mile from my house so I might go be a bothersome fan. Some of it is actually going to be outside one of my favourite bars.
  11. Matt Fraction and Mike & Laura Allred? I may well have to get that.
  12. Me and Stavros covered this in WFTT a few months ago but I really think they should hire Ian Edington as a writer on Doctor Who. Look at this pitch for "Brass Sun" and tell me it doesn't sound like something out of Doctor Who: Can you touch on "Brass Sun" a little bit? It seems to be a bit of a departure from the usual fare in "2000 AD." Smith: I'll quote the first paragraph of Ian's pitch, which should set the scene: "The Orrery is a fully functional, life-size, clockwork solar system. A clutch of planets, moons, asteroids and comets orbiting a vast, life-giving brass sun via immense metal spars. Its origin and purpose long since forgotten. The once-unified collection of worlds have regressed into eccentric fiefdoms and petty baronies. Some are no longer aware that life even exists on any of the other worlds. The only certainty is that the sun is winding down…The Orrery is dying."
  13. Gah! 2000AD is doing a national signing in September on a weekend where I'm out of the country! What's more is that Mark Buckingham is signing in Bristol, so I'm missing out on my chance to have my copy of Miracle Man: The Golden Age, which is already signed by Neil Gaiman, signed by him! Now there's a first world problem for you: I can't get my comics signed because i'm on holiday in France!
  14. I've never seen it but I love the concept and I agree with Jack that it's a film that's in need of a modern-day remake.
  15. I was pretty fortunate with my timing with 2000AD. By the time I started John Wagner was starting The Pit, Sinister Dexter was getting into full swing and Nikolai Dante was about 18 months away from starting. There was a lot of dross and some bad things to come but I really did get in just as things were starting to improve. It's amazing just how close Egmont came to killing the whole thing.
  16. 2000AD is going day and date digital on iOS devices. The digital issues are cheaper than the print issues as well.
  17. Apparently this was the inspiration Judge Dredd: America. If anyone here hasn't read it, I'd highly recommend finding a copy.
  18. It might be hard. I didn't realise this until recently but Rebellion seems to be following Marvel's policy of not going to second runs. I can understand why as they need to keep a close eye on their budgeting but it does mean that the first Nikolai Dante graphic novels (ie the ones most people will want to read right now) are out of print. I think there's some pressure on them to get them back into print. Depending on how well the Simon & Schuster runs do, there might be a US printing.
  19. Gahhhhh!!! Wantwantwantwantwantwant NOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!
  20. Hi Shining knight, welcome. Lulu's great, I agree. Personally my favourites of Dante's siblings were always Andreas and Viktor. Arkady was Joffrey Baratheon before there was a Joffrey Baratheon... except that Game of Thrones was released a full year before Dante started. Still, what a cunt.
  21. On Fantastic Four, giving Jessica Alba blonde hair and blue eyes made her look frightening. She was one skin bleaching away from being a White Walker.