Kenny Evil

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Posts posted by Kenny Evil

  1. They established in the Doctor's Wife that Timelords aren't bound by their gender during regeneration. I think that was a pretty important line to get in there and obviously Moffatt agreed to it because otherwise he wouldn't have left the line in. I think it's ridiculous to limit an alien who can regenerate their entire body including hair, teeth, eye colour, height and build to one gender and one race. If the Doctor can't regenerate into a woman then you're literally halving your casting choices for the next Doctor, which is frankly ridiculous.

  2. Michael has always been a dick, but he was kept relatively normal by his proximity to the family. Away from it, is it a wonder that he deteriorated so badly? His relationship with George Michael has always had elements of his relationships with his own parents and his mother's with Buster.

  3. Confirmed


    I imagine, with a limit of 1000 copies and the prestige format it's going to sell out very quickly.

    Edit: Hmmm, curious silence by Morrison on this one and a fair amount of weasel wording regarding his involvement. I don't think that Rebellion would publish this unless they were certain there was no legal risk which would imply that the lawsuit has ended and the court found in Rebellion's favour and therefore Fleetway's lackadaisical approach to paper work doesn't mean that Grant still owns Zenith. Really hoping this one clears up soon.

    Edit the second: Been informed by Laura Sneddon that the lawsuit never reached the courts. Safe to assume that Morrison is not happy with this being published. Yeowell is though as he's doing a lot of interviews about the new collection.

  4. Okay, reread the final part and it does seem like a Marvel publication might be coming soon. I think through all of this Alan Davis has been the most screwed, first by Moore's temper tantrums with Marvel, then by Eclipse just using his work and ignoring his wish to enforce his copyright. Todd McFarlane is the least sympathetic person in comics, and I have a little schadenfreude over the fact that he seems to have lost the greater part of his fortune. It seemed like he went to court every so often to get the fact that he's a complete prick put on public record. I'm now a lot more sympathetic to Dez Skinn than I was a few years ago even though he did cause a whole lot of this mess by assuming that Marvelman was public domain. He seemed to be trying to balance the pragmatism needed for a publisher at the mercy of a major distributor, who was quite prurient, with his own desires to push the medium further.

    I was also surprised by how much of an asshole Erik Larsen was about the McFarlane-Gaiman lawsuit. I wasn't likely to buy any of his stuff any way but his comments implying that the jury in the case was thinking with their ladybits rather than looking at the facts of the case was appalling.

  5. Nah dude, you guys were fucked by having to follow up a cast that great.

    Right, the cast was better than the movie. The movie was pretty fun in its own right but Woody Harrelson made that movie, so trying to run anything named zombieland without him was doomed to failure. Eisenberg and Stone were great as well but Harrelson really made the movie special.

  6. So, the current pre-order price in the UK is £400, from This may be lowered or raised later, but this is currently what you would be expected to pay for a pre-order.

    That, right there, is a shit-ton of money. That's over $600 USD.

    It'll probably be about $400 in the US. Our prices include VAT where your's don't include sales tax. Apple stuff usually has the same dollar and pound price as well.

    I was barely into the last generation of consoles and nothing about the current generation really excites me. The main thing my 360 got used for was watching TV, and the games that I enjoyed the most were the indie platformers on XBox live (ie the least promoted games). It's not an exaggeration to say I enjoyed Apple Jack more than Gears of War 3 and Apple Jack was a fraction of the cost of Gears. I guess if i get anything it'll be a steam box, but I think this generation is going to just pass me by.

  7. Right Marvelman was derivative. He was created so that L Miller & Sons could keep publishing comics featuring a superhero who was changed just enough so they couldn't get sued. Moore worked his magic (though not literally as this was a decade before he declared himself a wizard) and found new avenues to explore and new depths to the work that just weren't in the original work, themes that he really expanded on and completed with Watchmen.

    Moore's run works as a complete story and provides an interesting dichotomy with the ending of V For Vendetta. Olympus ends with an ostensible utopia littered with the seeds of doom whereas V ends with a chaotic dystopia that has the seeds of hope sown into it. I see Gaiman's run like I see Firefly, fantastic for the small amount we got but I wish we'd gotten more at the time rather than seeing a resurrection years or decades later. I don't want Firefly to come back and I'm not sure I want Gaiman's Marvelman at this stage either with an extra two decades of heightened expectation and a culture that's moved on.

  8. Marvel's had ownership for the last four years though and only published Anglo's original work which was, frankly, not very good. I know that Gaiman has said that if he's going to finish it anywhere it would be Marvel, but I imagine Gary Leach's ownership of the Warpsmiths is going to be a major hurdle given how involved they are with the story. I know that Moore's happy to let them go ahead so long as they take his name off it and don't try to involve him but the whole thing is a murky nightmare. Personally, if they can't get this sorted in the next five years, i think that everyone should just give up their claims and let the whole thing go into the public domain. At this point there's a bigger gap between the Warrior stories and the present that there was between the Warrior stories and the original Marvelman stories.

  9. I assume that was a part of why it got toned down. Roddenberry also had a whole "the human race is awesome" thing happening, and McCoy was an effective mouthpiece for that.

    However, Spcok/McCoy will never be equaled. Spock saying something to get under McCoy's skin and then refusing to acknowledge that he is getting any degree of satisfaction from McCoy's rage only serves to enrage McCoy even more. None of of the spinoffs managed to get a relationship that even came close.

    They tried with Pulaski/Data but it came off like Pulaski was bullying a guy with Aspergers.