Kenny Evil

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Posts posted by Kenny Evil

  1. Saw it on Friday and I have some thoughts. I'll spoiler them just in case anyone hasn't seen it. Broad strokes of it is that I liked it, it was fun but, like anything done by Lindelof and Abrahms it has some deep, deep flaws.

    As good as Cumberbatch was, I wish they'd chosen a different villain for him to play. The Wrath of Khan is the best of the Trek movies and Into Darkness just doesn't compare favourably to it. That's why I was hoping that he was going to be Gary Mitchell, just because there was more potential there for them to establish their own legacy by using an idea from the original series that had some real potential to explore. As it is it feels like fan fiction with a big budget.

    The fight scenes were pretty cool and visually the movie was a treat.

    Once again Zachary Quinto was the best part of this movie.

    Bit that annoyed me far more than it should: the Enterprise hiding out at the bottom of the ocean. It made for a fantastic visual image but ignores why Matt Jeffries designed the Enterprise the way he did, specifically that it was meant to work in a vacuum with negligible gravity. It probably wouldn't do so well under the stresses of an ocean.

    That said, the crew doing their best to get around the Prime Directive to save those people had more humanity in it than the entirety of Voyager. The crew are breaking the rules but for entirely humanitarian reasons.

    In conclusion: not the best film but far superior to Treks III, V, Generations, Nemesis and Insurrection. See it on the biggest screen you can.

  2. The TARDIS led Clara to the library in the first place, so is it really surprising that she would be able to read the book?

    Also there's been complaints that Doctor Who has been too sexy for literally decades now. It's just a generational thing. We'll probably feel the same way when he's introducing his companions to the strap on sonic screw driver in 2045.

  3. Judge Dredd: Satans Island: An island where you can do anything you want, almost like a new world Las Vegas. This was fun, but it sort of dragged at the end for me. Fun, but not one of the best Dredd stories I've ever read, though the things people were into was inventive, and different.

    Originally it was called Sin City, but you can guess why they had to change that. It's sort of an odd one because it brings a load of plot lines from previous stories together and it's sort of an odd end for Orlok who was a character with about 20 years of history behind him. I think this was the debut of Kev Walker's Mignolaesque style as he'd previously been using a very detail heavy inked style and, before that, a fully painted style. I much prefer this as it flows like a proper comic should rather than just a collection of very pretty pictures.

  4. I'll try to put this in terms of another comic character. Imagine a Batman movie where the first thing he does is gun down a load of criminals. The rest of the movie is spent out of costume following the plot of Commando. This might be an alright action movie, but it is a shitty Batman movie. Also, Rob Scheider is there.

  5. I have a big problem with this

    It's not just that it's objectifying a female character from a comic, it's the character that they're objectifying. Halo Jones was specifically built around not being a femme fatale or a sex object and while she did extraordinary things, she herself was meant to be ordinary. She could have been someone you knew or even you in a way that you couldn't really get from Dredd or Slaine or Batman or Superman. She wasn't a sexless character, but she also was meant to be something other than a sex icon. I don't know whether the fact that Ian Gibson was the one who drew these prints makes it better or worse.