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Posts posted by Chops

  1. I agree that alot of mainstream/radio metal has been treading water for years, but I think there is hope in alot of the "indy" metal scene. Dimmu Borgir, who is probably my favorite metal band to come out of the 90's, has had so much success in Europe that American media had to start covering them. America has come along way from the days of awarding Jethro Tull a metal grammy, but unfourtunately alot of great and innovative metal goes uncovered due to a good outlet.

  2. I eat pizza without sauce. Most people can't stand (or understand) that.

    Count me among "most people" :)

    The pizza you are privy to because of geographical location? You don't know how good you have it, sir!

    Trust me, I'd love to be able to eat real Chicago pizza, but red sauce makes me sick. :( Do I eat it from time to time? Yes, but usually only when guests are visiting and want to try Chicago-style pizza... as you know.

    Have you tried white sauce pizza?

  3. I liked The Punisher movie even though it seems everyone I talk to hates it.

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie. Also, Smokin' Aces.

    People didn't like those?

    Also I'll never understand people who now hate on Dimmu Borgir just because their sound has gotten more of a symphony/orchestra ring to it in the last 6 years. I'll go so far as to say In Sorte Diaboli is my vote for best metal album of 2007.

  4. The thing that is bothering me most about this, is that the writers don't seem to care about any of the other employees. Alot of workers who only make 1/10th what the writers make are losing their jobs, with alot of them not even promised to be rehired once the strike is over. Where as the writers are guranteed to keep their jobs while on strike, plus still getting paid their residuales from the repeats that are being shown now.

    When asked if writers would object to working without them during the strike in order to save jobs, Medeiros said: "I can't answer that. The story to me is that the corporations are doing this in order to pit groups against each other and break the strike."

    To me that is bullshit, blaming corporate tactics with out even offering a sincere thought on other's being laid off, hurts their cause in my eyes.

  5. I saw it Thanksgiving night. It's not a bad movie, but not a good one either. It's pretty much a middle of the road action movie. Alot of it just screamed stereotypical, and ofcourse they added a love story to go along with the assassination story. It's not exactly a guns blazing movie, there are stealth like kills, but they're mundane at best.

  6. While Sony's shiny black handheld has been doing reasonably well in the marketplace, it's been hard for most gamers and pundits to focus on its relative success while Nintendo's dual-screened handheld lumbers through sales statistics like Godzilla, toppling buildings and wrestling Mothra.

    It's not as if PSP is doing poorly though, and the report from two months ago regarding a strong Japanese launch of the PSP Slim was heartening. Today, there's more good news for Sony, as reports that to date the handheld has topped 1 million sales of the Slim PSP. This is no doubt partly thanks to it launching with Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, which has the words "Final Fantasy VII" right in the title and thus guarantees success.

    The report also points out that the Slim has reached the million mark earlier than its predecessor by two weeks, meaning it's off to a stronger start than the original PSP.


    Pretty good to see the slim line is off to a good start. Like the article says, it helps to have Crisis Core selling 350,000 units on it's first day, and I'm sure some of those people were also buying a PSP for the first time.

  7. I'm probably in the minority, but I'm still not digging the whole "Blair Witch handheld camera" look. As for the monster, considering it's Abrams, i wouldn't be surprised if you never see it once in the entire movie.

    Or if it's a roving shadow that disappears for two seasons....sorry.
