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Posts posted by Stavros

  1. On a personal level, Wolverine is more offensive in that it takes potential and flushes it away. Catwoman, it's barely a film you have to think about in context of a wider universe, you could happily ignore it. It's a tough one.

    It's Wolverine. Even though unlike Catwoman there's stuff to recommend about it (Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, might be something to that) it's like the X-men Franchises Highlander 2 or even Star Trek Nemesis, a film that was made by people who never saw the previous ones and decided to throw in a whole bunch of other shit to put their stamp on it irrespective of how it fit in the wider universe. And the effects were fucking awful. I mean, I expected the effects in Catwoman to be bad but how can a film look so much worse than other films in the same franchise made much earlier?

    edit- to clarify, I mean Wolverine is worse ie Catwoman gets the nod.

  2. Good catch, I knew I was referencing something, and that may well be it. I knew someone had done that idea of henchmen so disposable they were basically, to butcher a tagline 'all that meets the eye'.

  3. Holy hell, just seen these. It'll be worth buying Mad Max again just for the disc cover that says "nominated for ten Oscars".

    As for Tarantino, I'm not sure he's a horrible guy, but he definitely doesn't feel protective of his characters, he's unsentimental about them. People demand a really high standard from him and want him to edit down but I'm content to let his work sprawl. It's how he gets to his most interesting places. He has a style and that's fine with me. Hateful 8 was like a Tales from Django stageplay, didn't blow me away but I enjoyed it.

    Suddenly really really want to see Room not just because Brie Larsen is amazing in general but the premise sounds really intense.


    To be honest from that description I probably only remember about half of this. I suspect Ian gone beyond the ken of rational science and cobbled together an audio Frankenstein from our incredibly fractured recording sessions and other assorted podcast leftovers and somehow created a malformed monster of a show. Ian may be a genius, but the question remains over whether he will ever use his powers for good.
