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Posts posted by Stavros

  1. Haven't listened yet but if Rey is Lukes kid then a lot of shit doesnt make sense. 

    According to the current movie timeline Rey was born 15 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) and Luke's Jedi Academy is destroyed somewhere between 28 and 34 ABY when the events of Episode VII occur. That means that Rey was at minimum 13 years old when the academy is destroyed, much older than she looked in those young Rey shots, so Luke would have had to abandon her on Jakku YEARS before there was any threat to her from the post academy fallout. Frankly even if she'd reached the age of 5-7 as she seems to be when she's abandoned you'd think that Leia and Han and Ben would have some clue as to her existence.

    Based on all that I don't think she's a secret skywalker. Not unless Luke's babymomma kept her existence secret for some reason. I'm pretty sure she's another force-baby like Anakin and nothing to do with that family.

    I do hope they don't pin it all on some big Vader style reveal though. Doling out reveals in an offhand manner was one of the best things about TFA.

  2. Only just started but I'm suddenly recalling two reasons I like Bugsy Malone without remembering a lot of it. Firstly, we did bad guys as part of an ensemble in my light opera group when I was about 11 so it's ingrained in my head. Secondly, it inspired this excellent one shot music video by Edgar Wright shot for the Bluetones (both Edgar and I are big fans, just check out his film soundtracks). Sorry about the shitty copy-,the-bluetones,qlukrp.html


  3. Conceptually it's actually exactly what I wanted it to be and a real shot I'm the arm to the universe beyond its tell tale cyclical family/jedi based storytelling style. I'm really happy so many really liked it and I hope it'll inspire more risks with the property.

    And yet there was something missing for me. Maybe I just suspected the ending from the start so didn't get attached deliberately but the characters fell a little flat. The pilot was probably the one I liked most beyond the droid, without whom this might have been a rather too serious film.

    Maybe it was the 3d giving me a headache. Maybe it was the constant push pull of a film trying to stand out from Star Wars as a story type and yet leaning so heavily upon it for reference points. I'm not saying it was bad, I liked it, it just never reached the emotional highs and lows of TFA. I liked Rey and Fin and Poe more than their analogue female protagonist/imperial turn coat/Rebel officer in Rogue One. I was more interested in Kylo struggling with purpose than Krennics search for credit. The side characters I liked but not more than Han and Chewie. 

    I'll have to see it again.

    Also did Vaders outfit look

  4. Favourite Featured Actor - Audrey Hepburn (genuine learning experience)
    Favourite Review - Mamma Mia
    Worst Film Reviewed - Excalibur
    Best Feedback Received - I don't listen to the feedback really. Seems a little self indulgent. The Orgs?
    Favourite Jingle - Sir Chris Lee
    Most Anticipated Subject for next year - Mel Gibson?

  5. Very fun guys, a lot of my favourites got shout outs. Big props on the high position for Hellfire as well as the endorsement of Enchanted. I'm kinda an animation purist for Disney so I don't care for Poppins or that ilk, but Enchanted truly gets what Disney is about.

    Gotta say guys, I also have a Disney heavy musical soundtrack on my ipod for long journeys. Quick note, Tangled is really fun and worth a look. Also, I saw Moana for the second time today and it is just excellent. If I were doing a top 25 Disney songs it'd chart three entries easy. But I'm only going to do 12. However it must be stated that I was not a Disney fan growing up with one notable exception so I came to a lot of this as an adult. On top of that whilst I went back and saw a lot of classic Disney my knowledge is far from complete (no I'm not going to go watch Great Mouse Detective), plus a lot of what I like about going back through the old stuff is animation style (Sleeping Beauty in particular is stunning) so I'm not that high on many pre-renaissance songs. And because it's far from the official report that you guys provided, it's in no particular order.

    The Bare Necessities- Back when my dad was in the merchant navy he and his shipmates used to sing the songs from Jungle Book all the time and it passed down to me. Seriously, everything down to the exact Scat singing in I Wanna Be Like You is burned into my brain. Bear Necessities is the best though. I still remember how proud I was as a kid when I first nailed the Pawpaw verse. The ultimate chillout zero responsibility song, even more than In Summer or Hakuna Matata.

    Love is an Open Door- Kristen Bell duet with Santino Fontana aka Greg from the musical-heavy show Crazy Ex Girlfriend aka Prince Heel Turn. Awesome insta-charm chemistry continuing the critique of the old school meet and marry issue in Disney. They're perfect for 3 minutes but how much does that tell you?

    Heavens Light/Hellfire- The ultimate villain song. Couldn't say it better than Christian, it's all about this guy who is seeking absolution for lust when in reality he's guilty of so much worse. However the track is combined with Heavens Light which is such a soaring hopeful ode to the absolving nature of love. It's two sides of the same coin, Hellfire is the stronger piece but it's actually made better when combined.

    Prince Ali- It's a tough call on this one and honestly I can see why most would go Friend Like Me, but the sheer pomp and grandeur of this is staggering. It's practically a villain song. That final key change just solidifies it for me as a personal fave.

    How Far I'll Go- Strong entry here from Moana. It's the 'I want' song and like Part of Your World it recurs but I think does so much more powerfully, melding with the other songs to the critical I Am Moana emotional climax. I think part of what puts it over Ariel's is the fact that Moana has a much stronger character arc, but it's also just the way they use it throughout.

    Gaston- When I was a boy I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large, but now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs so i'm roughly the size of a BAAAAARGE!

    I'll Make A Man Out of You- The ultimate montage pep song. And Pandy is totally right, there's homoerotic undertones. Reading into it a little I honestly think that part of the reason Shang is so hard on Mulan and washes her out is because he finds her a little...confusing.

    I Just Can't Wait To Be King- Yep. When I'm in the car I even sing the Rowan Atkinson parts.

    A Whole New World- Probably my biggest concession to sappy romanticism but it actually fits very nicely as a counterpoint to Prince Ali. It really did come down to this or One Jump Ahead which is probably the best character introduction in Disney but I can't help it, this is classic for a reason.

    I Won't Say I'm in Love- Speaking of sappy romanticism. Actual character examination from a love interest? The cynical side of love expressed against a gospel chorus? Sold.

    For The First Time In Forever- Another peak I Want song. I have problems with Frozen such as the missing crucial characters, who ran the kingdom after the parents died, as a practical solution who kept them apart etc, it feels like there's a missing surrogate parent figure missing. However like with Tangled what they're looking for is a feeling more than a lived in reality. It's a great intro to the charming goofy Anna mixed with Elsa's sad responsible tune.

    And because every list needs a song that you're humming right now.

    You're Welcome- Again, from Moana. It's pure Lin-Manuel Miranda in construction and I still don't know if the Rock is the right guy to sing it but I've been humming this the last two weeks so they got something right. Mauie is kind of what Hercules should have been, plus a big hunk of Gaston, plus the Genie in some ways. He's very much like his western demi god brethren, there's a lot of Thor in there, he's pure ID unbound by mortal concerns. And it's hugely fun.

  6. OK, We have now seen the double bill

    Ewoks: Caravan of Courage is everything you guys said, the irritating teen, the Lotr comparisons, it was honestly painful and not that fun. There's individual highlights of course, Wicket being a badass, the giant's frankly fantastic flowing locks but by and large its a crappy fantasy film with only tangential relationship to Star Wars.

    Ewoks: Battle for Endor I might watch again over some of the prequels. No spoilers but honestly with the entire audience cheering and booing along it actually told a proper story. There's a pretty dead section in the middle but it actually builds some characters and the action toward the end is, whilst not being classically great, hugely watchable. It's a film that is not short of interesting shit to talk about. Plus the Jar Jar comic relief character is actually the most useful character in the whole film AND the heart as well. No kidding, I actually enjoyed this one. I had been dreading the full three hours and after Caravan I wasn't sure I'd make it, but Battle saved the evening. Oh, and the fate of the villain is fucking EPIC. Looking forward to you guys getting around to it.