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Posts posted by Dan

  1. The original It was amazing. I remember it being one of the very few occassions when the day after part one came out, everyone - everyone, not just the people in my little nerd cabal - was talking about it the next day. People who missed part one weren't even able to go to the bank or the grocery store without getting spoiled. I had never seen anything like it before.

    Alas, I also remember part two being a major disappointment.

  2. I want to like Avengers: The Initiative, but I've yet to read a review that made it sound anything better than average. Dan's review didn't help.

    That's basically it. It's not bad. It's just... there. And seeing as how it's WAY too easy to drop $40 in the comic shop, I can't see my way to buying something if it's not better than there.

  3. I would hypothetically be willing to wire eleven million, twelve thousand and fourteen dollars and 73 cents to an overseas account. Not a penny more. Unless you filmed him opening it, that's worth an extra seven dollars. Hypothetically.

    American or Canadian?

    Can one weasel have the plague?

    One of them's going through a lot of cough drops. Will that do?

  4. Rumor has it that a Real named Nostrum recently lost an eye in the line of duty, and some wonder if it will take a fatality to jolt the community out of its four-color fantasy. Wall Creeper, a 19-year-old who fights crime in Colorado, even seems to welcome the possibility. "To die doing something so noble would be the best thing to happen," he says.

    There are going to be some very bizarre obituaries.

  5. According to what I'd heard, the idea was that the first part of the movie would be Hank Pym, set in the 60s, wth a kind of "Man from UNCLE" feel to it. Then it would flash forward to now, and Scott Lang taking over from the original.

    While I agree that Eric O'Grady would make a great movie character, I think that they will probably play up Scott's criminal past and graft some aspect of Eric's personality onto Scott. Wright gave an interview in Moviehole last year, and said point blank that Scott Lang was a character he enjoyed reading when he was growing up and thought was criminally underused.

  6. Bearing in mind that I haven't actually read Ultimates 3 yet...

    Ultimates is the epitomie of Big Dumb Action comic. Millar was very good at writing BDA's and still making them kinda charming and fun. (Even he couldn't kep it up forever; Ult 2 was nowhere near as fun as Ult 1.) It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that now that he's gone, the quality is suffering.

  7. Holy fucking Moses, what an improvement that was. How the hell could that not have been the version that showed in theaters? Seriously.

    Now I'm genuinely upset that'll we'll never see a sequel.

    I liked the Director's Cut a HELL of a lot better than the original. I have neither clairvoyance nor a job at 20th Century Fox, so what I say is pure conjecture, but I got the impression - even before I knew there was going to be a Director's Cut, just from watching the movie - that Johnson was under the delusion that he was going to be allowed to make a 2 1/2 hour, R-rated movie. So when the studio came in and cut the thing down to 90 minutes, it was a stupid, disjointed mess. The DC isn't perfect - not by a long shot - but it was a lot better.

  8. Even IF there are drugs in his system, can we at least wait till his body's cold before we start jumping on the guy? He was a young man with a little girl and he was showing signs of an incredible career. He's been dead for THREE HOURS. I'm sure details will come out sooner rather than later.

    This is a tragedy no matter what led up to it.