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  1. Seeing as how it's a new month, Mike and Jenny once again sat down to give their recommendations from Previews. [ 49:31 || 22.6 MB ] The above is from:
  2. Without hesitation, I'll openly admit that Metroid Prime was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Nintendo's promotion which promised a free copy of Prime, alongside the purchase of a GameCube, is without question the reason I'm the proud owner of a Cube today. To my eyes, it was to Nintendo what Halo was to Microsoft: justification. One title that looked like an absolute "can't miss." For the most part, Prime performed exactly like its divinely titled Bungie opposition; it delivered in grand, earthshaking fashion right from the get-go... then, a couple hours in, it hit some snags. The above is from:
  3. In a year of bad remakes of good Japanese films, formulaic sequels, sequels to remakes, prequels to remakes and PG-13 tripe, one had to watch where they stepped as to avoid the cinematic shit piles. That said, if you knew where to step you were as pleasantly surprised as I was; this past year was the best year the horror genre has had in as long as I can remember. But now 2006 is dead and gone, my friends. The following is a selection of what I believe to be the best the year had to offer. The above is from:
  4. Mixed in with the Christmas recap is more talk about the forthcoming move, eBay auctions and lots of general banter. [ 51:41 || 23.6 MB ] The above is from:
  5. With the first half of the season out of the way, Mike and Jenny sat down to discuss the juggernaut that is Heroes. [ 1:36:02 || 43.9 MB ] The above is from:
  6. There's this goal I have as a gamer, one which will help me understand a genre and franchise I've overlooked my entire life. On paper it's a simple goal, but in practice it will take hundreds of hours to accomplish. "This goal," you ask, "what is it?" I aim to beat every installment of Final Fantasy in order. The above is from:
  7. Feeling a little down after last week's torture porn adventure, I settled in at home, sighed an unhappy little sigh and pressed play on a film called The Final Curtain. Honestly, I didn't have high hopes for this one, but I was pleasantly surprised by this independent effort. The above is from:
  8. Kellen has the episode all to himself as he discusses Ginban Kaleidoscope and InuYasha. [ 35:35 || 16.2 MB ] The above is from:
  9. The JSA's own Doctor Mid-Nite keeps a watchful eye over Portsmouth. Art: Alex Sanchez The above is from:
  10. The drop-off in quality from the first Mortal Kombat movie to its sequel is comparable to the difference in taste between a fresh Maine lobster and a rotting anchovy. That isn't to say that Mortal Kombat the movie was a five-star classic, because it wasn't. Far from it, in fact. It's just that the differential is truly that astronomical. The above is from:
  11. For my first indy review I've decided upon the hometown exploitation film Live Feed, by the Nicholson brothers of Plotdigger Films. I'll preface this with the fact that I don't particularly enjoy exploitation films. The whole idea of gore for gore's sake bores me. Be warned, dear reader, this film is not for everybody. The above is from:
  12. It wouldn't be Civil War without twists, turns and returns, and there's a big return in issue number five! Who was it? Here's a hint: what's black and white and red all-over? [ 1:25:38 || 39.2 MB ] The above is from:
  13. What you are about to read is my final word on the modern Hollywood horror film. I'm tired. I'm tired and I'm sick. I am sick of needless sequels. I am sick of prequels that take the scary away by explaining things. I am sick of American remakes of Japanese films starring hip young actors. I am sick of remakes altogether. I am sick of PG-13 horror. I am sick and tired of that fucking whiny snapshot sound in all of the trailers. I am sick of video game movies. I am so damn sick of music video directors. I am sick that the "Hard R" is an endangered species. I could write a column about any of these topics but then I'd be bitter. The above is from:
  14. How many Absolutes and Omnibuses did Mike recommend after reading the December Previews, and why did he eat a sheet of the catalog? Something huge is coming to HBO, and Koi Kaze is reviewed by Kellen Scrivens. [ 1:02:58 || 28.8 MB ] The above is from:
  15. Ian Wilson is back with a review of Superman Returns (just in time for the release of the DVD), and lots of comic book movie news! (Be warned: there are a few Superman Returns spoilers, and possibly one for Spider-Man 3 as well.) There's also Wii talk, and a vague explanation of where we've been for the past week. [ 44:45 || 20.4 MB ] The above is from:
  16. In his 1927 canonical essay "Supernatural Horror in Literature," Howard Philips Lovecraft explained everything about his work in one sentence: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." But, in a world where scary movies do their best to have monsters lick pretty young actresses' faces and send heroes out to kill sea creatures, where does Lovecraftian horror fit? The above is from:
  17. Barracuda, The Punisher's deadly enemy, stands proudly next to his biggest gun and hottest honey. Art: Shawn Martinborough The above is from:
  18. Last week I spoke about Clive Barker and why his stories work so well as movies. This week I'll be talking about the cinematic adaptations of the most prolific and best-selling horror author of all time. He also happens to be the best-selling novelist of all-time. If you don't know who I'm writing about... then I have to ask you one question: what is it like being in a coma for 30 years? The above is from:
  19. A nude male model, Mike's impending root canal, selling the Wii (and other stuff), Final Fantasy V Advance, fundraising and the November Previews are all topics of discussion. [ 55:42 || 25.5 MB ] The above is from:
  20. In the first volume of Genshiken all of the characters and rules of the series were clearly established (this is the real world where real people and anime exist), while the second volumes expands upon all that we know; more characters are introduced throughout the book, and mini-storylines become the focus in order to accomplish this. The above is from:
  21. Kellen and a special guest recap Chibicon 2006. [ 55:43 || 25.5 MB ] The above is from:
  22. If there were ever a Renaissance man in the horror genre, Clive Barker would certainly be it. He's been a playwright, novelist, painter, photographer, director, screenwriter, film producer, creative developer for video games, comic book line editor and children's book illustrator. Wherever he goes he brings his unique brand of erotically charged dark fantasy and deep horror. I make it no secret that I have a longstanding connection with his work. Clearly, this installment of Reel Dread is going to be slightly biased. The above is from:
  23. What does Saw III have to do with the brief delay between episodes, and how does it play into a recent trip to the hospital? Everything is explained within these 95 minutes. The above is from:
  24. Ah, part four of what was originally envisioned as a simple one-part response to a piece Mark Millar authored several years ago. No matter the length, intended or actual, here is the last batch of books I'd publish if Marvel fell under my control. The above is from:
  25. Captain America knocks The Punisher senseless! Art: Ariel Olivetti The above is from: