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  1. In the late 1990s and early and 2000s, the best the American horror machine had to offer as far as popular cinema was formulaic redundancy. Sure, there were bright moments but for every American Psycho there were two dozen Scream ripoffs. It seemed Hollywood discovered that they could take a teenage actress (or a 30 year old playing a teen) from a popular television show, put her in a thin tank top and painted-on jeans and they had a hit. But across the Pacific, there was an entirely different scene going on. Japan's horror output was filled with horror masterpieces boasting ingenuity and style unmatched anywhere else. But this is not just a column about those films. This is a column about the influence those films had on the Hollywood zeitgeist. The above is from:
  2. Two months into Countdown and Des and Mike are no closer to discovering the truth behind the event, though theories are abound! In addition to Mary Marvel's panties and the erasure of "Superboy" from the DC lexicon, the duo discussed issues 47, 46, 45 and 44. [ 4:44:01 || 130 MB ] The above is from:
  3. It's rows and rows of G.I. Joes! Art: Chris Lie [ 1024x768 || 920 KB ] The above is from:
  4. Before discussing the July Previews, Jenny and Mike chat about concerts and what makes one better than another. And Jenny seems to be confused about Van Halen. [ 57:02 || 26.1 MB ] The above is from:
  5. Greetings one and all! I have come to realize that I have recorded 10 comic book movie reviews on The Show. Wanting to contribute more than just my British tones to the franchise, I've decided to formulate my own Top 10 list of comic book movies. This will be a work in progress, as I have yet to review quite a few films in the comic book movie genre -- films from the Spider-Man and Batman franchises, for example. Therefore, let me compile my Reel-lief Reviews Top 10 for the first time. The above is from:
  6. We're baaaaack! (In all seriousness, sorry about the long delay between episodes.) This time around Alfred takes the fall for Bruce ("Eternal Youth"). In "Perchance to Dream" Bruce Wayne is given his dream life, but turns it away. An international thief targets Batman in "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy." Dick Grayson's emotional origin is recounted ("Robin's Reckoning"). And The Joker plots another zany scheme in "The Laughing Fish." The above is from:
  7. In this first installment of Is It Wednesday Yet?, Desmond Reddick and Michael David Sims sat down to review three comic books. But not just any comic books. These books won't be released until tomorrow (11 July 2007), but you can read reviews of them today -- one day early! The above is from:
  8. In the very first Is It Wednesday Yet?, Desmond joined Mike to review three forthcoming comic books: Freshmen II #6, Witchblade #108 and Xombie: Reanimated #3. In this batch they saw a lovers' quarrel (between a man and a plant), knife-fighting cherubs and zombie monkeys. Zombies, monkeys, angels with blades and plant lovers... why wouldn't you listen to this episode? [ 50:48 || 23.2 MB ] The above is from:
  9. It is impossible to deny the influence of Japanese culture in the modern-day Western Hemisphere. In a two-part series, I will examine both the Japanese aesthetic and then the influence it has had on Hollywood horror films. Let's first take a look at the styles currently dominating Japanese genre cinema that set them apart from their American brethren. The above is from:
  10. Jenny and Mike finally sat down to recap Wizard World Philly, and they covered Ghost Hunters, Hayden Panettiere, writing, tattoos and large breasts. Large breasts... really? [ 1:08:35 || 31.3 MB ] The above is from:
  11. Maybe the most interesting monster ever created, Frankenstein's monster is the second most portrayed film character next to Dracula. But his intricacies and themes run much deeper than his fanged friend. In the following column I'll discuss the sexual underpinnings of the monster and his deranged creator both in the novel and in various films. (Of course, I'm not worried about spoiling in a 200 year old book so if you haven't read it and you want to, steer clear.) The film adaptations will essentially be covered in iconic sequences and themes, so there will be very little to spoil. However, you cannot discuss this theme in the novel without exploring its many plot points in depth. The above is from:
  12. Desmond Reddick was joined by Toren Atkinson (of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets) in the latest installment of Dread Media! [ 57:07 || 26.1 MB ] The above is from:
  13. Creator Spotlight: Marv Wolfman, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:15:52 || 34.7 MB ] The above is from:
  14. Marvel: Avengers, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:12:07 || 33.0 MB ] The above is from:
  15. WildStorm: The Best Is Yet To Come, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 27:57 || 12.7 MB ] The above is from:
  16. Brian Bendis Presents: The Joe Quesada Interview, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:09:11 || 31.6 MB ] The above is from:
  17. Sci Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:09:44 || 31.9 MB ] The above is from:
  18. Cup O' Joe, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:14:08 || 33.9 MB ] The above is from:
  19. DCU: Building Momentum, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 59:43 || 27.3 MB ] The above is from:
  20. Hayden Panettiere, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 56:43 || 25.9 MB ] The above is from:
  21. I'd be a fool to write a column explaining how vampires are sexual metaphors. Everybody knows who Dracula is and all of the imagery found therein. Even if they haven't read the novel or seen one of the many adaptations of the story, they know. People who have seen The Simpsons with any regularity will be able to tell you a basic plot summary and even point out some iconic imagery. What I will be doing in this column is outlining the ways in which the vampire is used as a sexual metaphor. The above is from:
  22. World War Hulk, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:06:33 || 30.4 MB ] The above is from:
  23. Though and The Show didn't examine DC's weekly series 52, the same can't be said about DC's newest weekly effort: Countdown. Desmond Reddick and Michael Sims sat down to discuss the first four issues (51, 50, 49 and 48), and, based on the length of this episode, they clearly had a lot to say about the event. Does this story take place on New Earth? How is it that everyone knows that Jason Todd is Red Hood and was the second Robin? (Along those same lines, if they know that about Todd, how do they not know Bruce Wayne is Batman?) What course of action would cause Mike to drop all DC books? What will be the outcome once we're done counting down? All these questions and more are addressed inside this episode! [ 4:53:55 || 134 MB ] The above is from:
  24. Hey, Jenny's back and it's Previews time! What more needs to be said? [ 58:19 || 26.7 MB ] The above is from:
  25. The Brian Michael Bendis Super Happy Fun Hour Featuring Halo: Uprising, a Wizard World Philly 2007 panel. [ 1:08:08 || 31.1 MB ] The above is from: