George W.

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Posts posted by George W.

  1. Something about this episode bothered me a lot, and I just realized what it was. So Adelaide goes to Mars because she was spared by a Dalek when the Earth was stolen. The Doctor said she was spared because her death was a fixed point in time that sends mankind to the stars. Why the fuck would the Daleks care about human history, or history at all when the entire point of stealing the Earth was to kill everything in the galaxy?

  2. Not just tattoos, but any piercing or body modifications at all. I've been able to come to terms with earrings, but anything more and I can't deal.

    And Daddy issues is really the only way I've ever gotten laid.

  3. Listening now.

    I fully support our soon to be overlord. All hail D.W.!

    For the record, you can get fingerprints off a body for maybe an hour after death.

    Regarding the ride in the car that never happened, you bring up Huey Lewis and the song you mention, in a movie made up almost entirely of flashbacks, is not "Back in Time"? For shame.

    Spit-take on Reptile reading Maxim. Damn you, Dubs!

    Awesome listen, gentlemen. I'm so glad I quit this series after the 3rd one.

  4. Boss: Can you stay late half-an-hour? [Girl who is supposed to relieve me who is almost always late or sick] called in, but we found someone to come in.

    Me: Yeah, sure. She called in again? Really?

    Boss: Yeah. [Really trying hard to suppress a smile]

    Me: What?

    Boss: Well, she should probably stay home for a while.

    Me: Fired?

    Boss: According to her, Ebola.

    Me: ...She should probably stay home, then.

  5. One mass post to rule them all.


    by Mike Johnson @ 10:47 PM on 10/28/2009

    Several top TNA officials, including Dixie Carter and creative head Vince Russo had a meeting with SpikeTV officials in New York City to work on strategies going forward. It was something that had been planned well in advance of yesterday's announcement that Hulk Hogan was coming into the company as the two sides meet several times a year to go over different aspects of the synergy between TNA and Spike.

    Numerous sources have noted that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are not taking over the creative reigns of the company, despite what has been claimed elsewhere. I am sure Hogan will have creative control over how he is used, but Vince Russo, Ed Ferrara, etc. are not being replaced.

    In regard to rumors of TNA being moved to Mondays, there is nothing to that at this time, according to SpikeTV sources. TNA's production schedule is set through April of 2010 while house show tours are already booked through May. Spike wants to continue to build Impact as their destination show for Thursdays, one of the reasons the Saturday replay was eliminated a few weeks back.


    The short term memory of people in the wrestling business amazes me. Hogan booking WCW is part of what killed it.

    I wonder what gimmick Brutus Beefcake is going to have this time.

    Hogan never booked WCW. He had creative control over his character, which meant that if he wanted to win a match, not wrestle, challenge Ric Flair to an apple pie strap match, or go out in the middle of the ring and get biblical with two fetid goats and a calf, WCW was contractually obligated to let him. That's why there's heat with him and Russo and why there were grounds for a lawsuit with WCW.

    Oh, and Beefcake is going to be Legends Champion within the year. Mark my words.

    Let's cover some of the 'mistakes' that they think they won't do, but we know they will.....

    - Giving away the most anticipated match of the year (Goldberg vs Hogan) on TV instead of as a PPV match (although I actually thought that made sense at the time)

    6. They need to get people to watch the show, then build up the PPVs. Right now they do the opposite. Nobody is going to spend money on something they won't even watch for free.

    TNA's business model is slightly different than other wrestling promotions, past and present, in that their main source of revenue comes from advertising on Impact and the Spike TV deal. In fact, Spike is paying for Hogan and Bischoff much like they are paying for Angle. So when their PPV's are meant to attract viewers to Impact and not vice-versa, then they are only mostly ass-backwards, instead of completely.

    Still, this whole thing leaves me scratching my head. I can see bringing Hogan in a couple of times to boost the rating and attract new viewers to the product, but a long term working deal is... I don't have the words for it. And the fact that Ric Flair might have to do something with TNA due to the agreement with Bischoff is both sad and laughable. It's like I said a couple of months ago...

    TNA is like Elmer Fudd. Every time they have that wascally wabbit in their sights, they somehow manage to flip the barrel around and shoot themselves in the face.

  6. One of those classy, not sent by him, but a company and sent to everyone that isn't even addressed to you emails.

    I think you might be missing the point. I agree that it is a mass e-mail and it is sent to everyone who makes a purchase from their site. But there was no need for him to compose the thank you note to begin with. That's what I meant by classy. He didn't need to do it. He just wants everyone to know how grateful he is that supports him financially.

  7. just got homw from blink 182 concert

    They are still around?

    Well, since the lead singer can't mooch of Avril anymore...

    Isn't that Sum 41? Blink 182 reformed after the drummer nearly got blown up in an aeroplane fire. Or summat.

    Sum 41, Blink 182... shit by a different name still smells shitty.

  8. I thought I read that Lie to Me was canned, glad it wasn't very good show.

    Lie to Me comes back next Monday and is good with the potential to be great. I look at it like the first season of the West Wing; good enough, a little different, but will really hit it's stride in the upcoming year.