Aaron Robinson

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Posts posted by Aaron Robinson

  1. I don't think it was ever intended to show how sexist a movie is. That would be ridiculous.

    It's just there to show a general trend that's a little ridiculous and kind of unsettling. Having a movie pass it doesn't mean a whole lot. If several new release movies pass it, it might start to mean something.

  2. She's a modern age female hero. Of course there's going to be an attempted rape at some stage. How else is she supposed to develop into a strong female?

    I mean, in theory the concept sounds awesome. But the brutality of what I've seen from the trailers, and especially stuff like the QTE rape scene, make me worry. I can't remember the last time a game trailer focused so much on watching the main protagonist get the crap kicked out of them.

  3. Marvel, you do realize that fucking Archie beat you and DC both to the punch on this, right?

    Either way, d'awww.

    They're specifically going for the first gay superhero marriage.

    In which case; they're still wrong, since Apollo and Midnighter were married over a decade ago in The Authority.

    But yes, gay marriages aren't a crazy new thing in comics.

  4. A lot of studio marketing nonsense analysis went into the development of this story. Iron Man's dominance is proof of that. Whedon knows these characters. He knows Cap is supposed to be the team leader. He knows that Cap could take any one of the Avengers in a fight through sheer tactical genius. But marketing wisdom dictated that RDJ be the leading man. That much was out of Whedon's hands.

    Sure, but he’s also the most interesting personality of the Avengers team. I’d have given him the most screen time too. I thought the Captain America movie was kind of dull. I liked Cap more here, but he’s still the least interesting of the main four heroes.

  5. In what way did they try to make Transformers 3 visually groundbreaking? I'm genuinely curious, since I have no intention of watching anything more from Michael Bay.

    I totally agree that Avengers played it safe, but I also assumed that would be a given. What was the last blockbuster that didn't play things safe? I guess you could make the case for Inception, but I can't think of much else.

  6. These kinds of big action blockbusters aren’t normally my kind of thing, but this movie was pretty good. Lots of little things I could pick on in hindsight, but I was entertained throughout.

    The Thanos reveal was pretty cool. I'd say my biggest gripe with this movie is that I never felt like there was a real threat to the Avengers. Thanos might change that.

  7. The Raid is honestly the best action movie I've watched in years. Put me right back into the feeling I got from watching Hong Kong action movies as a teenager. Yeah, I know it's Indonesian and directed by a Welsh guy, youknowwhatImean.

    But yeah, really well choreographed fights. Lots' of brutal moves with just the right amount of gore. Just really well done all round. Definitely not for everyone, but it ticked all the boxes in AJR's "awesome action movie checklist".

  8. I'll be genuinely surprised if they don't tease a romantic relationship between the two of them. Having them just be close friends would be great, but I’m sure TV execs see things differently.

    But uh… I don’t really care that this exists. It’s probably going to be awful. Most TV is. But at least in this case there are a few alternatives if you really need a Sherlock Holmes fix.

  9. Not for nothing, but I read that and nothing offensive came to mind. It had to be spelled out for me.

    See, it hit me straight away. I know it's an age old saying that was never designed to cause offence, but I also know I'd never it to describe an Asian person because I've heard "chink" used by people who were obnoxiously, awfully racist. Hell, I've heard that exact phrase used to make fun of an Asian person. I'd like to believe that the person who wrote it was ignorant of the word's use as a racial slur, but that's not my gut reaction.