Darque Edge

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Posts posted by Darque Edge

  1. Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

    We've incorporated some of it into the podcast, or at least we've tried to. We recorded the next one last night, and it should be going up at the weekend. It's the last 'monster' one, just because of the sheer amount of stuff we have to get through.

    After this, we should be keeping it down to an hour or so.

    Also, you may all be getting far too much of a view into how my mind works in this one, due to a somewhat surreal trailing off the topic.

  2. Not only is the length point good advice, it's something that occurred to me when I listened to it properly (Matt did the editing).

    While the second Moore-cast will be roughly the same length (just because there's so much to get through), the third will be shorter, and they'll be 45-60 minutes from there on, I figure.

  3. would just mention one thing- Its not a good thing when I'm correcting your co-hosts pronunciation of your name :P .

    I know...

    It's partially my own fault. He asked if it was pronounced 'Brosnan', so I emailed him to say it was 'Bros-Na-Han', just to point out the middle bit was pronouced. He then said it exactly as I'd emailed it.


  4. I think I should mention that, along with F4Wonline stuff, this is the only podcast I make sure to listen to every episode of. Fantastic stuff, and Dalek Invasion of Earth is one of my favourite stories they ever did. I read it long before I ever saw it, as it was the first Target novelisation I ever got.

    If I may mention one thing that I'm surprised you didn't give much time to, one thing that must have been eery about this at the time is the fact that, if 'The Daleks' was all about the Nazi's, this story is all about the London Blitz.

    I enjoyed the review of Land of the Giants, but to be honest, I was just waiting for the Daleky goodness, because I knew how much you'd like this one.

    Quick trivia point for you - I don't believe the budget concerns in the 'deserted streets of London' were as big as you thought. They filmed in the early hours of the morning, just at dawn, when nobody was up. It's possibly an urban legend, but apparently there is - in the background of one scene - a milkfloat visible tootling down one of the roads.

    Also, from a budget point of view, it's worth remembering that they didn't have to build the TARDIS set, which would have been the most expensive thing about the first season's budget.

  5. Hey guys. Long time no see.

    I'm pimping.

    Check out my new podcast over at www.geekplanet.co.uk. Link in sig. It's the first part of the Alan Moore special, leading up to Watchmen, featuring me and Matt Dillon (The Matt Dillon. The Hollywood guy is the other one). This first part looks at Alan Moore's work pre-Watchmen. The second one will look at his stuff post-Watchmen, and the third one will be a Watchmen special previewing the movie.

    This is going to be a regular thing, and we have plans for the website.

  6. All DVDs


    The Unearthly Child

    The Daleks

    Edge of Destruction

    The Dalek Invasion of Earth

    The Time Meddler


    The Invasion



    The Three Doctors

    Tom Baker:

    The Brain of Morbius

    Pyramids of Mars

    Genesis of the Daleks

    The Talons of Weng Chiang

    Keeper of Traken


    Peter Davison:

    The Five Doctors


    The Caves of Androzani

    Sylvester McCoy

    Rememberence of the Daleks


    The Curse of Fenric



    Trial of a Timelord and The War Machines are next on my list. I have the Trial in a VHS set (which rather nicely, comes in a Tardis tin)

  7. Bumpity-bump, as I've just listened to this.

    Great fun - I happened to watch the movie the other day again. I adore the Adam West movie and series, because they work on two levels: for kids, they're a straightforward action/adventure. For adults, they're outright comedies.

    Oh, and I'm willing to bet the strange moment where Adam West moves his legs on the bed is due to the concern that it would raise the certificate it received, but it got overlooked.

  8. First off, is it just me, or are the archive podcast links not working?

    Secondly, good job fellas. I'll be back here shortly with more thoughts for you, but I've only just picked up the boxset and am rewatching followed by listening, so I'm a bit behind. I have 'Edge of Destruction' packed for my family abode at Xmas.

    Thirdly, I'm getting a tattoo almost as geeky in the near future. As soon as I have the spare cash, I'm getting the Seal of Rassilon on my shoulder.

    Will return at my leisure, for further thoughts.

  9. Thanks for the feedback! You make some excellent points.

    Don't assume, at this point in the show, that The Doctor is an alien. The original idea, I believe, was for The Doctor to be a time traveller from far in Earth's future, and it takes a long, long time to suggest otherwise. The Time Lord stuff was essentially a retcon.

    The Doctor makes specific reference to "being cut off from [his] home planet". It's implied he's an alien pretty early on.

    You're right, looking back at it. I've just rewatched the episode for the first time in years, and I had forgotten that reference.

    I've just picked up the 'In The Beginning' boxset, which is just wonderful on numerous levels.

    I seriously recommend the 'About Time' series of books, incidentally. Some great stuff in there.

    Actually, editing further, I think it's ambiguous. The boxset has the original pilot (with extended dialogue scenes and a different TARDIS interior), which makes much more clear that he's alien. That dialogue was removed, and the version left in cut out references to the alieness of him. In that, he keeps the line 'home planet', but it's arguable he could be talking about his time rather than place. After all, he's basically cut off from his people, and travels time and space - there's nothing to stop his home planet being 49th Century earth...

  10. *blinks*

    *looks around*

    Hey guys. Been a while, hasn't it?

    Anyway, been listening to this, and halfway through the first podcast before I'm having to wander off, but this is going to become a regular for me.

    Some notes for you, as I'm something of a Whovian. This isn't me criticising, but just giving you a few thoughts on it, as I've now been a Doctor Who fan for twenty years, and think of this as me being the third guy in the conversation. This is some stuff that I'd add.

    It's weird listening to this, as I caught up with 'An Unearthly Child' when I was 10, and only recently rewatched it (and am about to pick up the 'In The Beginning' boxset). Rather scarily, Hartnell was younger than Peter Davison was in the recent 'Timecrash'. Peter Davison is now older than Hartnell and looks much, much younger. So weird.

    It wasn't a children's show. It was a family show. This is somewhat important, because it means that the audience included children rather than was aimed directly at them. The original aim of the show was partially to educate, as much as to entertain, because that was part of the BBC's remit as a public organisation. Because we pay for it by a TV license, originally, there was the element of having to have some element of education involved.

    It runs more slowly because TV in the UK was generally taped almost like a live show. Think of it with that kind of ethos, and the style and pace of the show will make a lot more sense. To give you an idea, when the Peter Cushing production of 1984 was shown in the sixties, it was repeated a few days later, and so they redid the performance live rather than repeating a taping. It just wasn't the style. The American style of making shows didn't catch on in the UK until much, much later.

    The sixties in the UK was seen as being genuinely modern. There was a feeling that things wouldn't get much better than this, and so there's the suggestion that *of course* Susan would want to visit it. It was one of the greatest periods in history.

    Don't assume, at this point in the show, that The Doctor is an alien. The original idea, I believe, was for The Doctor to be a time traveller from far in Earth's future, and it takes a long, long time to suggest otherwise. The Time Lord stuff was essentially a retcon.

    The point of it being a family show was that Barbara, Susan, Ian and The Doctor make a family unit. Parents, grandfather and daughter. There wasn't any plan in place for what would happen with future companions, because nobody knew if the story would go that far. Also, think of The Doctor as being more of a Sherlock Holmes/Prospero character than the hero. He's an enigma at this point, and the stars are Ian and Barbara. The ethos didn't change for a long time.

    It was also retconned eventually that The Doctor stole his TARDIS, and it's faulty - so the chameleon circuit may have been breaking anyway. Also, The Doctor has supposedly only recently left Gallifrey, so his ethics are different than where they end up going.

    Also, it's worth pointing out that it's budget was actually pretty good for the time, as far as the UK goes. It wasn't until MUCH later that the budget became an issue, but that's a future conversation, I think.

    Final point - there were issues around the names of stories until the VHS releases came out. Was this '100,000BC', 'An Unearthly Child' or 'The Savages'? It was a bone of contention for a long time.

    Anyway, good stuff. This is going to become a regular for me, and to be honest, I want to join in on this some time.

  11. It's worth noting that the new colouring job doesn't obscure the backgrounds in the way the old one did. Have a look at the scene where the pre-joker Joker is being offered the red hood job. There's stuff going on that I never noticed in the original.

  12. Ultimate Human was excellent as well.

    :shocked: I'm not the only person who enjoyed that miniseries?

    Beyond the first issue, I wasn't aware you read and liked the rest of the series, Sean.

    You weren't the only one. I thought it was the best thing Ellis did in Marvel since 'Not Dead Yet'.

  13. This was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it. Would have been nice if you'd checked some of your stuff beforehand - there were a lot of '...I think''s and 'I'm not sure...'s, but since you're in another country and all, it's understandable. If you want a hand with anything, just email and ask, for future Doctor Who related stuff. It should be coming up to season end right now too.

    The two of you have really grown into it, and it's nice to see Jen has taken more of a role than in earlier episodes (I don't listen to it often, because I genuinely don't have much time).

  14. For me, the high point of his entire run was The Doctor Dances.

    Knowing what we now know about what happened to his people, his complete, total joy.

    'Everyone lives, Rose! Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!'


    I'll come back shortly with more feedback

  15. Actually, it's EccleSTON.

    Glad you enjoyed - I'll be listening to this shortly. I've had a huge amount of crap going on recently, and it's finally all sorted itself out.

    Now I have a mic, and a phone to the US, if you ever want to do more Doctor Who stuff, I'd be totally interested in helping out. How about a catch up on the previous series, Q&A style stuff?

  16. Well, according to the scifi.com website, this saturday's episode is '42', which was - sadly - complete crap.

    But the episode after that is 'Human Nature', which really isn't.

    Oh, and DO NOT look at the Sci-fi.com website previews of episodes, because they give away a huge spoiler about the final threeparter.

  17. Trust me on this.

    The first part of 'Human Nature'. The week after that is the concluding part. It's a beautiful two parter, but if you were ever considering jumping on this bandwagon, this is the time to do it.

    Following THAT, is the single best self contained episode of SF I've ever seen.

    Blink. It's got the best original idea I've seen in years. It's genuinely quite scary, and it'll fuck up any kids you make watch it.

    Seriously. Tape it, watch it, whatever. This is as good as TV gets.

  18. Here's a good analogy for you, and a suggestion:

    Would I pay for a radio show? No, I wouldn't. At least, I'd be very unlikely to, unless i was seriously into a habit of listening to it. However, if I liked the radio show, and I could pay to download previous episodes, I'd do that.

    So there's the idea - charge for your archive, not your current stuff. Add in some adverts, and stick on a minimal charge for old episodes, to cover you keeping them on your server. That way, you reward loyal listeners, and make money from new ones.

  19. Gambit to DC. Preferably DC Vertigo. Let's give him to a company that would actually use him. Alternatively, Namor to DC, where I think he would fit in better.

    Green Arrow to Marvel. And switch him for Hawkeye. They always seemed like they were in the wrong universes.

  20. Party at Darque's house, I'll be bringing the Chips, Dip, Sodas, Koll-Aid, Twizzlers and possibly a karaoke machine.

    Have a good one man

    The funny thing is that there was, indeed, a karaoke machine.

    Cheers guys. Not been around as much as I used to be, but that'll be changing.