Darque Edge

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Posts posted by Darque Edge

  1. There are a couple of sites knocking around (especially on livejournal) which feature a heavy amount of scans of comics. Now, most of them just have excerpts and previews, but quite a few of them have full scans of entire comics - this is commonly occurring on file sharing sites too.

    What's your thoughts on this? Is it fair usage? Is it stealing money from the creators? Is it creating more fans in the long run?

  2. Yep, it's sixteen pages. There are also a couple of pages of 'Backmatter' - could be letters, could be appendices, could be thoughts and notes, could be origins of stories...could be anything.

  3. Okay, issue four is out now, and it's supposed to be very, very good (I'm picking it up on Saturday).

    You don't need to read other issues, and it costs less than two dollars. While it's less pages than most, trust me, it will take you longer to read. This is one of the best non-capes comics out there at the moment. Each issue is a complete, self contained story.

  4. The Sandman: Cause if you're going to have a stupidly powerful being, the personification of an idea is the one you'd want. Plus, I really like the idea of the team being in deep shit, and Morpheus being too busy being depressed to do anything about it.

    Spider-Man: Because he's the most obvious guy for comic relief. His interaction with anybody has got the potential to be funny, and he'd also serve as the moral compass for the group.

    Jesse Custer: He'd be my tactics guy, and the realistic leader of the group. Plus, he wouldn't be afraid to put Dream in his place.

    Rogue: My heavy hitter and scout, and also because I think her and Jesse would make for a very fun, flirtatious pairing.

    Deadpool: It's fricking Deadpool. Just imagine him teaming up with Spidey, and making fun of Dream. Plus, he'd be my weapons guy. Plus, he'd spend his entire time looking at Rogue's boobs.

    John Constantine: I know, I know, I've got three vertigo guys in one group. But John would be my magic guy, plus he'd be really unpredictable. He'd by my wildcard - plus, he'd probably join in with Spidey and Deadpool in making fun of Jesse and Dream, and who wouldn't want to see that?

  5. I've managed to get into this as well, which I wasn't really planning to. For some reason, I decided to buy Identity Crisis, and absolutely adored it. I've gotten quite into the IC, although I'm missing issue 2.

    The Superboys fight was, indeed, immense.

  6. Okay, this review convinced me to go out and buy the comic, and I have exactly the same criticisms about it that you do. There was SO much good stuff in there, but the framework was stupidly confusing.

    What was the fight? Why are they going through time? What's GOING ON? I don't understand, and I'm fricking reading IC!

    How did Superman get up after Doomsday? What? That went exactly the same way, what did he do differently that didn't 'kill' him? Last I remember, he was in a coma, in a kind of mammalian dive reflex (read the Death and Life of Superman novel, and you'll get me).

    The more recent stuff was superb. The Identity Crisis bit worked great, as did the new first meeting. Overall, some very impressive stuff, but a lot of nonsensical stuff too.

  7. I've just got round to reading this, cause I've just got round to reading the first two issues.

    Very good work. What did you think of the second issue? I liked it, except for the scene in Ireland. I haven't heard anyone in Ireland use the term 'Ranch' before, and I can outright tell you that 'Tofurkey' pretty much doesn't exist. I'm vegetarian, and I've spent years in Ireland. Just bugged me for some reason.

  8. I'm voting a two. I know he did some great, great stuff in the past, but he's actually damaged X-Men (almost irreperably) this millenium.

    His god-awful run in 2000 could not have come with worse timing. A shit-load of potential new fans, due to the X-Men movie finally coming out, and what do we get? Verbal Diorrheah, horrible new costumes, stupid plots, incomprehensible storylines, and some crap about a boat.

    Yeah. Stupid.

    Not to mention his irritating habit of tying up loose ends from fifteen years ago (plus), purely so that he can. Or re-introducing characters for no godly reason, and with no care to explain them to new readers. For example, the recent reintroduction of Rachel Summers. Why, exactly? For no reason. And how was her absence explained? It wasn't. Everyone just acted like she'd been in the kitchen making a sandwich. For five pages of dialogue.


    Oh, and whether it's true or not, I love, love, love the rumour I've heard from a couple of different sources (I suspect it's highly false, but I don't care, cause it's funny), that Mr. Claremont has a hobby of getting artists do draw him pictures of him in compromising positions with some of the younger characters he writes about. Big fan of Kitty Pride and Jubilee, from what I was told.


  9. I do like his artwork, but I actually wasn't as keen on some of his Hush stuff - X-Men 1, however, I love, as well as the stuff with Omega Red. He did some amazing work, and I loved his Gambit and Wolverine above all others.

    Took a ludicrous amount of time away though, which knocks him down to an eight for me.

  10. Finding out that Charlie Kane's last word was referring to the childhood that he never really knew.

    The Sixth Sense was done so well, because my immediate thought was that Willis was dead, but they managed to convince me that he was interacting with others. It was the scene with the kids mother that convinced me somehow.

    Fight Club was superb. Once they started laying it thick, it was obvious, but there were some great moments.

    Usual Suspects - just wow. They did it in such a way that you realised what the twist was just before it was revealed. Absolutely jaw dropping.

    Dark City - Ahhh, THAT'S why it's always dark.

    Unbreakable - I liked it... I've been a comic book fan since I was a kid, and it was the first comic book movie that felt right to me. Gave me hope for later movies.

    Razor Blade Smile - When Vampires get bored, they play elaborate games...with humans as the pieces.

  11. I wonder if it'll look like he slapped his dick in some paint, then onto the page, like 'Dark Knight Strikes Back' did?

    Seriously, I find Miller to be the single most overrated man in comics. He's done some great stuff, but it's been a long time.

  12. Western: Unforgiven

    Comedy: Some Like It Hot (with Life Of Brian coming second)

    Drama: LA Confidential

    Horror: Halloween

    Action: Batman Begins

    Family: Into The West (Irish movie you probably won't know)

    Musical: Moulin Rouge

    Fantasy: Fellowship of the Ring

    Sci Fi: Dark City

    Romance: Casablanca