Darque Edge

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Posts posted by Darque Edge

  1. Okay, controversial suggestion time.

    I've recently read a book analysing Batman as a cultural Icon, and one of the points it makes is that any reading of the characters becomes valid, even if it isn't 'canon'.

    For example, Batman absolutely was a jingoistic patriot who sold war bonds. Also, he absolutely was the Dark Knight of the eighties. Also he absolutely was the pioneer of camp in the sixties. In order to fully appreciate the cultural value of the character, all these readings are valid, and as such, should be embraced by the fans - after all, whether liked or not, they are part of the past and cultural value of the character.

    So, since any reading of the characters can be seen to be valid, while not 'canon', why not throw in one that was, in the fifties, seen by a large audience as absolutely there, and seen by a lot of young teenagers as a very special one, which helped them make life decisions:

    Batman and Robin.

  2. Pushing the boundaries again...

    If anyone is still reading this, what are their thoughts on the latest development - full frontal male nudity?

    The way this was done, I think this is a first, but I'm not sure...it was certainly less abstract than in Watchmen, which was handled differently.

  3. Bumped, because I never saw it first time round.

    Any X-Men titles written by Chris Claremont have been taken off my list. Seriously, they are awful, not to mention the terrible artwork by Alan Davis, who needs to retire posthaste. I haven't read such bad comic books in a long time.

    Lucifer has been taken off my list too, but I'll go to the graphic novels. I like it, but it has stopped working as a continuing series.

  4. Lana Lang / Clark Kent

    John Constantine/Kit Ryan

    Bigby/Snow White (Fables)

    Rogue/Magneto (Age of Apocalypse Universe)

    Logan/Jean Grey (Age of Apocalypse Universe)

    Brent Sienna / Jade (PvP)

    Brandy / Frank (Liberty Meadows)

    What's Matt Murdocks new wife called? She should be in there.

    Paige Guthrie (Husk) / Jonothon Starsmore (Chamber) (Generation X)

    Blind chick / Ben Grimm (Alice? Something or other anyway).

  5. Granted, I haven't seen all of the Halloween films, but I thought Myers was now considered undead.

    If you believe that Halloween 4,5 and 6 existed, then yes, he's undead.

    However, since those films were never made, and the series was 1,2 and H20, he's officially a serial killer, who seems to...well, survive stuff. There's an element of the supernatural, but officially, he's a psychopathic serial killer, not undead.

    I'm not keen on the idea of Freddy vs Jason vs Myers, purely because Jason and Freddy are somewhat tongue in cheek (or at least the movies are). The Halloween movies are generally played straight - it cheapens the Myers character somewhat to throw him in with a comedy serial killer, and a wisecracking dream demon.

  6. I actually quite like the idea of DVD's being sold in the movie theatres - it's the same kind of idea as bands selling CD's at their gigs.

    However, DVD release should absolutely be after a theatrical release, especially on a general basis. Bringing them out simultaneously would definitely damage theatrical takings, and a lot of movies can't afford that.

  7. Having just finished 'Essential Dracula', I'm itching for him to do something in the horror genre. Marvel could really do with something along those lines. Or it would also be sweet to see a continuing comic using Roland from The Dark Tower.

    Where's my cookie? Where's my GODDAMN COOKIE?

  8. Family Guy Seasons 1-3

    Firefly (Complete Series)

    West Wing Seasons 1-5

    24 Seasons 1 and 2

    Buffy (Complete Series)

    Angel Season 5

    UltraViolet (Complete Series)

    Black Books (Complete Series)

    Spaced (Complete Series)

    CSI (Seasons 1-4)

    There are a couple of VHS thrown in there, mixed in, but I'm not so picky as to make the difference.