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Posts posted by A.Logan

  1. My buddy and I were talking, and we just wrote Spiderman 3-5 rather masterfully.

    #3-you have Hobgoblin Harry as the villain. Spiderman stops him, Harry goes to jail. Kill MJ too, as Kirsten Dunst doesn't want to do past movie #3. Hobgoblin killing her would work nicely, as Harry is bitter and pissed at Parker and Spiderman. Introduce Eddie Brock, make it clear he hates Spiderman. Have John Jameson go to the moon, and crash land on Earth (with symbiote) at the end of the movie.

    #4. Have Spiderman start wearing the symbiote suit. Doc Connors decides to heal himself, and becomes the Lizard. (Mysterio and Shocker are lame). Introduce Felicia Hardy as Parker AND Spiderman's love interest, and have her unaware they are the same person. Then have Parker AND Spiderman fall in love with the Black Cat, to complicate things to a comical extent. Maybe do Morbius, too. Depends on whether or not you want to make the Lizard a cakewalk or a bad ass villain. At the end of #4, Spidey loses the symbiote.


    This one is pretty easy. You have Spiderman/Black Cat vs. Venom, and Venom whoops the fuck out of them both. Have both good guy superheroes (Black Cat and Spiderman) somehow reveal their secret identities to eachother, complete love story, defeat Venom, and everyone goes home happy.

    Fire Sam Raimi and his cheesy movie shit, too. I hated that. "Spiderman can't shoot webs because his love life is in dissarray!" Fuck you, Sam Raimi. Other than that, Spiderman 2 was awesome, and I've been ranting about how awesome it was to anyone who will listen.

    I like this a lot.

    For some reason, I doubt we'll see Venom until someone other than Sam Raimi is at the helm of these movies. Just a hunch. I want Venom in the movies, dammit. I wasn't really a fan of the idea of the webs coming from his wrists as opposed to the shooters. Never really understood why they weren't in the movie in the first place.

  2. Reports are coming in stating that the WB studios have conspired to destroy the Green Lantern.  All past, present and future Green Lanterns have threatened to kill themselves within the week if the conspiracy isn't halted.


    I'm starting to seriously think Warner Bros. wants to kill the comic book/superhero genre. With Catwoman and Constantine forthcoming, the rumors of Jack Black as GL, McG even being considered to direct Superman, and Superman III & IV and Batman III & IV already under their belts, their résumé is quite ugly.

    With a legacy such as that, I wouldn't be surprised if some WB exec is hiding some dastardly plot to ruin DC. At least their credibility.

  3. I love the metal, just because with those claws, he always seemed to have an element of serious gravity to every threat he made. In addition to his tendency to go homicidal at times, that made him a fierce opponent indeed. Without the claws, the ferocity was still there, but he lost a touch of the threat that I hold dear.

  4. Has anyone checked this show out on Adult Swim? I thought it would be goofy as hell when I saw the commercials, but I started watching it a couple weeks ago and I'm absolutely hooked on it. I love a good murder mystery, and this show does it very well in anime form. I like trying to solve the mysteries myself while watching it. I highly recommend you guys to watch this (even though it comes on at an ungodly hour of the night--3:30am EDT).

    I've seen it a few times, I have a few chapters of the manga that I haven't read yet, but it's pretty cool.

  5. I've hit 61 three times in a row now, but I'm convinced this can be done in 55.

    Thing is, I make about thirty unnecessary moves towards the end, but I have no alternative, well that I can see anyway.

    Are you utilizing the ability to jump over other pieces?

    Yeah. Still making about thirty.

  6. I've hit 61 three times in a row now, but I'm convinced this can be done in 55.

    Thing is, I make about thirty unnecessary moves towards the end, but I have no alternative, well that I can see anyway.

  7. I used to own all three, but I got rid of the PS2 due to mine being a load of shit. The XBOX gets the most play, but that isn't saying much, considering I only own Ikaruga. I used to have others, but the went the way of trade in for XBOX titles.

  8. My mother helped to continue my NES obsession, much to her dismay, when she bought a game that she was sure to put me off video games, called the Legend of Zelda.  I haven't stopped playing video games since.

    Which Zelda game?

    The original gold cart one. She got it for like 3 bucks. My mom rocks at finding deals.

  9. Mega Man 2 was your first game? Man, I feel old.

    Um... what got me into them? Hmmm... good question.

    Two of my earliest (and few) childhood memories involve video games. The first is watching my dad play some racing game on the Atari (I'd know it if I saw it), and then watching my mom play Kaboom!. So they've always been a part of my life. Also, my dad would take me to Haunted Trails (an arcade) nearly every weekend after the divorce. Then, for my seventh (?) birthday, even though they were divorced, they split the cost of an NES. And I still remember the first game I ever played on my NES was The Legend of Zelda. The gold cartridge was freaking awesome, 'cause I used to seeing the grey Mario one at my buddy's place.

    Hell yeah! That cart rocked ass. My parents were in the midst of seperating at the time that my gaming addiction flourished. It was just a distraction at first, but then Mario and LOZ and....it's like crack.

  10. My father got me into video games. He used to play Mighty Bomb Jack and Solomon's Key on the NES and I was hooked from the moment that I was old enough to play.

    My mother helped to continue my NES obsession, much to her dismay, when she bought a game that she was sure to put me off video games, called the Legend of Zelda. I haven't stopped playing video games since.