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Posts posted by A.Logan

  1. As a silent killer, Michael Myers just slays Jason.  Overall as a killer, Myers slays Jason,


    When I looked at the quote again, I was sure that I had said more than that. Maybe I need to be more clear. Body count wise, Jason is the king. But as for a presence, Myers owns Jason. Jason doesn't have the it factor that Freddy has.

  2. Jason doesn't NEED to turn you into a roach. He doesn't need ANY of that dream magic shit. He just kicks ass straight up, and that's why he's infinitely better.

    Freddy killed people straight up, too. He just happened to be burned to death before the original NOES. He was a serial murderer/molester called the Springwood Slasher. As a silent killer, Michael Myers just slays Jason. Overall as a killer, Myers slays Jason, and Freddy slays Myers.

    Movie wise, Halloween slays Friday the 13th, which slays the original Nightmare.

  3. Freddy:

    - Like Yoda said, a child molester. A complete monster in life and in death.

    - Kills people in their sleep, where they are most vulnerable.

    - Kills people in horrifying, often degrading ways. A master of the psychological

    element of horror, using the victims worst fears against them.


    - A special needs kid, who drowned as a result of negligence.

    - A huge, silent brute who kills by way of savage force

    - His movies always rely on the other people to carry the weight of the dialog, which

    oftentimes failed through the use of characters that didn't garner the sympathy

    needed to make people care about their death.

  4. I'll start today. Should be done tonight.

    EDIT: Oh god, nevermind. The story is about 45 pages long. It would take me a week. The story isn't that good, to spend a week transcribing. Sorry about that everyone.

  5. I can't see this picking up any steam. Anime fans are very specific. Well, at least I am. Something just doesn't feel right about this, maybe it's because manga is so Japanese and I see DC as so American. I don't know. I'll give it a shot. If I can find time, I'll try to review. At very least, you'll get a verdict.

  6. Agreed, well stated.  I don't know if you're familar with the story, but in an anthology of Spidey stories one focuses on Venom's return to New York.  He's chasing someone who claims to be an innocent and everyone buys it.  Spidey fights him, the police hurt him pretty bad and it turns out the guy is really a criminal in the end.  Great way to have Venom still be vicious, he was trying to kill the subject throughout the story, but still be a hero of sorts.

    I actually wasn't familiar with that story. Where can I pick it up?

    It's in a book of short stories set in the Spider-Man universe. I don't remember what it's called, but I'll get it out of storage tomorrow. I could transcribe the story, if that's okay, as I'm fairly sure they don't sell this anymore. I've had it since the third grade. It's huge, I remember looking at the stories (I was always ahead when it came to reading) and just wishing that they were actual comics.

  7. I was hoping someone brought Emma Frost up.  I never got the feeling that she could be trusted as a heroine.  A perfect example of what to do with a villain turned hero. 

    As far as Sabertooth goes, let me just say  :cry:.

    At least they had enough sense to turn 'Tooth back.

    Getting back to Emma, however, I really like the tension between her and teammate Kitty Pryde. It serves to remind us that 01. she used to oppose her current comrades, and 02. not all heroes (especially those whose loyalties are called into question) trust one another.

    Agreed, well stated. I don't know if you're familar with the story, but in an anthology of Spidey stories one focuses on Venom's return to New York. He's chasing someone who claims to be an innocent and everyone buys it. Spidey fights him, the police hurt him pretty bad and it turns out the guy is really a criminal in the end. Great way to have Venom still be vicious, he was trying to kill the subject throughout the story, but still be a hero of sorts.

  8. Oddly enough, I recently found myself thinking about this very subject, and I have to say it was a major mistake on Marvel's part because it watered him down.  But that was the trend at the time (RE: Sabertooth).  While some villains can successfully make the switch to hero/antihero (RE: Emma Frost), others cannot.

    However, it has nothing to do with the character and more to do with how it was handled.  Emma's transition was handled well, and her loyalties continue to be questioned.  Whereas Venom's protecting of the "innocents" seemed to come out of left field and didn't quite fit the character.  At least with Emma one must wonder if she's in it for herself, if she's biding her time, which adds mystique (pardon) to the character.  But, despite his past, we were fully expected to buy Venom as the next great antihero, without ever questioning which side he was really on.  Things might have worked out better for Venom if he had become a reluctant hero who we didn't know if we could trust -- not even in the end.

    I was hoping someone brought Emma Frost up. I never got the feeling that she could be trusted as a heroine. A perfect example of what to do with a villain turned hero.

    As far as Sabertooth goes, let me just say :cry:.

  9. This thread was inspired by DJ's comment in the Catwoman thread. Frankly, I agree. Making him a hero takes away from his edge. He's saving people now? Bullshit. I want Venom to be this menacing villain. One you just know will get the drop on Spidey one of these days. How do the rest of you feel about this? Was making Venom a hero a good thing or a bad thing?

  10. I have one thing to add, about the HENTAI.

    I think a rule should be added about hentai that displays subjects that are generally frowned upon, such as rape, incest, underage sex, etc.  That kinda stuff is absolutely sick and has no place on this site or anywhere else, in my opinion.  A definate content  rule is something that I think will keep the level of decency in this forum.

    Noted, however, those subjects are fair to talk about (just so long as they're not glorified), especially in light of Identity Crisis #2.


  11. I have one thing to add, about the HENTAI.

    I think a rule should be added about hentai that displays subjects that are generally frowned upon, such as rape, incest, underage sex, etc. That kinda stuff is absolutely sick and has no place on this site or anywhere else, in my opinion. A definate content rule is something that I think will keep the level of decency in this forum.

  12. I saw an ad for it this weekend (after I posted the article), and it looked like shit. Almost like a cross between Blair Witch and I don't know what.

    I was talking to Cash, he told me that Night had a hand in the whole thing. It made plenty of sense, seeing as this creates a lot of interest in his latest movie and the man himself, meaning everything he's tied to will have an ungodly amount of interest due to his being "weird."