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Posts posted by NightAngle04

  1. Ya know I saw the first one and didn't think it was half bad, but then I saw the second one and was like what the fuck, and then the third one seemed more intent on just tricking the audience than actually building a movie. And I have no interest in seeing the 4th 5th 6th 7th or 8th one. Talk about a franchise that shouldve been put down long ago.

  2. Some spoilers:

    Stan Lee is in it(duh), but he is actually a big part of the plot this time.

    Lou Ferrigno plays a security guard(again), but he also does Hulk's voice. Yes, he does talk.

    Tony Stark is in the movie, and not in an after the credits scene.

    The Hulk's origin will be told during the opening credits to get to the action faster.

    Man I don't know anything about Hulk.

    Hulk can talk???

  3. All I kept thinking about during that AWFUL jungle scene and Shia LeBOOF is fighting on both cars was why wouldn't you just stop the car???? It doesn't make any sense!!

    And then to keep the lunacy rolling, they drive the jeep off a cliff and land on a tree and easily lowers them into the river! AMAZING! then they are in a boat right and they go then 2 waterfalls and magically the boat lands upright both times! But on the third trip down the boat falls over! What an amazing coincidence!

    Ok then the double agent who bare in mind has already turned on Indy and is now with the good guys, why? Who knows I guess Indy just wants to believe the best in people, starts leaving little trackers wherever they go and somehow SOMEHOW the evil Russians find their way down 3 waterfalls!!!! HOW??????? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS! Anyway these trackers appear just to tell the Russians that the good guys were here so how they know where to go after finding a tracker is anyone's guess.

    Ok then they get inside the big skull and peeps are waiting I guess in hiding spots for them, why? I have no idea. So they then have to go down these steps which start to go into the wall, Ok Remember the steps are disappearing before our very eyes, so what happens a couple of minutes later? Why the Russians appear, how did they get down there?????????? NO ONE KNOWS!!!!

    So then the double agent turns again making Vince Russo cry with tears of happiness while I just yawned with boredom, then someone throws in the line "Its a portal to another dimension" and I giggle.

    Still I haven't even mentioned the dumbest part yet so ok LeBOOF gets caught on these vines and the jeeps speed away, he then proceed to swing on the vines and catch up to the moving automobiles!!!!! HOW??????? WHO KNOWS?????????? Apparently becoming so impressed by this Tarzan impersonation, the monkeys follow him and help him get the skull back, AMAZING!!!!

    And Connery dead? BULLSHIT! In the Crusade he drinks from the cup of eternal life, so shouldn't he be fuckin alive! Did Spielberg even watch his movie?????

    This movie sucked.

  4. I hate CBS they had Shark on at the perfect time Thursdays at 10, it has a great first season and then the fuckers move it to Sundays where it always got preempted by football so it would start later. Then they leave it in limbo and finally air the final eps on Tuesdays at 10. Fuck CBS. I hate that fuckin network.

  5. rumored Metroplis series??

    EDIT: That finale should've be called Exodus, because writing off that many major characters??? Damn thats gotta be some kind of record for television shows. I thought it sucked but I understand writing off so many characters can be very difficult to do.

    I can't wait for next season when the intro is just filled with nothing but different shots of Tom Welling and no other cast members.