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Posts posted by Molly

  1. I was (and still am, admittedly) a huge Rikishi and Too Cool mark. Scotty is a trainer for NXT. Rikishi is basically a hype man for his very successful sons. But, poor Brian never got it together again. I was extremely saddened to see his passing, but after such a chaotic life, I hope he’s finally found peace. And my heart goes out to the King. No father should ever have to bury a son. 

  2. Both shows have a World Title, Secondary title , women’s and tag belts. Plus the cruiser belt, which is basically it’s own roster. I don’t think the tag divisions are as healthy as they could be, but it seems reasonable enough now. 

  3. And, yeah, those tweets were shitty and dumb. I’ve said shitty and dumb things too. But I’ve grown as a person. If we can’t allow growth, what’s the point of changing? Gunn is a good man, with a big heart, who was trying to be funny and screwed up, and apologized for it. Cernovich is an actual rapist who went after Gunn because Gunn is critical of Cheeto Hitler. Disney made a huge mistake. 

  4. Which main stream conservatives? Ted Cruz? His statement was weak as hell, and he’s pretty spineless in general. He suddenly became the biggest supporter of Captain Grab ‘Em by the Pussy, when it was advantageous. 

    I have no problem with actual conservatives, but fuck these false pious monsters. 

  5. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: I see what they were attempting. I appreciate the shift in the series. There were some great moments and visuals, Ted Levine was fantastic. But the story was a mess. Good techinical filmmaking, not a good film. 

    Red Sparrow: Not bad, but the shine is really off the Jennifer Lawrence Apple for me. She’s not as strong an actress as she’s been treated. But, Jeremy Irons and Ciran Hinds should probably be in everything. 

  6. I’m sorry, but not seeing the second film in a trilogy is not a marketing fail. It’s pretty common knowledge by now that Spilt was a sequel to Unbreakable. It’s like not seeing Empire and complaining that you don’t understand why Vader is Luke’s dad in Jedi. 

  7. I’m not stupid. Like, I know it’s a soap opera. But the sheer commitment from the cast keeps me going. 

    I know the pitch was Twin Peaks meets Archie. That’s a lie. It’s much more “Passions in the 50’s with the Occasional Comic reference.” But it weirdly works for me. 

    And I’m gonna hold out for a while, because Werewolf Jughead is inevitable.