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Posts posted by Molly

  1. Been there  

    One of the dishwashers at work goes to my old high school, she'll always ask about how things were back in my day, whatever. 

    "Did you have Mrs. So and So for English?"

    "Yeah, my freshman year. She was pregnant with her twins."

    "...They're Juniors, now, Preston."

    Then I go in the walk-in and weep. 

  2. For the fourth year in a row, my parents forgot my birthday. They go to Arizona this time, every year. And every year they forget. The last few years, Michelle has seen me getting upset and reminded them. This year, I told her not to, and got a group text from my dad about how great their lunch was and nothing else.

    I know so much better than to let it bother me, but every time it crushes me. 

    I had a great 30th birthday yesterday (thanks to many, many forumites for the well wishes, by the way), but I still went to bed with a bad taste in my mouth because I was forgotten, again. 

    I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I don't want gifts, I just want them to remember me. 

  3. Yeah, but Fight Club reads like a Meninist Seminar. 

    And yes, I know that's actually against the point the movie is trying to make. Tyler Durden is a sociopath. Anarchy is a flawed ideal. It's kinda fun to watch Edward Norton beat the piss out of Jared Leto. 

    And I know it's not fair to blame the film for a generation of Bros missing the point of it, but I just don't think it holds up all that well, despite being a well made film. 

    Thats, admittedly my bias from a generation of frat boys with posters of soap on their wall, smoking too much weed and talking about how the system needs to come down, man. 

  4. Yeah. I'll just watch The Room again with a few beers. 

    This has too many people who know how to make a movie involved, rather than it being a glorious accident. Wiseau's sitcom was garbage too. He gifted us with The Room. That was a perfect storm of once in a lifetime insanity. We need to let Tommy Wiseau go. Let him go back to his home planet.