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Everything posted by Kscriv

  1. And I was thinking about getting that one, that is the one about the brother and sister in post-nuke Japan
  2. As far as my .hack//SIGN review goes, I might not be able to get it in today since the family will be over for Thanksgiving dinner. If I don't get it in, please run something else of mine and I'll try to have it in by Tuesday
  3. I have more anime than you...? Poser. wait, I also got the first 2 eps of Excel Saga as well as 2 eps of InuYasha, 4 eps of Gundam SEED & the first 8 eps of FMA (with the rest to come) as well as 10 eps of InuYasha & Gundam SEED on burned DVDs as well as two eps of One Piece, two eps of Shaman King and an ep of .hack//SIGN. How in the blue hell did I forget all that.
  4. Hellsing, Vol. 1. That is (surprisingly) all
  5. ANIME FORTNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *prolly spelled that wrong
  6. QFT It was great, but I'm sad to know that Can-Am has been knocked off of its perch. Great job James. Am I to assume a double-shot of me tomorrow? Also, in the spirit of Canadian Thanksgiving, could we extend anime to Monday? (I'm hoping to put together a .hack//DIGN review after I see the final episode tomorrow night)
  7. All the Naruto & Gundam SEED spoiler are burning my eyes. Anyhow, MORE GUNDAM SEED SPOILERS AHEAD SPOLING THINGS LIKE THE SPOILER ON THE CAR YOUR PARENTS SPOILED YOU WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111 Gundam SEED, end of episode 40, ORB blows up, and up, and up, and up
  8. All of Lacus' speeches from ep 41 of Gundam SEED.
  9. My ears+Metallica's version=me incorrect Well thank you then, your edits continue to make me look better than I am. Michael David Sims is the Paul Heyman of writing EDIT: "East of Omaha" does not work becaue we were west of it when I watched it, and we didn't go any firther east than Omaha, that's when we turned North
  10. Thanks man, personally I didn't think the review was all that great. PS I'm a little dissapointed you chose to edit the Turn the Page quote in the opening paragraph.
  11. Pretty obvious topic just like the one I put up yesterday, and just like yesterday I'm going to not reveal mine until the Can-Am bit with Logan gets posted later in the week.
  12. Great piece James, absolutly loved it. Makes me wonder if I should go to one of the many anime conventions that roll around town here. Also, you have an eerie resemblence to a guy I met on my summer vacation, also named James
  13. Thought this would be gtood for anime week, mine wil be brought up on a mainpage collumn later in the week but I was wondering what everyone else's were
  14. The OC-son 1 & 2 (get it, it's a play on the title_
  15. My only thought on this is that I wish the fucking CRTC would allow G4TechTV in Canada to air Anime Unleashed because if they did, I would have watched most of this show
  16. I just want to bump this to say that I saw a couple eps of this while I was down in the Steates and loved it. Slightly more eloborate review to come in my "A Dip in the Pool" column next week
  17. I also got another review almost done too. So that may end up being 6 pieces
  18. YAY!!!!! it's here. CRAP!!!!! I need to bust out more reviews
  19. Sonic 1 & 2 I have spent way too much time on
  20. Saw about four eps when I tooka trip to the States last month, covered in a column that'll be up during anime week
  21. Can't wait, I really want to see a Dudleyz/AMW feud
  22. Kscriv

    The PSP Thread

    Any of the other PSP owners out there download the 2.0 firmware yet? Web Browser, background support & the ability to share pictures are all fairly nice upgrades
  23. Kscriv


    Well September 16th has come an gone & I must they the reports of the dub being bad were FALSE in evrey way, rumors of 4Kids getting the dub were wrong, VIZ got it (yay) and it was absolutely great. Watch this show
  24. Shameless stealing of my acronym. Shameless. I move to take a huge trip to Canada, for massive Scriv kicking, everyone line up and get one kick in the shins. I so did not steal your acronym like that, shouldn't you know by now that Cash is the reason for everything bad that happens, he obviously hacked my account.