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Posts posted by Professor

  1. Nightcrawler (2014) - So, Kurt is back from the dead.  No idea how that happened or how he came back.  But that is the entire plot of these 12 issues.  Things happen and I am not sure if I am supposed to know these people or not.  If so, it does a bad job of catching me up.  If not, it does a bad job introducing the characters. 


    Single Issues: 8
    Graphic Novels: 2
    26 (196)

  2. Watched the first four episodes today.  And it's interesting.  The fractured nature of the storytelling has a point in that 'he's crazzy~!' and all that.  But it can be really difficult to follow at times.  The two leads have a very awkward chemistry, which again, I think is the point.  It just isn't that enjoyable.  And I don't really know what I was hoping from this series, but this feels like it is taking forever to move along.   I have the next two episodes ready to go.  I'm still interested enough to continue with them, but that might be my jumping off point.

  3. Nancy in Hell: On Earth - I read the first mini at some point last year and apparently did not post my thoughts.  Which is a shame as I would love to know what I thought.  I remember it being a fun read with a badass chick murder-killin some demons with a chainsaw.  This was not that much fun.  Heaven vs. Earth vs. Hell politics.  So boring.  Great covers tho.

    Nancy in Hell: A Dragon in Hell! - Probably would have liked this more if I had read it first.  I have zero knowledge of the Dragon so this was not for me. 


    Single Issues: 8
    Graphic Novels: 2
    24 (184)

  4. Had to kill some time at work this morning, so I figured I'd read some random DC laying around.  I have no context for these, so let's see how well this goes.

    Nightwing #15 - Says epilogue on the cover so I'll assume this is coming off of some sort of multi-part thing.  But this felt like a decent jumping on point, so kudos for that.  A nice simple issue with no real action that let me get a sense of the story before.  So, thumbs up to this one.

    Superman #17 - Two kids in the spooky woods.  This was pure filler that I don't even know if it would make the trade. 

    Green Lanterns #17 - I have no idea who these Lanterns are.  This did little to change that or to make me care.

    Single Issues: 3
    Graphic Novels: 2
    24 (184)

  5. Seven Soldiers of Victory - I don't know about these.  Well, that is not true.  I found these to be bad.  Like really bad.  Maybe I made the entire thing up in my head, but I thought these were supposed to be really good.  Each mini was bad and that ending was downright stupid.  I care about nothing the entire time.  Such a waste of time.

    ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times - Basically a girl and her cat in the apocalypse.  There is some higher story here, but it wasn't engaging at all.  Had promise and missed its mark.


    Single Issues: 0
    Graphic Novels: 2
    24 (184)

  6. This season of Ash Vs. The Evil Dead was fucking excellent. Even better than the first (which I loved).

    I'm sitting here trying to think about my favorite episode from the season and I cannot pick.  When it ended, I wasn't as high on the season, but yeah, better than the first.  Also, Pablo is a great sidekick. 

  7. Green River Killer - A graphic novel Dark Horse put out about six years ago.  Was well done.  With no action and basically two hundred pages of talking heads this was a surprisingly quick read.  Art was on point as well.  Like I said, well done.  However, it does come off as an episode of, say, Criminal Minds.  Makes sense with the 'based on true event' thing and all.

    Single Issues: 0
    Graphic Novels: 1
    20 (154)

    The investigating detective's son wrote it, right?

    That he did.  Which I cannot say I noticed until the last few pages.

  8. Green River Killer - A graphic novel Dark Horse put out about six years ago.  Was well done.  With no action and basically two hundred pages of talking heads this was a surprisingly quick read.  Art was on point as well.  Like I said, well done.  However, it does come off as an episode of, say, Criminal Minds.  Makes sense with the 'based on true event' thing and all.

    Single Issues: 0
    Graphic Novels: 1
    20 (154)

  9. Six episodes in and I finally found the good in this show and it is


    Val.  She hasn't done anything wrong as of yet.  Which means she is the killer now.  Beacasue SWERVE~! 

    In the vain of everyone sucks: I guess Fred isn't all that bad.  Sheriff Keller seems supportive.  Every other parent else sucks.  Add the McCoys to the list.

  10. I enjoyed this.  I have a few issues with it, but I got what I expected and it was well done.  You could really see this Deadpool influence . So many fucks.

    One thing that made me laugh:

    Up until they got to the casino, I got a total John Wick vibe from Wolverine.  I think it was the suit and the murder-killin'.

  11. Wolverine: The End - Seemed like a reasonable thing to read before Logan.  But, no.  This is not good.  Not good at all.  I don't think any of these End books have been. 

    Gotham Central - Now this, this was excellent.  Only small complaint is the art got a little bit rough in the third trade.  Other than that, I loved this.

    Single Issues: 0
    Trades/Graphic Novels: 20 (154)

  12. Immortal Iron Fist: The Complete Collection - That name still annoys me.  Anywho, this went downhill quickly.  To start, the art is complete shit.  The main series is a mess.  The Immortal Weapons are lacking, which is a shame, as I feel they could be a fun team.  Also, too much filler about random Iron Fists.  Focus on Danny and call it a day.  The Immoral Weapons mini is included, but again, it is lacking.  Get back stories (finally) on 3 of the 5, but they felt like I was reading an illustrated Wiki page. 

    Single Issues: 0
    Trades/Graphic Novels: 15 (108)

  13. So, who is the good in this show?  Up until this episode I would have said the Ladies Lodge, but then Hermione had to go pull some shady shit.  I guess that leaves Veronica?

    Yeah, the Grundy thing is 'over' (for now at least) but that was a horrible way to do so.  Luke Perry comes off as if he was in that South Park episode. 

    Not so thrilled with the Biker Gang.  It adds another larger conspriae concy to a show built around one aready.  And they will probably connected together.

    To pay Will's Killer Guess Game:

    Think it will be: Betty.  I think the seeds have be planted for her being crazy, so she did it for revenge.
    I want it to be: Father Cooper.  It is logical, keeps Mother Cooper around and gets rid of a useless character.
    Random: Father Lodge.  Because SWERVE~!


  14. John Wick-Chapter 2: VERY enjoyable. The pacing is just as deliberate as the first one, with the fights scenes a lot farther in between. Much more than the first one, this movie is GORGEOUS to look at. From fights in Rome, to the final shootout, my eyeballs were in Heaven. Much more brutal than the previous one, though slightly less emotional but not to its detriment. Common outdoes himself in the scene's best fight sequence, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

    Just curious:

    Are you refering to the fight that ends at the Continental or the Subway fight?

  15. Buffy: Season 10 - I thought about flipping thru the last Season 9 trade before reading but didn't.  And, surprise, I felt like the first few issues caught me up nicely.  So good job that.  My main takeaway from these six trades (could have maybe condensed down to five) was I liked the lack of a 'big bad'.  These were mostly about the characters and relationships.  They'd been going bigger and bigger, it is nice to step back and not try and top the last evil.

    Angel & Faith: Season 10 - This did not do a good job of catching me up.  Felt really disjointed most of the time.  Not much to say on these sadly.


    Single Issues: 0
    Trades/Graphic Novels: 11 (60)

  16. John Wick: Chapter 2 - I was entertained.  You know what you are getting with this, which is really the only issue I have.  I went into the first one with no expectations.  I had them for this one.  I'd say they were met but not exceeded.  I will say that I was happy that the urge to 'outdo' the original was rarely there.  Spoilers:

    - I don't like endings that are just a set up for the next chapter. 

    - The big end battle with the '7 bullets' did not go how I expected.  And I like that.  Really like that. You figure slow stealth kills until the boss fight, but no.  7 bullets gone in 10 seconds.

    - The fun house mirrors set seems so cliche yet awesome.

    - I loved Ruby Rose as the mute bodyguard underboss. 

    - I really just love the world both these movies have set up.  The contracts department was a great addition.

  17. Well..

    So Betty is crazy right?  That is interesting.  So she blacked out and killed Jason while wearing the black wig.  I hearby dub her crazy personality Black Betty. Bam-ba-Lam.

    I assume that the teaser for next week means the teacher subplot will end.  I really do hope so.

    Now, having watched One Tree Hill in the past calendar year I have to assume that Archie and Veronica get together at the same time their parents do the same.  And naturally after they break up when Archie realizes he loves Betty, he will walk in on Betty with Jughead/Veronica.  Haven't decided which way that one will go yet.




    I love that Josie's black-ness is a part of her character from what I saw. While Veronica and Reggie, their race was secondary, Joeie is the character who gets to own it.


    Best part of this episode for me was the other Pussycats.  Josie starts to 'own it' as you say, the other two give the biggest eye roll and knowing look to each other. 

  18. Got around to watching the first two episodes.  And while my Archie knowledge is next to nonexistent, I think I picked up on most of the characters.  What I really found disappointing was the lack of fun.  I don't remember a since moment that isn't riddled with angst, drama and sadness.


    - To agree with Will, Archie himself is a bit of a problem.  He is the least interesting.  To be fair, my experence has been that the 'lead' is generally the bland one while the side characters get to interesting.

    - The murder mystery doesn't really hook me yet.  Seems pretty obvious that it is Betty's Mom.  So it is probably Pops.  Reguardless, seems like this can go two ways.  1) It is the plot to introduce all the characters and then we move on or 2) it never gets solved and will never die.  I have this feeling it will go the way of number 2.

    - The Student/Teacher affair seems out of place for Archie.  Seems like the only reason it exists is so Archie doesn't go after Betty and/or Veronica.  Has to be a better way to accomplish that.


  19. On New Year's Eve I started to have non-disclosed medical issues.  Progressively got worse thru the subsequent week, so on the 6th of January I go seek medical help.  As usual, since I do not have insurance, I visit the local Urgent Care.  They are baffled, but decided to send a sample out for testing and give be the 'these might work' pills.  They say they will call in 3-5 days with the results.  Being a Friday, I expected to hear something by Wednesday.  Nope.  Not a word.  And while this annoyed, the pills worked and I was mostly back to normal.  So I let it go.  Until I got the bill.

    The bill for the tests was blank.  Not totally blank.  It was their standard form, but they only thing they filled out was my name and amount owed.  Not details, no breakdown.  It  was basically a note that said "Chris, you owe use money.  Pay now.".  When I go question this, they inform me that the bill is not theirs, but the lab directly.  When I bring up the 'I never got a call' thing they tell me that if the tests results are good news then you don't get a phone call.  They click-clacked the computer and said I was fine.  Now, I understand that bad news is more urgent and all.  But good news is still important, because you know, I SHOULD KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. Ahem.  That settled, I call the lab to get a detailed bill and go about my day annoyed.

    And then there is today.  Today in the mail I get another blank bill for them lab with a strongly worded message of "Pay Now Motherfucker".  I paraphrase.  Not details so, yeah, not paying that until I get some.  Annoyed, but it is just that, an annoyance.  But I get another letter.  This one from Urgent Care themselves.  This letter, hand written on a nice letterhead, is dated Jan 19th.  Thirteen days after my first visit.  This letter states that the lab lost my sample and if I was still having issues, please visit as soon as possible. 

    Again, this $300ish bill is for tests that never happened. Never Happened.  NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED.  Then how the fuck did you tell me the tests were fine?  Why did it take you two weeks to inform me by mail (instead of by phone, because I only had to give you my number on three different forms)?  And, WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE A BILL?