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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Oh, fuck that! *starts calling on the Internet Fairy*
  2. How does that even work? He's a penguin. He has feathers, not fur!
  3. I hate you all. Also, I had it in another tab while I was browsing, so I was only really listening to it, not watching it, and even then the amount I actually listened to it is questionable.
  4. ...I made it all th way through.
  5. I wonder if Judson Phillips would feel the same way if Cap were pro-teabagging Tea Baggers. Also, was this Bucky-Cap or Steve-Cap? I know the average person and media doesn't know there's a difference, but I'm curious. In a few years people will forget about this. Right now, though, it's selling on eBay for $10-15. So if you have it, sell it now. From what I understand, it's Bucky!Cap. There was a big fallout on Twitter about this, too; Brubaker got harassed, and apparently Gail Simone did, too, for defending him.
  6. See, this I'd be fine with 3D on, especially when he's using his web to swing. But so long as they don't overuse it and do gimmick shots.
  7. Venneh


    That caption you get if you hover over the picture? Why do all my attempts at science end with me being punched by Batman? PS: Benzoyl peroxide soap works great.
  8. It sucks, but think of it this way: So long as she's in school, she'll be able to delay having to pay, in most cases.
  9. Venneh

    Happy 23 Erin B!

    Happy birthday, Erin!
  10. Venneh


    So, my neighbors are currently throwing up not jus all over the bathroom (which I can hear from my room), but now all over the hall too. They claim it's the stomach flu. Unlikely, as they were drinking earlier. Either way, the next twenty-four hours should be... interesting.
  11. Venneh


    Finally got new!FB. Ehh. It's not exactly the most convenient setup, but you dick around long enough on it, you figure it out.
  12. ...Is it bad that I thought that Pirate!Bat's beard looked like tentacles? Also, I would kill for Jonah Hex to show up for Cowboy!Bats. ...Actually, you know what I wish would happen here but probably won't? Have all of his major enemies show up in each era, reimagined. Like, Pirate!Joker, Cowboy!Hush, Witch!Poison Ivy.
  13. Venneh


    See, I don't have the new FB yet, so I don't see what all the fuss is about.
  14. Venneh


    There is something wonderful about wearing a perfume called The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love. Especially when this comment results: (Context: Referring to a fuller skin test of the perfume. Pervs. )
  15. Recipe for the most awesome chocolate cookies ever, done in character, because there is no other way you can have this recipe:
  16. Saturday would probably be the best for anything, would be my bet. And this is all dependent on how taxes turn out (I'll know that probably by the end of this week), but tenatively, I'll be coming, and if I do, I'll probably be getting a hotel room with Preston and his little lady. EDIT: And I just found out that the people who make the awesome perfumes that I wear are going to have a booth there, so, yeah, you'd damn well better bet I'm going to do everything in my power to be there.
  17. Venneh


    See, I was just writing a lousy old paper.
  18. Venneh


    And yes, this is what passes for entertainment in WI.
  19. Venneh


    Soon changed to Do It Every Time He Misses Instead of Hits it.
  20. Venneh


    Alfred: Romance Novel Cover Model?
  21. So THAT's where all the snow that melted out here went.
  22. Venneh


    Very nice, sir. How to Store and Organize Cats