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Posts posted by dc20willsave

  1. Yeah, everything with Buffalo Bill in that movie is sketch as fuck. Like, everything is super wrong-headed and kind of harmful to trans people and how it's handled. There's a reason I will likely never watch Silence of the Lambs again.

    Fright Night: It's somehow existed in a blind spot for me for the last few years. It is a really good vampire movie, both genre savvy while never feeling like parody. Also, Jesus Christ the gay subtext in this thing. I'm half convinced the Vampire only lusts after a teenage girl (which is also VERY gross) is so the audience doesn't notice that he's obviously sleeping with his servant. Then there's Evil Ed who is 100% gay which might also have something to do with actor choice.

    The Omen: Atmospheric, moody, just the right amount of "What the fuck?". Just the raw star power they got. The 70s were definitely an interesting time to make horror.

    Children of the Corn: The Children of the Corn are either Brainwashed or idiots. I lean towards the second. It's weird seeing Linda Hamilton playing the Damsel in Distress considering so much of her career would end up revolving around playing Sarah Connor.

    Films: 132
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 3
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  2. Mean Girls: Because it was 10/3.

    Spiral: I had problems. I wanted to like it because Queer Horror is hard to come by but there are some absolute big problems to the film. I wish I could love it but it just kept on getting frustrating to watch.

    Blood Quantum: You don't see many positive portrayals on First Nations people in Horror, usually just the Indian Burial Ground or The Mystical Native American. It's a zombie movie, it's bloody and so well shot. Its also very human. An early candidate for best movie for the month!

    The Cabin in the Woods: One of my five favorite Horror films of the 2010s. Just so good!

    Suspiria: I'm always the first one to say a film could be improved by cutting the fat. For being 2 and a half hours, I don't know what's fat. It's interesting to view, filled with interesting sequences, bloody and so good most of the time. Just... I know it could be shorter but finding what could be safely cut is hard.

    Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives: For a series in it's 6th part, still likely one of the best of the series. Making Jason an undead force of nature works so well, especially since he kind of already was, we're just codifying it.

    Films: 129
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 3
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  3. Scream 3: That's going to be a bit of an edit...

    Hello Dolly: I love Barbra Steisand. That's been true most of my life. She was in her late 20's when she made this and is 100% wrong for the part.

    The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Disney did a lot of Anthology films back in the 40s and early 50s. This one is... okay? The Sleepy Hollow segment is much stronger, just based off the animation during the Headless Horseman chase.

    Films: 122
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 3
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  4. I'll say that Mallrats stands up better than a lot of Smith's other films because it's not trying to be anything else. It's a dumb sex comedy. The male characters get called on their flaws. It has a Stan Lee cameo before he became cool. It might also be the amount of physical humor compared to Smith's other films, leading it to not always be as talky.

  5. The biggest problem is that in the 8 Years between the release of Silence The Film and Hannibal The Novel is that Hannibal Lecter had become a meme. I was a kid who never saw Silence and even I knew where the Fava Beans line came from. The Simpsons could randomly makes a joke and it made sense. Hannibal in the Novel had to reflect Hannibal in the movie now so we got a caricature of Anthony Hopkins playing a version of a character from a novel. So, when Hannibal the Movie comes out, we have Anthony Hopkins literally playing an adaptation of a caricature of himself. It's obvious that he's in this because they gave him a buttload of money because he has none of the nuance of how he played it before. He's leaning full into the camp but it never works because Ridley Scott is directing everyone to play everything straight. Julianne Moore is an actress who can rarely do wrong but Hannibal is the closest she gets because it's obvious that she's trying to borrow from Jodie Foster in Silence. The only thing that Hannibal the Movie does is not use that god-awful ending from the novel. Well, most of it. Ray Liotta still eats his own brain.

    Honestly, the smartest thing that Bryan Fuller ever did was decide to take as little from the movies as he could.

  6. The Old Guard: Charlize Theron became one of best action stars of the 21st century so gradually that I didn't really notice it until now. Its just stunning that she can slide out of a film about immortal soldiers to playing Megyn Kelly. Also, bravo for having an action film featuring a prominent and badass gay couple! I really hope they get a sequel.

    Justice League Dark: Apokolips War: If I'm being 100% honest: I didn't much care for this movie. Some of the voice acting is very strong but so much of the film was needlessly violent that it took me out of it and the ending is a total cop-out, just the punctuation on how utterly pointless this film was.

    Films: 119
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 2
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  7. Wet Hot American Summer: The cast in this one is just stacked. Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, etc. It's just a funny parody of Camp Films from the 80s and works so well.

    D2: The Mighty Ducks: It's just a fun, I've had a couple of drinks and want to enjoy something movie.

    The Babysitter: Killer Queen: Not quite as good as the original and it makes the timeline a little wonky but still some good kills and some good acting.

    Scream: I was really drunk and riding the high from Neve having signed to be in Scream 5 so yeah.

    Films: 117
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 2
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  8. Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie: Is it good? Oh fuck, no. Is it fun? Kinda, yeah.

    Hot Fuzz: Act 3 of the film is a practically perfect action film. Everything else is great but damn if the last half hour isn't fucking amazing!

    The Babysitter: It's a fun horror comedy, kinda looking forward to the sequel later this week.

    Doctor Strange: Still a visually interesting Marvel film. Still mostly uninteresting on the whole though.

    Films: 114
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 1
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  9. Scott Pilgrim vs The World: One of my favorite films. It's always a fun watch.I won't call it Edgar Wright's best film (Almost definitely Hot Fuzz) but it's pretty far up there.

    And I just realized that Edgar Wright hasn't come up on Flickchart Forum yet.

    Edited to add: Though, now that I look at it, unless you include Written by credits, there's really only six films. So, maybe that's why. Could have sworn he had done more.

    Gosford Park: Robert Altman is the only film maker I can think of who can create a film with like 20 characters, each with their own plots, and dialogue that you can still make out but maybe turn on the subtitles. I need to rewatch Nashville sometime.

    Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe: It's cute, obviously takes place during the series rather than after. It's occasionally obvious that the voice actors have gotten older since the series ended.

    Films: 110
    Documentaries: 1

    Rewatches: 1
    Mst3k/Rifftrax/Other Assisted: 14

  10. Y'know, maybe it's the fact that I'm drunk, maybe it's the song choice, maybe it's how unfinished the visual effects look but I don't think I have laughed this much in months. Zack Snyder's Justice League is already comedy of the year! It's definitely better than Darkseid Gets Hit With Football In Groin!

  11. On 8/16/2020 at 12:04 PM, Donomark said:

    Secret of the Ooze was always my favorite as a kid, but I've not seen it in...going on 20 years. I love the first one now, whereas the violence such as Raph getting beaten up and Splinter getting "tortured" (?) upset me as a kid. I wonder how I'd take to the second film now...

    Turtles in Time I just remember the Turtles looking like they had Sickle Cell disease or something. And the wet willies.

    Oh yeah, I remember how harsh and serious the Act 1 climax through Act 2 portion of the first film was. It almost felt like the cartoonishness of 2 was a studio reaction how real 1 got. 3 was filmed for less than 2 but more than 1 but when you take into account that they used a different production studio for the Turtles and they're also paying to shoot on location in... Oregon? Really? Okay but it's still different than shooting on a set like most of 2 was.