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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. Is there anything this crossover is holding back from? I think the only thing left on my wish-list would be to see Rosenbaum as Lex and Mark Hamill as Joker, but the news has been so unendingly awesome that I'm more than satisfied.
  2. This week I became a freelance contributor to DC This is a paying gig, and my tryout article went over so well with the chief editor that I was immediately given five new assignments between next week and the end of October, with the possibility for more. 😊
  3. This is actually encouraging, and seems like a boon more towards a traditional, mad-cap, cast inclusive Suicide Squad. The team should be an ensemble, and the Ayer movie was clearly the Will and Harley show.
  4. Those names are hilarious, in and out of context.
  5. I read that a year or two ago, and dug it okay, but I remember Aquaman getting dogged out in the book because he was so otherworldly. This would've been written before the whole "Aquaman is lame" insertion into the zeitgeist, but I was surprised at how comparatively dopey I thought the book made him out to be. Might be misremembering it. To make a recommendation, I enjoyed the Green Lantern/Green Arrow miniseries by the same creative team around that time or sometime after.
  6. Mystic River: Didn't know this was an Eastwood-directed film until I looked it up about halfway through. I did not give a FLYING fuck about anything that happened in this thing. Admittedly, a lot of the old "Boston has crime" setting type of stories has been done to death since 2003, but this just flashed over me. Not even Laurence Fishburne could really keep my interest. Sean Penn does a very good job, but, you know, he's an asshole so my investment went only so far. I do like seeing Kevin Bacon in things, but the overall story felt interminable and impressed with how interminable it was taking it's pace. The first solid 35 minutes are all blocked out for this murder that you know is going to happen if you're going into the film, there's no need to draw it out. Felt like a lesser version of Broadchurch.
  7. I think your complaints are interesting, because the DCAU was never consistently kid-friendly. Not really. Unless you're counting Teen Titans (I wouldn't, personally), Static Shock or The Zeta Project, the Bruce Timm-produced shows have always skewed towards older audiences, despite being aimed at ten-year-olds. The New Batman Adventures mandated that it be a lighter, more kid-friendly show than B:TAS and demanded more Robin and Batgirl, but I'd argue that in terms of content it's a darker show. Batman Beyond was a second attempt by Kids WB to be a more kiddie show with a kid in the Batman suit, but even the crew behind the series admits that it's arguably the darkest of the DCAU. Justice League season one is generally kid-friendly, but you still have moments like Aquaman amputating himself to save his infant son. JL season 2 and all of JLU deal with heavy themes like fascist government and general murder. Shadow Thief breaks Green Lantern's arm on-screen in one episode, and Hro Talek break's John's fingers in another. Now obviously these shows never struggled to hook kids. Hell, I've been watching them all throughout my childhood. So I do sympathize when going from the bulk of the DCAU to something aimed at adults like Batman and Harley or JL vs. Fatal Five. I'll admit it's odd seeing all the familiar faces in the latter, and have language like "goddamn" and people getting bloodily executed on-screen in the same setting. Personally, I figured that kind of stuff was going on anyway, as the shows rarely felt terribly censored for kids. But the disconnect is real, and while I can see all of it being part of the same canon, I sympathize when trying to keep things appropriate for your kids.
  8. This has been the discourse over the film since the reviews came out. I don't imagine it'll be as fuckboy-defensive as people are expecting it to be, but I don't think it'll be nearly as self-aware of itself as it really should be either. It's gotten such rave critical reviews, I can't help but he intrigued, but it also doesn't look like more than what it is, which is your basic "One Bad Day" woobie-ing of the Joker to justify some really horrible, anarchy shit. Ultimately the discourse, IMO, has gotten incredibly basic fast, but the movie - ultimately - looks to be just as basic as the discussion over it, so it probably won't be worth anyone's time when everything is all said and done.
  9. I was highly anticipating this series, and it surpassed my expectations. Between this and his recent Spec Spidey run, Chip Zdarsky really knows Spider-Man. It was refreshing to me in 2019 that the entire series is consistently bleak and dour, which I feel is accurate to the character. Spider-Man is a comedic character but Peter Parker's life is unerringly - sometimes depressingly - dramatic.
  10. I thought that whole video was super cool. McCoy's narration really plays. He can sound super cool when he wants to.
  11. I'm gonna be honest...hardly anything about this film has me excited. It's a total wait and see until the reviews come out, as most everything I've heard come out of this sounds far away from my alley.
  12. Martin Lawrence is looking a lot like Alfonso Ribero these days
  13. This is actually worse than I thought. Apparently the new reverend has had a history of weirdly militant, devil-obsessed behavior that has actively resulted in abuses of the schoolchildren. This is coming from the parents themselves. Edward Parent Statement.docx?dl=0 A group of concerned parents responded to the decision in an anonymous letter saying they are concerned about the pastor's decision but not surprised. In the letter, they explain this wasn't Fr. Reehil's first controversial decision or action. In fact, a group of parents have previously met with representatives of the Diocese of Nashville on three separate occasions since the fall of 2017 regarding the pastor's teaching methods and the following issues: Psychological, emotional, and spiritual abuse of the school children through his messages in and outside of the church, including in the confessional, that has resulted in children seeking professional counseling. This is including, but not limited to, public assertions at school Mass that Lady Gaga made a pact with the devil for fame and suffers from fibromyalgia as a result Bullying of students, teachers, and parents who disagree with his views Irresponsible administration of the school resulting in plummeting school enrollment and mass departure of long-term faculty I cannot believe this is happening
  14. By now some of you may've heard about the Catholic School in Nashville, TN banning Harry Potter books, stating that the spells in the books "conjure evil spirits". The helluva it is...this was MY school that I went to, from 1999-2003. I even started reading the first four Potter books from the school library. I'm completely thrown. Our former pastor was essentially fired out of the church for being pro-LGBT and stating that women should be priests (all of which happened while I was away at college), now this nonsense. I really want to investigate, conduct some sort of interview or something since I have a platform for it. But for the moment I'm weirdly, incredibly pissed off at the utter stupidity of this.
  15. Romita and Buscema were the house style for most of the characters in the 60s and 70s, right?
  16. XD harsh but true. I always felt he was B-list Romita whenever I re-read my Amazing Spider-Man Essentials.
  17. And from what the married couple is saying in between the lines, it was not their decision.
  18. I can't imagine anyone of teenaged years in America not knowing the names of the Bushes or Clintons. But she said the first person she was cognizant of was Obama. He was elected my first semester of college 😛
  19. Talked to a high school senior who couldn't genuinely remember any presidents before Obama.
  20. Man I dunno. I really think Supergirl is one of the worst CBMs of all time. It makes zero attempt at having any sense, is horribly acted with terrible special effects, and watches like its totally bereft of any effort to treat the audience as anything above idiots. I especially disliked how Kara somehow knew everything about Kal-El's life as both Superman and Clark Kent on Earth despite having never been on Earth before, nor having even met him before. Maybe I missed something, but I remember her knowledge of him came from being in his franchise rather than any other given information. I didn't hate this movie, but I truly think there's nary a redeeming quality to be found in it.
  21. XD for the record Alabama is a dirtier south than Tennessee.
  22. Donomark


    Without naming on herself even!