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Everything posted by grahamvidger

  1. I do remember once though that when that Raast guy was talking on the phone and asking about Beast Boy and it was a clear TT reference. It was in "Romeo In The Mix", he was right the limousine and he said "yeah the green one". but I am not sure its the same "the green one" quote we have been talking about.
  2. That happens in "Romeo In the Mix" not "Showtime". Proof Also, you guys didn't the problems with Leech. 1, with him in the episode the word "suck" is way overused. 2, He is the same as Parasite.
  3. You guys forgot to mention the line about the Teen Titans in "Romeo In The Mix". And another Superman joke in "Trouble Squared". Also you guys questioned how Static and Gear were able to get their stuff on when Gear wouldn't have any place for his skates and stuff, well actually we do see that have backpacks with them and they signal to us that their costumes are in them. They are all happy putting their super hero outfits on while the rest of the people on the bus are screaming and running away. God this episode sucks."That definitely looks like some major fauna to me." "It looks like some extra-curricular activity for Static and Gear." One more thing, it was interesting to see how Superman was animated. They show him having blue eyes whereas before he looked like he was always squinting. Other than that i think they did a good job at animating Superman in this show. I really didn't like how he did his X-ray vision though, his eyed would light up and they used the wrong sound for it, it was just too annoying, and he looked through people's bodies way too many times.
  4. grahamvidger

    Wii news

    Looks like the Wii will continue to be the cheapest system. Yeah $50 dollar Wii (for regular system release with Wii Sports) price drop. Wiis are now about $200.
  5. I am going to wait and see if these four episode volumes go past Season 1.
  6. I don't believe anyone has brought it up on this thread, but another DVD volume is coming: Link
  7. Agreed, but no Lois voice acting in this movie? It would be awesome to hear Dana Delaney as Lois again. It was pretty inexcusable to have Lois at the ending of the movie but no talking from her, and they could have had more of her parts that were in the book. You didn't just say that. Toymans, just like all the Robins, or Flashes, or any other character in all of the DC Comics. Agreed, but they said they really wanted to copy Ed McGuinesses's art style for the animation, so I will let it go.
  8. To me Green Lantern was just as good as any of the DCAU three parters, but it should actually be better than those. Superman Batman Public Enemies was better than the DCAU three parters only because it was based off of a story that was really good, and it was fun hearing those familiar and great voices. I am kind of glad that Superman Batman Public Enemies did not include some of those parts that were in the book but not the movie. It wouldn't make the film good and it would confuse the audience and most of those parts went nowhere in the book. In some ways I kind of think that DC Animation/WB were trying to make this be good for DCAU fans since the DCAU Justice League movie ideas were scrapped. If they had completely copied the book then only comic fans that read a lot of comics and had probably read the Public Enemies trade would understand this movie. If there was someone that had never read any comic book before and had never seen any super hero cartoon except JL and JLU, then that someone would still understand this movie completely. In a way this could fit into DCAU continuity.
  9. Хвала вам пуно господине.
  10. There is no reason why Krypto can't be in continuity, but there is also no reason for WFP to review it. the only thing against it being in continuity I can think of is the fact that Batdog is in the show. I don't know if its possible to fit Batdog in DCAU continuity, besides the "Batdog" in Batman Beyond.
  11. I am going to defend Batman: Widening Gyre #1. Its fun to see this Batman and Robin in one of today's monthly issues. Robin has a German line in the first part of this issue. Does he actually really know German? If so, that is awesome. This book is new reader friendly in the way that it is good at bringing in new readers. Kevin smith, popular name that would get new readers into Batman. This book explains the story of Dick Grayson and shows who Batman is. And when they go to Arkham it shows new readers all of the Batman rogues gallery. The art in this book is great, just all the stuff when he is at Arkham and when he is going there. I actually liked how Smith did Etrigan, including his Shakespeare like rhyming. You will look back at this book in the future as a good book when it is collected into a trade.
  12. Just finished watching this. This is the best DC Comics Animated movie ever. Even though Mongul was in this movie but he didn't talk at all, the credits say Bruce Timm did his voice, lol.
  13. Totally not torrenting the movie now. The other day I didn't find these search results for the download on I am still going to buy the two disc collection the day it comes out. Probably at best buy.
  14. I just re-watched The Incredible Hulk, and I saw Tony Stark's cameo at the ending, but what was the deal with that? I thought it was signaling at a Hulk and Iron Man movie? But their not doing that their just doing an Iron Man sequel.
  15. Did Richie/Braniac leave any pieces of Braniac in Dakota that could of been what continued Braniac until the time of the Legion of Super Heroes for the STAS episode with them? Also, do you think Grodd found his piece of Braniac in Dakota?
  16. But why can't Supergirl or Batgirl join at this time, their older, and their known by the Justice League better than any other heroes. I kind of bet at least one of the two would take an offer to be part of the Justice League.
  17. I didn't like how the Justice League said Static could be on the team when he is older. I find that annoying because of proof from JLU, that first seven Justice League team aren't the only adult heroes in the world, so why are they saying Static can be part of the team when he is older but all these other adult heroes in the world don't get to be on the team?
  18. Prices For this Movie (Two-Disc Special) Edition: $21.95 $17.56 Amazon: $24.98 $16.99 Best Buy: $22.99 (No slashed List Price) What is the real list price for the Two-Disc Special Edition?
  19. Are they going to try to match Frank Quitely's art in this film? I haven't read JLA: Earth-2, but the cover doesn't look like some of Frank Quitely's best art. I just can't stand looking at Wonder Woman on this cover, probably because of her face. And Superman is too fat. And Batman is okay, but still not that great.
  20. With "Hard As Nails", Mike and James noticed that Virgil's costume changes and that Batman is animated better, and I totally agree with that, but I thought that with the starting of this season they have totally changed their animation. I mean, its not really a revamp but its kind of like how JL changed after Season 1 or how Zeta Project changed after Season 1. Also, as WFP enters Season 3 i think their will be less bad episode reviewing because not only does the animation get better, but also the episodes and their writing. The only episodes that were really that good so far have been "Sons of the Fathers" and "Jimmy", but that was because they were social commentaries. So far with the post-Season 2 Static Shock with "Hard As Nails" Mike and James haven't gotten disappointed. i know they've only reviewed one episode of Season 3, 4, and 5, but there will be some more good ones down the line. If you have seen all of Static Shock then you will know as we get , , , , , and much more.
  21. grahamvidger


    You should always give your president respect, I mean you can still have bumper stickers saying you hate him, but don't not let your children see his face. Let them see all the faces of politicians giving speeches so they can decide who they support. Because Americans have the freedom to choose the people who they think will be good at leading. And even when they are children, don't deny them their freedom. And people can learn from watching speeches, not only about political issues and about how Obama is going to make America better, but about how to be a speaker and do it when your the president. Also, when these presidents are giving speeches about what they are going to do as president is important to be seen by children so they remember things that might be important in the history of America.
  22. Which one should I buy? This is a tough decision. One has two movies (Mystery of the Batwoman and Batman Beyond Return of the Joker), where as the other one only has one, but their the same price. But here is one more thing, the Batman Beyond Return of the Joker movie that is bundled with Batman Mystery of the Batwoman is the cut and censored 73 minute version, where as the single movie item of Batman Beyond Return of the Joker is the 77 minute uncut version. Both have Free Super Save Shipping too. Also is it cooler to have the double movie item in a collection? I'm not so interested in Mystery of the Batwoman, but I wondered if I should buy the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker/Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman DVD collection because it is the same price as the uncut Return of the Joker. NOTE: On Amazon, Batman Mystery of the Batwoman costs about $7. EDIT: I just found out that the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker/Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman DVD collection is actually a single disc set, so do you think that will be one of those annoying dual layered disc with one movie on one side, and the other on the other side. I can't believe both of these have the same and low prices. Another ting that is interesting is that the other Batman Beyond Return of the Joker DVD items on Amazon are the cut 73 minute versions, but they cost more than the two DVDs I listed above.
  23. Yeah for some reason people like making super heroes have black hair and blue eyes (Examples: Clark Kent, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne (along with every other Bat-family male character), Wonder Woman, Big Barda, Captain Marvel (I think?), and way more I can't remember at the moment).