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Everything posted by grahamvidger

  1. grahamvidger


    Wait, is he an aardvark or some other animal? I never realized what kind of animal he was. I remember thinking he was a bear or a mouse or something. there is a pretty good Arthur episode called Watch it, then watch
  2. I didn't know most comic book shops sold them, I'll try that, thanks. But besides a local comic book shop, do you think they have them on the internet in smaller sets than like 100 or something?
  3. At the comic book store I normally buy my monthly issues from, they give me bags and boards for them. But I have like 15 issues that I have bought over the last couple years, and I don't have bags and boards for them. Where do I buy bags and boards for single issues? I have checked Amazon and they sell packs in like hundreds of bags and boards. I really don't need that many, I need like 16 or 17. where do I buy these (on the internet preferably)?
  4. grahamvidger

    Secret Six

    I just received Villains United and Secret Six: Six Degrees Of Devastation. I'v only read Villains United, it's just amazing. I got each book on Amazon brand new with free shipping for only $10. While at a store they would be $13 or $15, then a tiny bit more with tax. Amazon is awesome, I wasn't buying trades before on it, but now I am. If you want to buy trade paperbacks that are normally like $13 or $15, I really suggest Amazon cause you can get many of them for like %30 off and with free shipping. Well enough about Amazon, more about Villains United. This book is not necessarily just a book that is a must have for people that want to start getting into Secret Six, but it is also definitely a must have for people who like comic books in general, DC Comics, the villains in the DC Universe, and people who like the Secret Six. Though it's mostly centered around the Secret Six, you still get a lot of Lex Luthor, the Calculator, Talia Al Ghul, Deathstroke, and so many other villains. there aren't many books out there with this many villains in the story. Also, don't look at this book and say, "Oh, just another one of those books preparing you for a Crisis.", it's way better than that. I think it's too good to be part of that "Countdown To Infinite Crisis". I can't wait to read Secret Six: Six Degrees Of Devastation!
  5. Just finished watching "Inside The Outsiders", fairly good episode, but the teaser is the best one yet. All I could ask myself after this episode was "What are Batman's happiest thoughts?". Anyone know?
  6. I'm in the middle of watching The Fate Of Equinox, just one question. In the teaser, is that type of Two-Face based on how he was in the Silver Age, cause I have never seen a Two-face adaptation where he is like that? What I mean is how he like takes the side of Batman if heads wins when he flips the coin, and the voice change between faces. Is that all how he is in the Silver Age? I wouldn't know cause I really haven't read much in the Silver Age. Or did the people who make Batman: The Brave And The Bold just pull a Batman Forever? I sort of liked the main part of the episode by the way, but I haven't read enough comics too understand it all. I do like the Doctor Fate and Batman team up though. Another question about this episode. Who the hell is Equinox?! Someone told me it was Libra (also don't know who this person is), and that they just did the same thing they did with Vandal Savage (Kru'll the Eternal in this TV series), call the character a different name and change how they look. I don't know about all this. EDIT: I just found out all about who Equinox is after finishing this episode, but is he based off of any DC Comics characters? Also in this episode, Fate gives Batman all the powers of all those super heroes, does batman really the powers that Green Arrow has? And why not more powerful super heroes like Captain Atom or Superman. Oh and I know why they can't put those two heroes in this episode, but it still doesn't make any sense, so they might as of well not done this at all.
  7. When I got Mario Kart Wii, I had a blast. It was so much fun, then this guy I know came over and he had a Gamecube controller. I realized that I really preferred the Gamecube controller over the Wiimote for Mario Kart Wii. I decided to buy myself one. When I got one from Gamestop it was a used one that was all weird. There was an 'M' button where a PS3's 'L1' button would be, except on normal Gamecube controllers there is no button there. There are also 'Turbo' and 'Program' buttons. Both those buttons have red lights in them. When the controller is being used, the 'Turbo' button stays red, but if I push it, it starts flashing red. In Maro Kart Wii, when that button is flashing red, then I start to slow down and more smoke comes out of the back of the kart. When the controller is on, the 'Program' button isn't on, but if I push it, it either flashes red or stays red (I forget), either way what it does is it makes it so all the other buttons don't work (well that is what happens in Mario Kart Wii). Can someone please tell me what all these buttons exactly do? This is what it looks like (All I know is that it's an Intec Gamecube Controller that I bought from Gamestop that was used) You can probably see the 'Turbo' and 'Program' buttons in this image, but not the 'M' button (Found this image on the internet).
  8. grahamvidger


    Superman 201 - 206. Superman Variant Cover for 205. Superman 213 - 218, 220, 222 - 226. Superman 650 - 656, 663 - 680. Superman Annual 13. Superman 80 Page Giant 1 - 3. Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004 and 2005. Superman Birthright 1 and 2. Superman Confidential 1, 10 - 12. Superman Secret Identity 1. The guy said they were in great condition and were bagged and boarded, I hope he is telling the truth about all that. I still haven't gotten them yet. I payed for them just last night. It was an auction that not that many people probably saw, so I got a pretty low bid to win it. It's a pretty big run I guess it's worth $17.
  9. YODA EDIT: Please use the spoiler tags in the future. GRAHAM EDIT: Sorry Mike!
  10. grahamvidger


    I just bought 55 Superman issues on Ebay for $17(including shipping), I don't know if it was worth it or why I did it.
  11. Mike, the computer you currently have is it a desktop? If it is, than you could buy a cheap little Mac Mini, and hook it up to your PC. But then your just kind of using the PC as a monitor, so you wouldn't be able to sell it to make money for a new computer. But if you did get a Mac Mini, you could use your old PC as a regular Windows running computer, then if you want to work on a Mac, you can power up the Mac Mini and hook it up to your PC and use your PC as a monitor. The one down side about Mac Minis is that they small hard drives of like 80GB or something, but that is no problem if you have an external drive. This is the cheapest way to get a Mac Mini. (Used I'm afraid, but Amazon has other cheap ones too).The link I just gave has one for as low as $445, you can't get many computers cheaper than that, especially for a Mac.
  12. Mike, with all the work you put your computer through, I suggest switching to Mac. If you have an external drive you can hook it up to a Mac and run Time Machine, Time Machine is awesome. Remember when you lost that edited recording of episode 58? With Time Machine you would of been able to find that file easily. And Macs have good podcasting softwares too. And if you need Windows for some things, but you get a Mac, you can use Boot Camp to run Windows on a Mac.
  13. Though many people don't like it, All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, Volume 1.
  14. After 122 years of stories, Sherlock Holmes gets his own movie. Robert Downey Jr. plays detective this Christmas. Trailer Tony Stark is a British hero now.
  15. Are people still using this thread and are you guys still looking at it? Why has it stayed at the top? The last post was in April. Anyway, I would love it if you guys reviewed Secret Six: Unhinged when it comes out. I am recommending this because I have fallen in love with this series thanks to the Forums.
  16. I would say that a better place to learn would be a Barnes & Noble or Borders Books. They'll let you just grab any book you want, sit there all day long, and read the entire thing. Jumping into current comic issues is hard, but it's much easier if you start with the collected volumes of the past. Yeah I've already read a few Batman trades from our library, but going to Borders would be a good idea, thanks. =) For what your doing libraries work the best, but they don't usually have that many graphic novels compared to book stores.
  17. I'm only going to post links to my eBay stuff on the last day of the item's eBay auction if it's not an only Buy it Now item.
  18. Not selling anything at the moment, I have given up on selling my Nintendo DS.
  19. grahamvidger

    Secret Six

    Just wanted to really thank this thread for getting me into Secret Six. I have read and loved issues #10 and #11! And now that , the story gets even better. I have loved this so much that I bought the mini series trade. And I'm looking for back issues of #1 to 9. Thank you Secret Six thread!
  20. If the street cleaners really needed the small part of the street where your car was parked to clean, then why wasn't your car just towed. Forgive me for knowing nothing about Chicago's street cleaning service, and forgive me for using the words "just" and "towed" in the same sentence. Seems like street cleaners now clean wallets and streets.
  21. I don't think it was quite meant for Tim to look older in "The Big Leagues". He sort of gets the old Gotham Knights look in a later episode of Static Shock. Robin in Gotham Knights. Robin in Batman Beyond Return of the Joker. Robin in "The Big Leagues". Robin in "Futureshock". He has his Gotham Knights look in this episode for some reason. but yet again he has that voice actor that makes him sound older. Some info on the voice actors and his appearances in Static Shock: But in Gotham Knights, Tim looks shorter than he does in both of his appearances in Static Shock. But in "Futureshock", they bring back his old hair style from Gotham Knights and his costume looks more like his Gotham Knights one. His design in "Futureshock" still doesn't make that much sense cause in Batman Beyond Return of the Joker, he looks the same as he does in Gotham Knights. Let us also not forget Batman Mystery of the Batwoman. Do we know where that is in Tim's life? Robin in Batman Mystery of the Batwoman In Mystery of the Batwoman he looks a little bigger like he does in Static Shock. He does have the Gotham Knights hair style. But he looks bigger than he does in Return of the Joker. He also sounds older than he does in Gotham Knights and Return of the Joker, but that is probably just because of the different voice actor. My guess is that they made Tim taller and older sounding and older looking so he could sort be friends with Virgil. Static Shock's part in the DCAU is fucked up.