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Everything posted by damndirtyape

  1. Damn. I just heard episode 34. I wish Russell Davis hadn't of said that. Still I like Mikes idea of it still ain't so, until some character actually says it on screen. I still say the Susan theory is a better and stronger idea. Has his mother ever been mentioned in the series?
  2. The Susan theory isn't crazy? There are still a lot of people who think it's his mum (even the cast on the dvd's) but there are so many subtle little nods towards it being Susan and none that I can see to hint that it might be his mum.
  3. Matt interview http://news.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/doctor-who-press-launch-matt-smith-interview/
  4. The Doctor scores a goal http://news.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/series-5-filming-continues-3/ Notice he is wearing the number 11 shirt.
  5. Just watched The Invasion for the first time. Really liked it even though it was a little long and stretched out. Eight episodes is probably too much. Is this the first and only time the Tardis is invisible? Also loved the end when The Doctor couldn't find it again and had to walk with his arms out stretched and feel for it. Troughton at his comic best.
  6. This Trailer was a bit of a let down compared to the last. The first one really got me looking forward to the new series. This one seemed like effects for the sake of it.
  7. I keep hearing there is going to be a new trailer for the mat smith series on bbc today. No idea what time?
  8. Keep an eye on this guys website he is a concept design on Doctor who as well as other programs and films but he will have some drawings and illustrations up for series 5 soon. http://www.petermckinstry.com/index.htm
  9. I have only seen the End of Time once, so I really need to see it again but I thought the other time lord who wouldn't vote was a woman? I agree with the Bigger on the Inside podcast, that the woman who kept showing up and talking to to Wilf had to be the Doctors Granddaughter as Donna is to Wilf. I heard a theory on a pod cast called Doctor Who podshock that the other person was hiding their face in shame like the Weeping Angels do when we first see them. And that there could be a connection to that person and them.
  10. The more I see the trailer for Mat Smiths season, the more I get the feeling that this may be the first time River song has met the Doctor. How else are they going to get away with her telling Tennant I've never seen you look so young. Would be really cool idea that we saw her at the end of her life and Tennant had no idea who she was but when Smith meets her he knows her but she doesn't know him.
  11. Why is it called Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief in the UK?
  12. There's an interesting explanation for Richard E. Grant that I like set up in the novels and audios. The three parallel Doctors approach; basically after the TV movie the BBC started their 8th Doctor novels while Doctor Who Magazine began a series of comics in their own continuity. Then when Big Finish's 8th Doctor series began they first fiddled with fitting it into the novel's continuity but struggled so set it apart. The novels then began hinting that several parallel version of the Doctor existed, Big Finish introduced this into their continuity in "Zagreus." So in a way, all three versions of the eighth doctor became accepted as existing in the audios and the novels. Then, in the last 8th Doctor novel someone looks into the the Doctor's timeline and notices that as the Eighth Doctor split, the three have regenerated at different times and in different ways making three ninth Doctors. Eccleston, Grant and Atkinson. So as I know nothing of this Who is Richard E Grant the 9th doctor of? Comics, books? Same goes for Atkinson. (Atkinson who?)
  13. Would love to see a pod cast of Red Dwarf even though series 8 was a bit naff and the last special Back to Earth was also disapointing. There is still a lot to talk about this once great show.
  14. Has anyone seen this yet? http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/newyear/
  15. I know it makes sense. I guess to me it always looked weird as a character design when she is flying. For some reason it doesn't sit well with me. The others I belive. She just jars for some reason.
  16. Firstly. Thank Fuck we are finally on the Justice League, the Teen Titans and the JLU. On a down point though I agree with Mike. I have always hated the intro animation to the JL. The score is fantastic but the weird 3d animation models of the JL members are terrible. They bare no resemblance to any of the characters and just seems out of place. On a separate issue. I admit I know nothing about Wonder Woman. All I do know is from the DCAU and the WW animated movie (which was awesome) but I have never been able to get why she can fly. As an Amazon I get the great strength and agility and I know she is born of Gods and Goddesses but flying really? and given that she can fly, why the invisible jet?
  17. Dr Who was the worst offender. Just in the style of the production. The Doc was still awesome after all he was a Brit ha ha. Judge Dredd was ok in a B movie kind of way. The worst thing was the comic sidekick. Just plain stupid and the fact the Angel gang was introduced, looked pretty cool and then died 3 seconds later. Gutted. Oh and Constantine was a good film in its own right. Despite the departures from the source.
  18. I loved the new I can do what I like, doctor attitude and can't wait to see how that is going to get him in trouble for messing with the natural order of things. Also loved the masters new look. If that is the master and not the doctor seeing things cos he is loosing his mind.
  19. Found this clip from Shooting Stars. Vic reeves and Bob Mortimer's piss take quiz show. Where they show a clip of the first four Dr Who's playing My Generation by The Who. Genius.
  20. I caught some of Superman 4 : The quest for peace on TV last night. Would love to hear Mike and Co, rant there way through the Superman film franchise.