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Everything posted by damndirtyape

  1. I was re-watching series 2 the last couple of days and was actually on the episode school reunion when I found out. Gutted. Great actress and great companion for many of the Doctors.
  2. I re-watched the Christmas invasion story again. The first time round I didn't like it and was unsure of the then new Doctor. Obviously as his seasons progressed he turned out to be one of the greats. But it got me thinking is any one the first episodes of any new doctor any good and if so what is your favourite.
  3. Empire hands down. Jedi has some cool stuff when you look beyond the Ewoks. The whole ending with Luke, the Emperor and Vader is Bad Ass. Empire is head and shoulders above the others though and Han still has his balls. He is pussy whipped in Jedi. Sad.
  4. I have always wanted to see a cliffhanger to a series where the Doctor and the Master start to regenerate at the same time. In a different room from companions and away from anyone else. The part where you see them actually both change in to their new identity is off camera. So when the companions catch up with them they don't know which one is which. The whole next series will be the Doctor and the Master having adventures together trying to convince companions that they are who they say they are and not the other one. Would be great to see the Doctor having to play mind games with the Master. Now the only way this would work is if the Doctor and the Master was wearing the same cloths or where naked when they regenerated but that's bit weird.
  5. The first seven episode titles are here. http://news.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/first-seven-series-6-episode-titles/
  6. I wonder if this is the way it materializes when River parks the Tardis as she does it without leaving the brakes on and without the noise.
  7. Yeah it's not what I want to happen. It's just what seems to fit at the moment. But then Moffet has been great at taking us down a road we hadn't thought of so I can't wait to be surprised.
  8. I have a feeling that Rory will die (I know not again)and that Amy will kill him. Going by the clip in the trailer of her hold a gun firing it and the Doctor screaming No, when they are both in the same shot. Now going on what we know of River. She says she killed a good man once. I am thinking Amy is a young River and at some points changes her name to River song and comes back into the Doctors life.
  9. Andrew Garfield was just amazing in a little film called Boy A and in The tv series Red riding. He also had a small part in one of the Tennant Doctor Who episodes. Like this choice for Spidey and I am curious about the choice of the director after the really enjoyable 500 days of summer. Just hope it's not a complete retelling of the origin story again.
  10. That was not what I was expecting but it was so much better than anything I was guessing at. I really liked that the Brilliant.
  11. What was that outside the Tardis doors when River Song opened them? and Why did she say sorry my love?
  12. I thought it was one of the more enjoyable episodes of the series and a refreshing change of pace. Loved it.
  13. Now that I have had time to take step back from the spectacle of the last episode. I think what disappointed me the most was that there was just no need for the whole flash sideways storyline. The first season flash backs served the purpose of the audience getting to know the characters and what led them to the island. The Flash forwards threw us a curve ball because we were so used to seeing a flash back but still served a purpose for the audience to see why after getting off the island they chose to get back to this god awful place. When the flash sideways started we were again given a kick up the arse and wondered what the hell these were all about. But for them all to be about when the survivors (plus a few select others) NO NOT THOSE OTHERS) eventually dies they will collectively create a purgatory because of there special bond and shared experience, a place where they can wait for each other and move on and except death together added nothing to the story of Lost and what the characters where trying to find out about what the hell is that fucked up mysterious island? what was its purpose? How do they get off it? Why did we need to see what happens to everyone once they were all dead. God knows when. What did that add? The story was these great characters surviving this weird island and who they were and how were they going to get out of this mess. Because the construction of the series was set up of present story mixed with flash back story and it worked so well early on. It seemed like the writers didn't trust themselves to just stick to a linear story telling once they got all the back story and the future story done. We didn't need the, what is this weird alternate universe. Oh no it's actually there private purgatory, at all. We just needed to see what the island is all about? Who was Jacob and what was his relationship with MIB? Who and how where they going to stop Locke/MIB/Smokezilla? What is the ultimate fate of the characters? Do they all die saving the island? Do they escape the island? And we got answers to all of that plus more but never did we need to see the after life party that told us zip about any of these questions or really about the characters. I would have been perfectly OK with a final season without the flash what ever.
  14. I need to watch this from the start again. I have forgotten so much about the first 3 seasons.
  15. But the sideways time line didn't start happening until they tried to blow that bomb up that killed Sawyers woman. So did they all die then? and if so What was the all the events on the island after the explosion?
  16. Just started watching the pilot episode again. The very first scene is almost identical to the very last one in the final episode with jack laying there looking up at the sky and the dog runs up to him. Was it all about Jack's death and what went on in his final thoughts as he died?
  17. There are things that are going to bug me though like.....what does it matter if Sawyer, Kate and the others got on that plane and left the island and Jack was left there watching them if there all dead. What does it mean that Ben didn't go in the church with them but Hurley did. Yet on the Island they are looking after it together?
  18. I wouldn't of minded the ending. Except they said ages ago trust us there not all dead and its not purgatory. Liars.
  19. It was nice to see the mother have a go at him and he had no answer for her but just look awkward.
  20. No cracks on screen but they were mentioned and so was the silence.
  21. Great episode guys. Been waiting for this review for a long time and well worth the wait it was too. On the subject of Bruce saying he learned about the criminals but he never truly became one of them. I took it as the crimes he was committing when he was caught. As he seemed to be stealing things from his own company, as the boxes he was stealing had Wayne Industries stamped all over them.
  22. Not as good as part one and is it me or did they never explain why the Angels were killing people? In part one it was mentioned they killed instead of knocking people out of time because they needed the body's. For what?
  23. So much to like this week. If the pay off next week is as good as the set up. It will be a great episode. The explanation of the Tardis landing noise was awesome.
  24. Not sure I like the idea of every story leading in to the next. If indeed thats what they continue to do. Although it won't ruin the series for me. Has anyone mentioned the obvious Star Wars references? Liz 10 "Your our only hope" and being trapped inside a monsters mouth looking out at it's teeth like the Falcon in Empire.
  25. I agree. There is something not right with Amy. With all the little odd clues in the 1st episode and now her age in this one (according to the computer) doesn't tally up. The cracks in time and space have obviously messed something up, either with her or her whole town. Im wondering if the cracks is something The Doctor himself has accidentally caused. Loved the Parralels with her running away from her big day and the Doctor running away all those years ago that started his adventures through time. And the Doctor with the Beast below. Liz 10 was awesome. "Basically I rule".