Episode 37


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I remember watching this on Netflix a year or so ago. Our house was being worked on so we were holed up in our rooms, and my phone was going through a very long update, so I just had this on to occupy my attention. The singing was so cloying and stereotypical I thought I was going to go insane.  

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Hippies AND anti-vaxers. Even worse.

I honestly hope I didn't sound greedy or ungrateful when asking whether you'd consider doing three episodes per cast instead of two; I'm sure you'd both have incredibly busy schedules if even Mike wasn't the one running the site or Dan wasn't getting married soon.

One final housekeeping question: Are you going to change the opening and closing music when you reach each show? Yes, you'll reach Enterprise at some point, but there's a decent alternate theme you could use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfbsZRbwbJ4

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Not at all; no worries.

After the show, Dan crafted an amazing schedule that gets us up to The Next Generation very quickly. How we cover TNG we've yet to decide, however. I'm thinking we'll continue the two episodes per show format we have now, if only to keep per-episode production time down.

As for the themes, that's a very good question. While I might keep the TOS theme as the opening, it might be nice to switch. We'll see.

Thanks for the link.

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3 hours ago, The Master said:

As for the themes, that's a very good question. While I might keep the TOS theme as the opening, it might be nice to switch. We'll see.

True story: for reasons I will never fully understand, when I sit and think to myself, "Self, how does the Star Trek theme go?" it's the theme song to the animated series that I always, always, always have in my head.


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