WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008


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Did you ever spend a lot of money on something only to realize you wasted every cent? I know I have. Several times. Well, when it comes to video games, I normally choose my games well, especially considering that I do not rent video games for any reason. Not this time, though. I cannot remember the last time I wasted so much money on such a hackneyed game. WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008, the game in question, was supposed to be my gateway back into wrestling games. Instead, what I got was an experience that can best be described as "dismal."

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/reviews/v/smackdown-2008

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I really liked the game, but now its getting on my nerves.

The saved rampage and showman and all that shit was fun at first, but now the game is less about skill and more about can you actually save one of these special moves.

Why are the people ice skating as well! This game is still slightly fun, but the skill has been taken out of it, for Christ sake remove the special power, hardcore high flying stats shit and give me a good wrestling game again! I really don't want to have to get TNA iMPACT!

Story mode is a piece of dog shit as well!

Also what you said about the pounce is true, its one of the coolest finishers in the game and it takes forever to get your opponent into the ropes and then then you either lose the special or your opponent counters it!

However i disagree with this: James: I'll tell you this much — people ragged on Just Bring It, but it was fun. It was infinitely more enjoyable than this pile of garbage.

I hated Just Bring it, all that was playable in it was the royal rumble, and even that sucked.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest DCAUFan1051
Fun Fact: Mickey James and I used to be friends when I did wrestling school back in the day.

Obviously, she's filled out a bit since.

She may or may not have been seeing John Cena. Don't forget that the WWE likes all their female wrestlers to "fill out" a bit. Such as Jillian Hall.

ok I've stated this before I'm originally from massachusetts. HOWEVER I live in Louisville KY Jillian Hall gives Kentuckians a BAD fraggin name UGH her voice is worse then NAILS on a chalkboard. !!!!!!

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... I think that's the point.

As a note, I think it's funny that this is two pages now, and TWO whole posts are about the article we did.

Not to mention that we got zero feedback when it was originally posted and it took almost two months for someone to post here.

Well, yes. I was heading in that direction, but considering how many other things go up with little to no reaction, I didn't feel it my place to complain.

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... I think that's the point.

As a note, I think it's funny that this is two pages now, and TWO whole posts are about the article we did.

Not to mention that we got zero feedback when it was originally posted and it took almost two months for someone to post here.

Well, yes. I was heading in that direction, but considering how many other things go up with little to no reaction, I didn't feel it my place to complain.

I actually wasn't complaining at all. I was just noting how strange it is to see this thread so full of replies so long after the fact, given how long it took to get started.

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